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Everything posted by latinlotus

  1. Crunch, along with other exercises that require neck flexion is not recommended shortly after HT due to the risk of scar stretching. I just found an interesting article about abs exercises that do not require crunch. Check it out! http://health.yahoo.com/expert...bs-without-crunches/
  2. Crunch, along with other exercises that require neck flexion is not recommended shortly after HT due to the risk of scar stretching. I just found an interesting article about abs exercises that do not require crunch. Check it out! http://health.yahoo.com/expert...bs-without-crunches/
  3. Most of doctors in the Coalition are booked months in advance. They don't request full payment in advance in order to prevent you from changing your mind about HT. They have too much on their plate already. Like Maxxy said, they do it in order to pay for staff that have to show up regardless whether the patient shows up or not.
  4. I don't see any problem with doctors requesting full payment in advance. He has to book and pay his staff and make himself available for that day, regardless whether the patient shows up or not.
  5. Dr. Shapiro started FUE recently. Any grown out results yet?
  6. oh honey, i would like to have bigger breasts by having breast implants, do you think i am too vain?... Guys who say no to this, please post. I don't think there is such a thing as a guy who is too vain.
  7. Actually i don't think there is such thing as too many pictures. The more the better, so that users can see the progress. That way, altered or deceptive pictures can be pointed quickly.
  8. It is generally accepted that the density of the DONOR region is about 85 fu/cm2. The density at the top or front of the head is normally a bit lower, around 50-70 fu/cm2. Therefore, transplanting at say 110-120 fu/cm2 makes no sense whatsoever. Dr. Armani or his reps can say what they want, but what is important is the growth rate. So far i have not yet seen one result approaching that density from them or from any doctor. It is all marketing.
  9. From what i have seen and read, shock loss rarely occurs in the recipient area, regardless whether grafts are implanted between native hairs or not. Even when it occurs, it is even more rare that shock loss is permanent. As mentioned by dr. Mejia in another recent thread, IMO the issue of transection of native hairs is a non-issue as it is very difficult to actually kill a native follicle. Shock loss in the donor, however, seems to be more common. It happened to me, but it is not such a big deal, as hair is covering the shock loss region. I just need to tough it out and wait for regrowth.
  10. NO, because the hairs at the temple areas are not resistant for male balding pattern.
  11. You just sum it all: MHR. The doctors' name is no longer relevant. First of all, it is very hard to judge with the info and picture you had provided. Clearer pictures of before and after are needed. In any case, whatever you do, don't go back to MHR even if it is free. I recommend that you consult with one of the doctors from the Coalition.
  12. Taking all these natural crap, not only does nothing to your hair, but may disrupt some other areas of your body. That is why it is always dangerous to follow blindly some unproven recipe, thinking it is not a problem since it is all natural, and the worst that can happen is that it does not work...
  13. dr. Cooley, who is a member of the Coalition, is located in Charlotte. You should definitely consult with him. Note that you should not let location be a problem. I am from Canada, yet i went to have HT with him. For more info about my experience, please check my web log.
  14. Finasteride is the ONLY proven product that works, yet it is missing from your list...
  15. Masi: you have got great advice from members of this forum. Me too, i don't think you need an HT right now. Oh yes, stay away from Bosley. You would better stick with one of the Coalition doctors.
  16. This Tulsa clinic is promoting on price, and the saying: 'you get what you paid for' is so appropriate. Even the best results shown on their web site are mediocre... Let this be a warning for those who are planning to use price as a criteria in choosing a doctor.
  17. mmhce: you meant native hair lost? As Eman said, it is hard to know how many native hairs are lost. They may shed due to shock loss and may grow back. In general, most transplanted hairs will shed and grow back starting around 3 month mark.
  18. Readyforchange: I think all is normal so far. At this point, the grafts are settled, so you should try to remove those scabs as much as possible by massaging it. Also, you can wash your hair normally now, don't need to be gentle. You had a very nasty scar from your previous HT. How did it happen? On top of this, you had pluggy hairs. Where did you go for HT 1? It is important if you document this so readers can be warned about this doctor. I am glad dr. Rahal is correcting all of these errors for you.
  19. I do agree that it takes about 6 months to see some growth. However, I think your opinion about the six months of ugly duckling phase do not apply to most patients. I am at the one month post-op mark, and i am pretty much at the same state as before HT. I do have some shock loss at the donor but it is covered by the hair. If you are not required to shave, you will probably look exactly as before HT when your transplanted hairs shed and that the scabs are gone, which is likely between 10 and 20 days post-op. Even if you are required to shave, you will probably look similar to pre-op by the 2 month mark at the latest.
  20. Jotronic: As always your information is well documented and educational. Thanks. BTW, since a topic similar to this keeps popping up every 6 months, why H&W do not provide information on hair count? If readers have the patient's data on graft count and hair count, this issue will not be raised. Thanks.
  21. dr. Mejia: There is zero tension in my scar, yet i have some shock loss. Are there other causes for shock loss? Can dissolvable sutures be a cause? Thanks.
  22. Crow1: You raise a very good point. This is something i have been thinking lately. It is a fact that sometimes doctors are splitting 2-hair or 3-hair grafts into 1-hair graft in order to put at the hairline. Whether they are splitting those grafts in order to raise the grafts count is unclear. IMO, it is always suspicious when only the grafts count is given and not the # of hair. A member named Grace, who works for Bosley, raised this point and in particular, pointed to the example of Hasson & Wong who do a great deal of large 4000+ grafts session, yet never reveal the # of hair. Like Pat of HTN says, count hairs not grafts, more slices do not make a pizza bigger.
  23. Some doctors prefer staples while other prefer suture. There are pros and cons for both. However, I don't think any doctor would recommend dissolvable suture unless if it is absolutely necessary, say because the patient is from out of town. Dissolvable sutures often create inflammation.
  24. GQ: Dr. Cooley recommends Propecia, but never advised that i need to use minox after HT. Thinking about this, I consulted with about 10 HT doctors and none of them recommended minox (they don't discourage it either). I also never seen a case where minox had SOLELY some effect on hair growth. Granted i seen a few cases of hair growth as the result of usage of propecia AND minox. BTW, i did use minox a few years ago, but it did nothing to me.
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