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Everything posted by latinlotus

  1. Less pics of donor area because it is usually a non-issue, as native hair is covering the scar. I had some shock loss at the donor region and that is only why i documented it.
  2. danny: Are you taking propecia? I am not sure another HT is right for now since your thinning seems agressive. Perhaps toppik can help in the meantime?
  3. there is a related thread with great information provided by dr. Cooley: http://hair-restoration-info.c...401089593#1401089593
  4. Hopefull: I highly disagree with your comment. This is clear case of failed HT with low yield. I don't think Stingray was misled. He even said himself that he was very informed going into the HT. If there is one area where he was misled it is where Dr. Armani claims that he never got a case with a yield of less than 80%. Stingray: I support your search of a good doctor to correct this, and hopefully you will get the result you want.
  5. Welcome to the forum Stingray. How much do you think was your yield?
  6. dr. Lindsey: I like your frankness. Doctors should say it like it is to all patients. Enough about all those political bs.
  7. If top doctors/researchers like dr. Cooley or dr. Bernstein amongst others, are not embracing this Frechet Extender, I don't need to waste more time on this.
  8. With all objectivity, sometimes the craziest idea from the most insane doctor can sometimes produce a great solution. For instance, at the time, it was a crazy idea to inject a live virus in one's body in order to create a vaccin! Or eating mold in order to fight bacteria (peniciline)!
  9. I am no doctor, but just on a purely logical stand point, this procedure does not make any sense. It is much more invasive than a strip surgery as many scars are required to introduce the silicone strip extender under the scalp. This coupled with the permanent tightness as well as a feeling of something external under your scalp would be unbearable. Also when the silicon is introduced there are great chance of permanent shock loss. Actually, I believe that it is like the disastrous Fleming/Mayer flap surgery with a twist.
  10. I might consider FUE as my last procedure (after another strip HT or two), hopefully decades from now. The reason is because my donor and sides are very thick and i always have to ask the barber to use shingle to thin it out. By having FUE, this will thin out donor and sides in order to better match with the lower density at the hairline and the top and crown. So yes, i do believe that i can maximize the # of grafts with a combination of FUT and FUE as the last procedure. More thought from more experience members/doctors would be appreciated.
  11. Can't decide: Do lots of research. The more you do it, the more you will be more comfortable with your decision whether it is to go for HT or not. Note that you can never be 100% sure of a decision and should you go for HT, there will always be risk of unsatisfactory result. However, the more informed you are, the lower will be that risk. Even though surgeries always have risks, and even though i am only at the 4 months mark, the odds that i will look better after HT is HIGHER than that I will look worse. And for that reason, i took the plunge. As for the satisfaction of patients, i am not sure how you base your comment, but i do believe that most patients of Coalition doctors are happy with their result.
  12. Can you provide more details? Are transplanted hairs supposed to be permanent? I don't understand how you lost 50% of your transplanted hairs.
  13. Hairtechnician: if i did not go with Dr. Cooley, i would have gone with dr. Keene, for that reason.
  14. It is impossible for a doctor to all the work. However, I want my doctor to as much as possible, including grafts placement. It is unacceptable for me for a doctor to leave all the placement of grafts to the techs. That is one of the main reason why i went with dr. Cooley since he does maybe 40-50% of the grafts himself. Do you go for HT with a certain doctor because of the doctor's reputation or for the tech's reputation? Staff comes and go, while the doctor stays.
  15. Chris, but with more hair: Without regrowth, it is impossible to prove that the drug works. Saying that 'if i did not use it, i will be balder' is not scientific. You will never know that if you did not use the drug, you will be in the same or worse position. Actually, there is only one way to test this and you need identical twins.
  16. I have seen lots of good results from Finasteride alone, yet I have never seen a case that Minoxidil works alone. Every single guy that I talked to who claims that minoxidil works, is actually using it in combination with Finasteride. Conclusion: minoxidil is snake oil in my book.
  17. CalvinKlein, regardless whether you are pro-Armani or not, you make no sense whatsoever. You may want to expand on that comment.
  18. Agree. Internet users are extremely knowledgeable, that is why many doctors don't see HTN with a good eye. Unfortunately most HT patients did not do internet research, so the bad doctors can continue to strive despite bad results. I know a guy who had HT and after just 2 months, who then recommended strongly to his friend to go see his doctor, despite no result yet. After a year, he had no growth but too late as his idiot friend went along with his recommendation. His friend, no surprise here, also had no growth. The ironic thing is that a client of mine, a well known local dermatologist who has many local well known artistes as patients, also recommended me to go see that doctor...fortunately HTN exists.
  19. Balboa: I am at the 3.5 month mark and me too, the right side has much more growth than the left. It is a bit ironic but initially my right side is balder than the left, which is very common according to dr. Cooley.
  20. I get the same feeling as well from reading lots of replies from people like Pat205 or Shane. I sometimes wonder if it is just better for the Armani Clinic to work like Bosley and focus on the patients and marketing, rather than try an get a presence on these on-line forums.
  21. Thank. It would be nice if you can share your progress here.
  22. Wanthairs: It is generally known that men's tolerance to pain is lower than woman. This is an anonymous forum, so i don't think people would downplay the pain since they are lying to themselves. I would think that a man would play the 'hero' when there are people around, which is not the case here. Healing is different for everybody. It is not because you experienced the post-op pain that the others are exaggerating their lack of pain. In my experience, it is not matter of subjective perception of pain, I did not feel any pain. Of course, when I touched/pressed the scar, it was painful for a few days...I know i don't have a high tolerance for pain.
  23. This sounds promotional to me as well. On a separate notes, Pats205, don't worry about Armani's patients results, what about yours? If i remember correctly from your pics on HLH, over 6K grafts and still no crown for you.
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