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Everything posted by Byehair

  1. I think your transplant looks like it is going to turn out very nice. The scar doesn't look too bad either. Dr. Rahal does some amazing work.
  2. So did Nervous Nelly get banned from this site for bringing up the topic? Who is on the banned list? I see LuckyUK made it on there. His criticism seemed weak to have led to an outright banning. Wierd.
  3. Geez Bill, do you have to question everyone who posts a statistic on here? And then saying you need a physician to chime in. This seems to be your twisted way of talking down to the posters. (like you know more than everyone else) Maybe you don't see it, but it is obvious to others. If you are going to come off as an expert on just about everything then maybe you need to be doing a bit more studying? From the Propecia website: PROPECIA is not an antiandrogen. "??? Clinical studies showed men treated with PROPECIA had increased mean testosterone and estradiol levels (approximately 15%), but these levels were within normal physiologic range. *********************************** There and we didn't even need a physician to validate what JW34 has posted. And see you have now learned something as well. Please don't ban me almighty one! lol Everyone is on eggshells here lately.
  4. We need to stay on Topic here because he did not ask about Alexander vs. Keene. He asked about Alexander vs. Friedman. Then all the Keene cheerleaders jumped in to confuse him more. Let's just say from my opinion of judging Alexander's work vs. Keene's there is no competition. The pics don't lie. Alexander's results blow Keene's out of the water. Keene's results always look thin, weak or low density. (This is based on the pics I have seen) So back to the original question. Alexander vs' Friedman. I don't know because I haven't seen Friedman's work.
  5. You are being watched NW4. Be careful what you say and where you choose to drive. That flicking light on the VCR may actually be you know who.
  6. sniff, sniff Now you can go out and play. lol
  7. Come on guys, let's get all warm and cuddly again. We need smiles not scowls. If we could all just join our E hands and praise the world we live in. Hippy, dippy hey! Those mean old posters saying stupid things. They need to have firecrackers shoved up their booties.
  8. Your 6 day photo looks like the grafts were not placed very close together. It definitely doesn't look dense packed. Too bad you don't have a Day 1 photo after surgery. Does your Doc have these photos? This doesn't look like the type of work I am used to seeing from one of the Top Docs. (Hasson,Wong,Rahal,Feller....) I can see why you are concerned. Nothing like paying $10,000 to look balder.
  9. If this is DeYarmen's posterboy, I would be running scared.
  10. I have considered H&W in the past and even had a photo consult with them. I am still doing my homework as I need somewhere between 3,000 and 4,000. I am definitely a NW3 heading to a 4. Believe me, I am no cheerleader for any doc but I feel like I would probably only settle for H&W, Rahal or Armani at this point. One question I did forget to ask was how long his techs have been in the business at the LA office. Since the office is new, I am a bit concerned about the experience of the staff.
  11. I had a consultation with Dr. Armani yesterday and was shown photos of grown out FUE patients that looked amazing. A few were NW3+ and the hairlines were to die for. Dr. Armani was very patient with all my questions and his whole operation was top notch. His prices are not cheap, but if the demand is there, then I guess his prices are reasonable. The Los Angeles market has no other surgeon doing his type of work and I can only imagine that his business will explode. I walked in feeling hesitant, and I walked out feeling confident.
  12. hoping: Do you really believe the guy would make up an alias about a year ago and then spend many months talking about everything other than Toco-8, so that he could recently promote his revolutionary product? Look at his posting history, I fond it hard to believe he is a scammer. You just seem angry. OK Wait maybeI am a scammer too! lol
  13. Now how can the Seattle rep (most likely Mike Ferko)tell you that you need 1,500+/- when someone like Spex is no longer allowed to make estimations? Double standards?
  14. the graft calculator doesn't seem to be working too well. It automatically clicks on Zone 2 & 3. what is up with that?
  15. I had a bad time with the Avodart experiment. Heavy shedding that never seemed to come back. The drug's long term effects really scare me. It gets to a point where you have to finally decide if hair is really worth your body's long term health. A full head of hair on a corpse doesn't really seem to make a lot of sense. Also Google the term: Burning Scalp Sensation It may help you understand things a bit more.
  16. run screaming from this doctor. Even the jingle on his website makes my skin crawl there are some horrible stories floating around about this guy
  17. Bill, On December 22 you post a message saying that you have requested more and better photos from Dr. Keller. Where are all these additional photos he was supposed to have sent. After your December 22 post you say you have posted a NW6 patient who received 4600 grafts in 2 sessions. Didn't we already see that patient? It doesn't seem like Dr. Keller added any new photos per your request. This addition seems somewhat fishy to me. "willingness to rise to the challenge" lol
  18. Sorry but this whole Jimmyjam things sounds abit fake to me. Someone is trying really too hard to discredit someone else. Bill, I really don't think these types of threads add much to this site. I would even bet that Jimmyjam's IP address is very similar to another disgruntled poster who started a different thread a few days ago.
  19. HLC Thanks for the response. I'm sure you would hate losing potential patients to other Doc's that have more documentation.
  20. That site is just to move product. Beware!
  21. Sorry but I am not too impressed by what was presented. And why does Dr. Rose make it so difficult to find any photos on his site. Shouldn't there be a link that say's Patient Photos/Results? Just like about every other Hair Transplant site has.
  22. So this guy is a recommended Doc on this site without and photo documentation of his work? These doc's make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and they can't even build a decent website with some photo documentation? Pretty scary if a doc can't even show a few results.
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