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Everything posted by Jotronic

  1. There is no US consultant. I know his schedule in Spain is closed so I'm sure Mick is your man for any inquiries about his schedule. I'm sure once he returns to Spain however he'll be back to doing his own consultations.
  2. Part of what you are experiencing is simply the normal transition from a juvenile hairline to an adult hairline. It's nothing to be ashamed of. See your doctor about preventative measures just in case.
  3. 160.00 for 30 pills?? Sweet Mary that is pricey. It should be closer to half that. I suggest you do some comparison shopping.
  4. Guys, I understand the confusion. I'm only reporting what I'm hearing from multiple sources. This isn't only one or two patients reporting issues. There are at least thirty or forty reports directly back to me or the doctors in the past few years. When I brought this up on another forum there were several members that reported similar experiences when switching between generic finasteride and name brand Proscar/Propecia. It is so concerning that our prescriptions explicitly say "no generic substitutes" unless the patient has specifically indicated they prefer the generic. I discussed this issue recently during a consultation. The patient was a pharmacist with 20 years of experience. He told me that he does not doubt what I told him as he said generics in general simply are not as reliable. When I asked him why this is he stated that an individual medication may have multiple patents but a generic does not need access to all of these patents to be allowed distribution. He pointed out Lipitor as an example. He told me that Lipitor actually has 52 patents awarded to it but the generics only have cracked 13 of those patents and they are allowed on the market as generic substitutes. So chemically, the generic Lipitor only need be 25% similar to the original to be allowed distribution. My jaw dropped. There are several manufacturers of generics that are very reliable and I do not question their authenticity. Some generics are made with the direct blessing (through licensing deals) from Merck such as Cipla in India. Western pharma companies will do this to maintain a presence in third world countries where the original name brand is too costly. Many times however the quality controls will not be as stringent but that is another issue. If anyone reading this doubts me then that is your prerogative. I have no incentive whatsoever to discuss this other than the fact that I don't want anyone taking finasteride and not getting the real stuff. In British Columbia 30 tablets of Proscar only costs 80 bucks so when a quarter pill is taken 30 tablets lasts for four months which equates to 20 bucks a month. That is more than affordable. Bill, if the generic is working fine for you then of course stick with it but if you ever have any doubts tell MacDonald's to send you the name brand and they will.
  5. Try not to get too carried away with hairline design. It's easy to go aggressive since you don't have to worry about donor supply but natural has to be natural. I'd stay away from strongly closed hairlines and while density can be continuously added there is a point of diminishing returns where density may be too much.
  6. Before and after, no funny color change or residual left overs. It is completely gone.
  7. As a participant on both forums and a member of each organization, here are my thoughts. The IAHRS and the Coalition hold great value. Do I agree with the recommendations of all the doctors in each organization? Of course not and Bill knows this because we've spoken about this issue in the past as have Spencer and I. However, overall both organizations offer something very valuable to clinics and to patients. For patients, there is a wealth of FREE information that is not besieged with banner ads as Shampoo stated but is also not so skewed in favor of any one particular clinic or technique. The majority of the information allows for a balance that is necessary in a field that otherwise would run rampant with zero accountability. As for the lists themselves, or the organizations, I am not aware of any doctor currently in the IAHRS that performed a 12,000 graft surgery over the course of 15 days with a horrible result while also having lost his license for a year because of his addiction to narcotics. I am aware of one such doctor that had an addiction issue but I know he was removed from the list once this was discovered. In fact, if we are going to discuss the IAHRS, I can say that I know for a fact that Spencer Kobren has stood up for many patients in the back ground and helped them to get refunds from doctors (IAHRS members and non-IAHRS members alike), for shoddy work. I know because I have sent some of these patients to Spencer myself when I have been approached by these patients looking for help. Say what you will about Spencer Kobren but I know for a fact that he has helped many people behind the scenes without any effort to glamorize the issue or to capitalize on it. He is a good man. As for the Coalition, it has helped to bring the quality of work that is being done today further into the mainstream and in fact has helped to shape the quality of work being done today. Anywhere you look online you can easily see some sort of influence made by the Coalition and the standards that it has helped to establish. "Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Transplantation", a term first coined by Dr. Hasson in a speech to the ISHRS many years ago, is now the term used by this site to describe the work done by the best of the best. The term is so powerful that I sometimes get phone calls by individuals asking if we perform this "procedure" because they do not realize it is a descriptive rather than a technique. Both organizations and both forums offer a lot of good and it is always up to the individual to make up their own minds but make no mistake about it; both sides keep each other in check because as in any situation, if one side is the only side then information is no longer information. It is (potentially) propaganda and I am personally thankful that we have both camps in place to help the patients and to help the clinics.
  8. Temporary SMP is designed to fade over the course of 24 months so that the ink does not turn blue or green. Permanent SMP companies will talk about fading but they avoid the issue of color change and they will simply say they'll give you a touch up. The problem with this is that the more ink you put into a dot that has "faded" aka changed color the bigger the dot gets which means it doesn't look natural.
  9. In Florida I know for a fact that one need only have a degree as a PH (physician's assistant) to perform hair restoration procedures as long as a doctor is within the same facility in case something goes wrong. In Canada it varies by province like it varies by state in the US. In British Columbia, it is legal to have technicians perform extractions but I am not privy to the details of the exact conditions. I do not know the legality of this in other provinces.
  10. We watched his service live streamed on Monday. Everyone at Hasson & Wong were saddened by this news and the great loss for the Limmer family.
  11. Until we see massive amounts of hair transplanted via these regeneration techniques that are far above and beyond what is performed with traditional FUE or even with large scale FUT then donor regeneration, doubling, whatever you wish to call it is a load. We should be seeing final results after a few procedures that venture into five digits, easily transforming patients with NW6 loss into seriously impressive full on transformations. To the OP, there have been some great success stories with flap and expanders. I've seen them myself but the industry moved on from these types of procedures as they were considered very painful and unreliable. Flaps would often cause issues with hair direction and while the density was outstanding they typically caused more problems than they solved. I'm glad yours worked out and that the result has brought you many years of satisfaction.
  12. Technically Neograft is just another tool used for FUE. FUE by definition is the removal of individual follicular units directly from the donor scalp with a small punch of varying size so Neograft does indeed qualify as being FUE. The comparison could be used for multi-blade scalpels in strip surgery. No self respecting doc would use one but it's still strip surgery. The problem with Neograft, aside from the mechanics, is that it offers a low financial threshold for non-HT doctors to get involved in surgical hair restoration. It is relatively inexpensive to purchase and all you need is one tech at most to work with the doctor. The cost of the machine is basically covered in less than two weeks if you run it Monday through Friday. Everything from there on out is profit. Neograft is marketed to any and every clinic that wants to make a fat and fast buck and it is just one problem with modern hair restoration.
  13. Our Toronto schedule is just about filled up but we'd like to see the last few openings disappear. Call 1.800.859.2266 to reserve your spot. You'll get to meet James who has had a procedure with us, over 6000 grafts in one procedure.
  14. Cant'Decide I have not idea but a lot! Tacolinowest As Lorenzo said, it's a big mix but in general I think that the average Italian has no better density than anyone else. Sadbuttrue About 15 to 16 hours including breaks. Hdude46, Head size does matter as laxity and density do not scale relative to the head size, or at least, not completely. If you have a smaller head but still have good laxity and good density you can get better coverage and density. A size 7 hat would be a bit on the small size but not unusually so. KO, Consider this; first, read my point about head size. That is why I mentioned it to begin with because I knew there would be at least one person that would bring up the number of grafts and the quality of the coverage;) Second, he did not get 9500 grafts, he got 9168 and while his temples were not closed his temple points were brought forward with roughly 1500 grafts (750 per side). That takes the number for the hairline, the top and the crown down to the 7500 graft region. All things considered, this is not a good result, this is a stellar result. He's also coming back, hopefully this year, to get the crown polished off with another 2500 to 3000 grafts and then he'll be done. His laxity is crazy good and at this point he's got at least another 6000 grafts in the bank, if not more. When we saw him in Rome his donor was as if nothing had been done. Same laxity as before. Thanks all for your comments. I have more results from our trip to come!
  15. So I was able to take photos of this patient during our trip to Europe in mid-March. To recap, 9168 grafts were spread over his entire scalp where we rebuilt the hairline, thickened the mid-scalp and gave coverage to his crown. The patient is a fairly big guy and his head is larger than average. I have HD video that I shot as well but that will have to be added at a later date.
  16. I have seen that body hair will grow longer on the scalp and my own small amount of BHT does this as well. I cannot say however that it is the case for each and every BHT patient.
  17. Sorry for the questions but why is there a third party involved? Is there a language barrier they are assisting with?
  18. The "company" you booked your procedure with? James, what do you mean by this? Are you using a third party company that acts as a go-between? Regardless, there is ZERO reason to stop finasteride before the procedure and you should insist on speaking to your doctor, or at least someone that works in the doctor's office, before you proceed as you need this to be clarified. The doctor should be informed that this is being listed as a preoperative requirement.
  19. Nothing planned for the immediate future but we may add Chicago sometime this year.
  20. Glassdome, Great to see you here! Thanks for agreeing to share your results. I hope to see you again on our next journey to London which should be in November. Maybe we can get that HD video done;)
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