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God is Punishing Me

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New Real Hair Club Member

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  1. Are these the typical syptoms of MPB ? I'm sure most people on here are more informed but as I am steadily informing myself I just wanted to confirm that others feel the same sensations. Also, are these sensations associated with BOTH genetic MPB, which I understand you can do nothing about unless if you want temporary relief via the manufactured chemical root (pun unintended), AND hair loss associated with bad health and diet ? This is my understanding of things thus far.
  2. It's just genetics. In other primates, females become bald, not males. Sorry to say but I still don't think I have an answer to my question. As far as humans go, everything is genetic. I think I want to know on a biological level what exactly is happening at the crown and fringe of the head for balding to start there. What is happening on a cellular level ? If it is this thing called DHT, why in these areas. I used to think everything in the human body exits by design and has some reason for its existance so what is so particular about those areas on the head for badling to begin there ?
  3. Erm, can we get back to the question as to why balding starts at the crown/top of the head ?
  4. I read through the link but I don't think it tells me definitively why balding usually starts at the crown.
  5. I've been having this lately and do not know exactly what to make of it. The itching sensation is accompanied by a very subtle pulling sensation. Again, do not know exactly what to make of it. It does occur where I am losing hair. Does anyone know exactly what this is ?
  6. Does anyone know why balding occurs at the crown (and forehead) ? I mean, for instance, why doesn't it start about the ear ?
  7. Does anyone know why balding occurs at the crown (and forehead) ? I mean, for instance, why doesn't it start about the ear ?
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