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Everything posted by Garageland

  1. Interesting, I think for many patients they usually have quite a feel good feeling immediately after surgery one is seeing that new hairline in place and the sense of relief for some in finally doing something about it after perhaps years of worrying and research. I think for you the recovery will be easier and in most cases patients are less anxious about the growth second time around as the confidence that it will grow in is there. Glad to hear all went well and yes it is a nice feeling to get the staples out. Look forward to seeing your updates.
  2. Congratulations Dutch on your second session with Dr Hasson and thank you for kind write up about the clinic. I will be interested to hear your thoughts on the whole process second time around. I think once you have a success first time around and return to the same Doctor everything is made so much easier by the confidence in the result. I spent 16 days in Vancouver last October eating take outs and still paying for it now, but it is a great city for walking around if the weather is good. How many more days are you there for?
  3. I will be again holding my regular free consultations in Central London at the Thistle Hotel in Marble Arch on both Thursday May 15th and Saturday May 24th. The consults will be one on one with myself a hair transplant veteran who has had 5 transplants spanning over 18 years. I will be able to explain our procedure in detail, answer any questions you have regarding surgery, show you what a transplant can look like on a Norwood 6 and take clear photos for a recommendation from either Dr Hasson or Dr Wong. If you would like to meet with me in person or for more information please email me on ukconsultant@hassonandwong.com or call 0757 8164162. David
  4. Quidproquo82, In most cases the Doctor will remove the previous scarring ie a patient going back to the same surgeon for a second session will remove the old scar and utilize the grafts available around the scar leaving only 1 scar. In some cases of patients that had older work done or went to the wrong clinic the scar is just not in the correct position. I have seen scars that are below the bump and more on the nape of the neck the skin is not so tough here and is liable to stretch add to that in cases of advanced hair loss the nape hair around the neck is not always permanent. Not saying this is the case for Spartan but could be an explanation but I expect the case might well be to remove the two old scars would just not of yielded many grafts even if it was possible.
  5. Quidproquo82, In most cases the Doctor will remove the previous scarring ie a patient going back to the same surgeon for a second session will remove the old scar and utilize the grafts available around the scar leaving only 1 scar. In some cases of patients that had older work done or went to the wrong clinic the scar is just not in the correct position. I have seen scars that are below the bump and more on the nape of the neck the skin is not so tough here and is liable to stretch add to that in cases of advanced hair loss the nape hair around the neck is not always permanent. Not saying this is the case for Spartan but could be an explanation but I expect the case might well be to remove the two old scars would just not of yielded many grafts even if it was possible.
  6. Spartan, Thanks for the photo it is a little unclear as to the extend of your scarring are you saying the 3 scars are around 1- 1.5 inches in total or are you saying that is the result of your last surgery? You may still have some shock around the last scar that should grow back but it can take to around 7 months to fully recover. Were you aware the Doctor was taking a new scar above the two older ones that you had? If he made you aware of that then it would possibly been done for two reasons firstly you both choose that you wanted more grafts and were not concerned about the previous scarring or the old scars were simply too low and in the wrong place for revising. As for a revision now it really depends on where the scar(s) are located if the first two are below the bump then you may not be able to improve them with a revision and placing grafts into them via FUE would be your best option. It also depends on what your donor supply is like and whether you wish to use grafts into the scars, do you require more work in other areas that concern you more? I would wait it out for the 1 year mark to assess your results and see what the scar is looking like then before making any further decisions.
  7. I would leave it a little longer for the recipient area to heal when heading the ball so you have some hair to protect the skin from damage. I don't think there is any issue with you playing as such but heading the ball might be and in a competitive game a clash of heads might be a disaster. I still play and went back about 2 months after my last surgery but took it easy just training and indoors football. If you are out in the sunshine then you must wear some sunblock. I would start off slow and see how you get on.
  8. Toppik or Nanogen is best avoided in the earlier stages but most clinics opinions can be used a week to 2 weeks after surgery if essential used sparingly and washed out every night. I would question why it can't be used 6 months after surgery but I would recommend if that is the case that your Doctor is telling you not to use it then follow his instructions.
  9. Hi Fullness, I agree with the others that you will look like a new man in months to come but the growth has started quite clearly already and there is coverage coming in sometimes you don't notice it as the hair is finer at first. Here's a pre op and your 4 month pic to compare, the new growth is quite clear. Please keep the updates coming and I look forward to meeting up with you in London soon to see how you are getting along in person.
  10. I will be again holding my regular free consultations in Central London at the Thistle Hotel in Marble Arch on Saturday April 26th. The consults will be one on one with myself a hair transplant veteran who has had 5 transplants spanning over 18 years. I will be able to explain our procedure in detail, answer any questions you have regarding surgery, show you what a transplant can look like on a Norwood 6 and take clear photos for a recommendation from either Dr Hasson or Dr Wong. If you would like to meet with me in person or for more information please email me on ukconsultant@hassonandwong.com or call 0757 8164162. David
  11. I have had Temporary SMP into longer hair to add a fuller look and also SMP into my old donor scars. I was very impressed within the first couple of months and thought it was a miracle, things have faded as I approach 6 months in a couple of weeks. I still think it is giving me a nice improvement but is difficult to see the back of my head. But judge for yourself I have been taking consistent photos every month in this thread. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/173165-dr-hasson-1755-grafts-front-smp-crown.html
  12. Aaron, Sorry to hear how you are feeling, 20 is very young to have had surgery in the first place, how did the transplant turn out? You have options which have been mentioned but firstly when was the surgery carried out was it 8 months ago? Scar revision- if you have good laxity then the scar might be able to be revised and improved if it is 5-7mm wide. Scar revisions are unpredictable and I doubt any surgeon working on a scar from another clinic's work will promise you a scar 1-3mm wide if you are looking at this route a in person consult is essential. SMP- I have had this into my scars and it has allowed me to wear my hair shorter but again is unpredictable and a test patch should always be carried out into scar tissue as in some cases it just disappears straight away. FUE into the scar might be the best bet if the scar is borderline whether it can be revised to good effect, if you are worried about using valuable scalp hair then why don't you consider beard hair. EJJ has posted all about his beard hair into his scars with excellent outcome with Dr Bisanga on here.
  13. I have met with EJJ in person and would like to say how excellent his beard looks and that there was no sign of extractions and he can still grow a very decent beard. His old donor scars have also been well hidden with the grafts that have been placed. Top guy and a good drinking buddy, good continued growth to you.
  14. I have good experience with this considering I had my first transplant done 18 years ago. My policy has been to tell if the relationship is going somewhere not in the casual dating stages. In experience with the girls I have told they have really not been bothered by it in the slightest. Most women have their own insecurities and would like to change some part of them and in general are far more accepting than you may think. I used to make a big deal about it when I told them as I built it up to be a big deal but from experience it really is not.
  15. It really depends on what your donor hair is like there have been many Norwood 6's like you that have had decent results myself being one of those. In some ways you are in a good position with your age and having lost so much hair a significant cosmetic improvement could be made provided you have the following. 1. Realistic expectations 2. Good donor density. You should take a range of clear photos from all angles including some close ups of your donor so the density can be assessed properly and send to some of the recommended clinics on this site as a start. Some in house consults after that would be ideal if you can but appreciate that is not always easy. The better the photos the better the clinic can be in evaluating your recommendation.
  16. Ash, You have a large area of coverage required and it sounds like you asked your Doctor to go easy on the number of grafts that you needed so as for how many grafts you will get this time round is unknown. Normally with FUT you will get around 1/2 to 2/3 of the number of grafts you get second time round that you do the first, very rarely more. In your case after getting 2800 first time around I see no reason that you wouldn't get close to that second time, providing your laxity is good. I wouldn't recommend doing another surgery as early as September/October as A: You won't have had time to fully assess the results of the first surgery and B: Your laxity won't be as good as it might be in order to get as many grafts as possible. As you already have a scar and need as many grafts as possible a second strip should be the way to go if you Doctor can do a combo of FUE at the same time then that might be an idea. Or you have FUE in your locker for a third surgery. My advice wait for 8 months start scalp exercises and schedule your surgery after the year mark once you know the full outcome of the first one.
  17. No you will be totally fine, 7 days after the transplant is safe to be wearing a hat for that amount of time just don't wear one too tight.
  18. Hi Iceman, As the others have already said you really need to see how you respond to the meds at the year stage, hopefully you will get some improvement over you current situation but 2 months is too soon to tell what will happen. The last pic indicates that you have some diffuse loss in a bigger pattern than just the hairline so I wouldn't do anything in terms of surgery just yet. The mid scalp might improve with the meds and then you will know what you are dealing with.
  19. Hi Jimmy, You will most likely get a mixed reaction when asking this question from various surgeons but the fact of the matter is that AA is unpredictable and although it has been dormant for a couple of years transplanting around these areas could cause it to trigger again. In experience at our clinic the newly transplanted hair grows and can last for several years and then dies. The possible complications of starting off AA again can certainly outweigh any benefit that the transplant might make.
  20. Well here we are at the 5 month mark. Any changes? Feeling is returning slowly but surely to the back of my scalp above the scar, scar has healed very well, small amount of shock loss around the temple ares on the left hand side has grown back. Growth is kicking in very well and I have posted some nice close ups to demonstrate that. I also can feel lots of stubble still in the frontal area so more improvement is to come. Pics were taken today as it is bright and sunny in the same location as all the other sets of photos.
  21. I will be again holding my regular free consultations in Central London at the Thistle Hotel in Marble Arch on Saturday March 29th. The consults will be one on one with myself a hair transplant veteran who has had 5 transplants spanning over 17 years. I will be able to explain our procedure in detail, answer any questions you have regarding surgery, show you what a transplant can look like on a Norwood 6 and take clear photos for a recommendation from either Dr Hasson or Dr Wong. If you would like to meet with me in person or for more information please email me on ukconsultant@hassonandwong.com or call 0757 8164162. David
  22. Cart2, There is a whole range of views including top down which I have put next to the before pictures, can you not see them?
  23. Kev, Finding a good clinic with an excellent reputation is much better than someone local, if you complain to a clinic with a poor reputation then it is likely to fall of deaf ears as they will have heard it many times before. As a Norwood 6/7 it really depends on what your donor hair is like and your expectations to make a worthwhile improvement you are going to need a decent number of grafts and expect at least two sessions to do this. I would suggest taking some clear photos of your head and most importantly your donor hair as this is the key and consulting online with various clinics. I won't comment on the 3 clinics that you have mentioned but you should also consult with the Farjo clinic who are recommended on this site. You also have some very good clinics in Belgium that would be worth visiting. But some clear photos of your donor hair will be able to tell a great deal. I wish you all the best.
  24. This UK patient had 4909 grafts in October 2012 with Dr Wong. His goal was to add coverage over his crown and add density into the mid scalp and frontal areas. The patient has fine blond hair. What the photos and video show is how short this patient is able to wear his hair at the sides and back clearly much shorter than the pre op photos. The scar is not visible from any angles at this length. He met with Dr Wong and myself in London last November and was very happy with his result so much so he is now very open to telling people he has had surgery and was happy for us to use photos.
  25. Hi Fullness, Thanks for the update, you look on track and as expected there is not a lot to see at the 3 month mark in terms of improvements and other than the native hair being a little longer than the 2 month stage you are probably going to be the same. You had a little shock loss around the scar so it is expected that you will start to feel stubble around here also, if the spots aren't causing you any trouble and are just red then you can leave them alone. The fact you can feel stubble is a very good sign and that will continue as more hair sprouts over the next few months. As you mentioned donor above the scar will be numb for a while longer, mine is still part numb and I am 2 months ahead of you. Look forward to seeing your 4 month pics.
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