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Everything posted by latinlotus

  1. I was never bothered with shock loss since i always though that it is temporary. I was just a little concerned after dr. cooley told me that the timing of the shock loss was unusual. In any case, he reassured me that everything should grow back in a next few months. Even me, at this moment, i have no problem covering the scar with my newly cut hair...granted i currently do have what Eman says is a hat head. That being said, I have not seen a case of shock loss that can't be hidden by hair. Usually, it is caused by scar stretching or by work done by incompetent butchers out there. The risk of this, IMO, can be reduced greatly if one of the respected doctors from the Coalition is chosen.
  2. Spacebetween: Every situation is different, but i was ok to go back to work by day 3 after HT, and nobody noticed. I was not required to shave and was fortunated to have minimal tiny scabs. IMO, i think you can pull this off if you take one week off + the Friday before. Try to schedule your HT on a Friday so you will have 9 days of healing before going back to work.
  3. IMO, the risk of having a stretch scar is much lower (especially if you are careful for 1 month post-op) than the risk of low growth from a large FUE session, which i think you may need. In addition, you will probably only need 2000-2500 grafts, so as long as you do lots of scalp exercise before HT, risk of scar stretching is minimal, when compared to someone who needs a 3K or 4K grafts.
  4. My understanding for sleeping at an angle is to protect the new grafts and also to reduce swelling and bleeding at the donor. I slept normally at day 7, the day that i start to shampoo normally again.
  5. thank GQ: I don't believe in minox. Beside it is also too messy. I guess i will just ride it out and hope the hair at the donor, and most importantly, at the recipient site will grow in the next few months.
  6. Thanks guys. I am more reassured now knowing that there are cases of late shock loss and that it is only temporary.
  7. Dewayne. I don't really need Dermatch since and scar and the spot of shock loss is well hidden by my hair. Also, it does not bother me much. I just hope it is not permanent. Thanks.
  8. thana: i learn a new word today! is prolly = probably? dewayne: did you have any shock loss at the donor? if yes when? Thanks.
  9. I always wondered regarding his case, AKA as Pat205 on HLH. Is this the best Armani can show? He is supposed to represent Armani and show the best result? Frankly it is quite pathetic...over 4000 grafts (note that his first HT was strip) and little to show. Like PGP said, for the average patients that we don't hear of, 25% growth may well be the norm with our (in)famous FUE doctor...
  10. I had HT a month ago. The recipient site is fine, there is no native hairs lost even though grafts were transplanted between the native hairs. However, i had some shock loss at the donor that started only after week 2. This is unusual according the my doctor, since normally the shock loss start during the first two weeks. Attached is the pics of the progression from week 2 to week 4 (now). I hope it is only temporary. Overall, the scar healed extremely well and I barely feel it anymore. If you had donor shock loss, when did it occur? When did the hair grow back at the shock loss spot? Thanks.
  11. I had HT a month ago. The recipient site is fine, there is no native hairs lost even though grafts were transplanted between the native hairs. However, i had some shock loss at the donor that started only after week 2. This is unusual according the my doctor, since normally the shock loss start during the first two weeks. Attached is the pics of the progression from week 2 to week 4 (now). I hope it is only temporary. Overall, the scar healed extremely well and I barely feel it anymore. If you had donor shock loss, when did it occur? When did the hair grow back at the shock loss spot? Thanks.
  12. Hi all: I just updated my week 3 and 4 pictures. Just had my first haircut since HT. I asked the barber to be careful not to cut too short and expose the scar, which i think he did a good job. I think almost all of transplanted hairs had now shed. It is almost like before HT. Although i am still very careful with the scar and not try to have any neck flexion, the scar is no longer an issue for me: no pain, no tightness, i can barely feel it with my fingers, there is just a pinkish scar line. Although, I did not have shock loss in the recipient sites (thanks god!), I do have an issue with donor shock loss that appeared in after week 2. This is the a pic about the progression of the donor shock loss, with comparison photos between the week 2, week 2.5, week 3 and week 4. Although the back side's minor shock losses seemed stabilized, the right side of the scar has a spot that seems the be growing slightly since week 3. Hopefully, it does not expand. The left side of scar has no issue at all. I wonder if any of you had shock loss AFTER 2 weeks? Dr. Cooley told me that normally it occurs during the first two weeks. Thanks.
  13. I got an extra 100 grafts at no charge. However, if the doctor were to charge, I don't see any problem as he has to do more work.
  14. Personally the scar does not bother me. However, I agree that it is right up there as a reason for not going for HT from many posters. This is also the reason why dr. Armani was able to ensnare so many victims, even with the existence of a much much bigger risk: low yield of grafts transplanted (from FUE). I would add another reason: fear of having no growth of hair.
  15. Why wait until you are bald before getting HT? Yes, there are risks with HT, but Rachmunas is on this board for almost 3 years now. He did his research and he knows what is really bothering him.
  16. Pat: Do you have more background info regarding the removal of dr. Armani from IAHRS? I guess it was just a matter of time, even from such a meaningless organization like IAHRS. Thanks.
  17. Reaper: You can have your opinion, but it is this site that helped me to avoid incompetent doctors like dr. Armani or some of the ones I consulted locally. If I were not fortunate enough to find HTN, i would probably gone to see dr. Armani, with a result of probably getting FUE HT with 50% yield and about 30K$ poorer. The money, i can gain back, but the 2000 grafts that will likely not grow, will be gone forever.
  18. No one can guarantee the scar result. However, the tricho thing can help as well as lots of scalp exercise, which will help to reduce the tension and thus the risk of scar stretching. Also after HT, try not to bend your head too much by touching your chin to your neck. I believe your want to chose between dr. Rose and dr. Epstein due to the location. Many members would tell you not to use it as a criteria. However, both are part of the Coalition, so you really can't go wrong with any of them.
  19. Traveling does not affect graft survival, so whether or not the grafts are settled is not an issue.
  20. I would say to start with medication first to stabilize your hair loss. In general it is better to wait at least a year of medication before having HT. As shown on your pictures, i think you will probably need a HT. I think what your doctor is suggesting seems reasonable.
  21. Try to travel ASAP after HT, since the swelling usually starts around day 3 or 4.
  22. 3V 2008: it is hard to see the difference from the temples as you did not provide pre op pics of the temples. However, the top definitely shows improvement since the 4 month mark. Good luck and thanks for sharing your weblog.
  23. alwayswaiting1 Looking much better! Just wonder about the shock loss at the donor. Did the hair grow back? When? Can you post some pics of the donor? Thanks.
  24. Kman: Great strategy to keep yourself busy. The next thing you know new hair will be all over the place. I did the same as you before my HT. I kept myself so busy that i did not have time to think and have anxiety about HT. Keep posting your progress. Happy growth.
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