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Everything posted by latinlotus

  1. Everybody would like to be Brad Pitts! However, if there is one (tiny) flaw about him, it would be his low hairline. His front is actually a little too short when compared to the rest of his face. Measure his hairline to his eyebrows and then compared to the length of his eyebrows to his chin, it will be much lower than 50%, which would be the perfect face measurements, according to Da Vinci.
  2. mmhce: With all due respect, i would not trust generic Propecia from India/online pharmacy! When cost is an issue, Proscar is a great alternative, which reduces the cost by 75%. On top of that, if you have drug insurance, Proscar is likely covered, which therefore makes the cost so low, that it is not worth it to take a risk with a generic drug from India. My Proscar regiment costs about 200$/year, after reimbursement from insurance, the cost is 40$/year.
  3. 74 FU/cm2 is a bit under average, but i would not consider this a low donor density. I don't think you should be worried. Your density with coarse hair will probably have better coverage than someone with a density of 90 FU/cm2 and thin hairs.
  4. Smoking and booze is bad for everything. Why would you think that it may not affect your hair growth. From what i know, the healing period (the first month) is very important. You would want to do everything to speed up the healing, and that includes not smoking and drinking. You don't need a doctor to tell you this.
  5. It is impossible to know for sure. However, if you post your immediately post-op pictures, an experienced poster here can tell you whether it is 1500 or 2000 grafts.
  6. Heal time varies from person to person, but also from doctor to doctor. Look at all Cooley's patients, and you will mostly see quick healers, in terms of day, not weeks.
  7. Freezeout: I would trust this site and its many posters here over any certification bs. For instance, the International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons (IAHRS) is pretty much worthless in term of indication whether a doctor provides good results. This organization only requires a doctor to pay his annual fees and that he is licensed to practice medicine. It does not even accept any complaint from unhappy patients. It is your decision, but if i were you, i would trust ONLY the doctors from the Coalition.
  8. I also agree with dr. Lindsey. It is not even a subject of discussion, if one is slightly knowledgeable about social psychology. I read somewhere that a happy customer will talk to 3 persons, while an unhappy one will talk to 17 persons.
  9. After using Proscar for 14 months, i can now see a definite result on the crown. No side effects either, not that i expected any in the first place anyway. I am so glad to follow my doctor's advice and no touch the crown during the HT.
  10. After using Proscar for 14 months, i can now see a definite result on the crown. No side effects either, not that i expected any in the first place anyway. I am so glad to follow my doctor's advice and no touch the crown during the HT.
  11. DDD3: If the hair geeks here think that your hair is not bad, then it is definitely not bad for a common mortal. Now, go enjoy life!
  12. I agree with everybody here. Huge difference since month 3. I guess the fun starts now. I can't wait to get there myself.
  13. Ytoday: Please share your results. Bosley does have some good doctors and some bad ones. You never know which one you will end up with. You may have been lucky and got a good doctor performing your HT. As for me, I would not take that chance.
  14. The missionary position is pretty good for abs as well. Make sure you work at least 5 minutes though.
  15. Maaxy: great points. That is why, non only you should pick a good doctor, but also you need to ensure that he is actually working on you. That is why i picked a doctor who is a control freak, and who minimize the delegation to his techs/doctor trainee as much as possible. I would even advise to avoid all doctors who perform more than one surgery a day (excluding minor repairs or small HT sessions)
  16. Many members already answered some of your questions. I would like to add my input regarding medication. I would wait at least a year of using Proscar before going for HT, to see the effects on you. I have seen some dramatic results, whereby, the patient no longer needs to go the HT anymore. Side effects on Proscar/Propecia is overrated and occur only on about 2% of patients according the Merck study. Many people who have side effects with Proscar is, in my humble opinion, purely psychological. Try it, in any case, if you have problems, just stop taking it. As for Rogaine: it is one thing to use a product that rarely produces, if any, results. It is another to use it and on top of that, it gives you scalp irritation to that extent. Therefore, stop it immediately!
  17. Aileen: Next time, instead of using a lawyer, send Reverse the Curse to this doctor to make him an offer he can't refuse... You should also mention the name of this Texas doctor, so we know who this fraudster is and to warn patients.
  18. Martinnyc71: There are lots of good docs in the US. I am from Canada, and i went to the US to have my HT with dr. Cooley from Charlotte. Check the list of doctors from the Coalition.
  19. RTC: Thanks for a great laugh!! I thought a saw some similarities from your other pictures, but this one is definitely it.
  20. Praising a dr. and the results is one thing. But posting pictures to share with us your great results is definitely better.
  21. Curious: I would say that many of HT patients are vain/metrosexual (which is good thing) and they want to look good. Hence the desire to have a good body. That is why they wanted to have HT in the first place.
  22. Markky, We need more pictures (immediat post-op) to give proper assessment. However, i think the 3000 grafts may be not enough to cover such a large area. Thus even though the yield may be very good, it stills look thin.
  23. Congratulation on your recent HT with dr. Shapiro. Good luck. Hope you can share with us more pictures. BTW, the stitches are very noticeable. Another 2 weeks and your hair will cover it completely. Why didn't you leave hair longer before HT?
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