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Everything posted by mmhce

  1. Axillary hair is susceptible to loss, particularly in advanced age when the level of sex hormones wane.
  2. As Bill has said, nape hair is at risk of permanent loss. Transplanting them would be risky. As GQ indicated, not all persons who migrate from NW3-4 to NW5-7 lose their nape hair, but some of them do. It's just genetics that determine how your individual hairloss pattern will develop.
  3. I've been on Dutasteride for a couple of weeks now, but I alternate between dutasteride and finasteride (day by day). I have not seen any side effects to speak of, but I will keep you informed.
  4. Dr. Charles, What are the risks and rewards of the PRP treatment? Thanks.
  5. Eman, A few questions: 1. When did your first pimples appear after the transplant? 2. How long did you have pimples after the transplant? 3. "I popped them, others do not." So the others that you did not pop, were they too painful to pop, or did the doctor advise you not to pop them? 4. What special advise did your doctor give you about your pimples? Thanks.
  6. It should be standard procedure for a clinic to give you a travelling pillow as post op materials.
  7. It's just genetics. In other primates, females become bald, not males.
  8. hopeful2009, An inch is alot. Do you have photographs? Did you remove the sutures at the prescribed time or a bit later?
  9. Interesting name for the thread starter. I too thought God was punishing me, for being vain about my hair. I started to lose hair SO young. As if pimples as a teenager AREN'T enough!! If you believe in GOD, then YOU HAVE to believe that HE has blessed you with things that other people (like those starving people in India and Africa) DON'T have!!
  10. The surgeon identifies the follicle beneath the skin and then re-implants them (the telogen follicles). It is the hair shaft that is shed during the telogen phase, NOT the hair follicle (which remains intact) and only minituarizes due to action by DHT. DHT resistant follicles DON"T minituarize. Under microscopic magnification, the surgeon can identify ALL hair follicles.
  11. LatinLotus is one of the posters more aware of PRP. Just search this forum and the internet, and ask H&W to give you some advanced literature.
  12. Patientgrowth, Remember! MSM is NOT FDA approved or clinically proven to grow hair.
  13. I started Dutasteride today. The following information was supplied in the enclosed drug information sheet. "Reproductive Function: Dutasteride 0.5 mg/day causes no clinically meaningful changes in sperm concentration, sperm motility, or sperm morphology. A decrease in ejaculate volume with concomitant reduction in total sperm per ejaculate was observed but remained within the normal range. At 24 week post-treatment follow-up visit, mean values for both parameters returned to baseline." My questions are this: 1. Does mean that since the ejaculate volume together with the total sperm produced are both reduced, that, thus, the sperm concentration remained the same? But in any event, the reduced total sperm did still keep within normal range and at 24 week post-treatment follow-up visit, mean values for both parameters returned to baseline. 2. Am I correct in understanding that the both parameters are sperm concentration and ejaculate volume? Thanks. P.S. Alot of people here know that I don't appreciate idle chatter and nonsensical contributions. If you cannot answer the questions, or have no material contributions to provide, please refrain from posting on this thread.
  14. As promised, to keep you posted, I started Dutasteride today.
  15. This only has implications for our children's children. Relax. Stay on minoxidil and finasteride.
  16. Leeson, In the 10 years that you took finasteride, did you take a break for procreative sex (in order for your wife to become pregnant)? Or did you already have children? I am not certain, but I do believe minute quantities of finasteride are in semen. I will have to revise my notes on that.
  17. I would like to join Dr. Feller and all those in the British Commonwealth, to commemorate Memorial day. Rememberance day is also very important to us.
  18. It doesn't matter. Perhaps there was a break in the time inbetween switching from brand name propecia to generic finasteride, and this caused your brain to adjust the DHT-testosterone levels in your blood serum.
  19. A significant part of ED is psychological. You are too young to have ED. Finasteride if will DECREASE the level of fluid in your semen.
  20. Dude, what are you talking about? Finasteride is Propecia.
  21. I wouldn't advise that. Minoxidil migrates across the tissue. So if you put it in the crown, it could come across to the mid-scalp. Just follow your doctor's instruction.
  22. hdude46, You have mentioned some interesting things. Just for information, it is my understanding that hairloss percentage of the population follows the decades generally such that 20% of men in their 20s are balding, 30% of men in their 30s are balding and so on.... Interesting, as it is my understanding, that the earlier your hairloss starts the much more extensive will be your hairloss.
  23. I never thought I'd see a topic like this! The only thing I can say is to stay away from strenous activity and smoking in order to have a speedier recovery.
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