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Everything posted by nobuzz4me

  1. I am glad to see that Dr. Mohmand is doing pretty good work in Pakistan. That area of the world is in great need of quality surgeons. Lets not forget all the patients who cant afford to travel and must have a local dr.
  2. To error on the safe side, two weeks. Grafts are set in the scalp at 9-10 days. They should be safe after that.
  3. Dr. HM I think it is good that you show a difficult case as this gentlemen. This type NW7 is difficult to impossible to get full coverage with any density. I am sure this patient is happy to not be bald anymore. Faheem, I think you are out of line to criticize the Dr. here for this result. Anyone can say this guy needs more improvement. What would you expect from a NW7??? These guys cant work miracles with such limited donor. He did about the best he could with limited resources.
  4. Sorry you are in this situation but HT is not the route for you to go down. Not yet. Get on the meds first. Finasteride is your best hope for saving what you have. Even still it may not fight off the bad genes. Genetics are a bitch but do not panic you have time on your side. The longer you wait, the more techniques will improve and maybe a cure??? I had plenty of hair at age 20, at 35 I was quite balding, at 48 NW 5-6. You just do not know where you are headed and you need to be careful as to how you plan your HTs in the future if you decide in a few years it is your best solution. Good luck and be patient,
  5. You will be fine. My last HT, I did not see much till month 6. Big difference by month 8-9. Keep us posted.
  6. Good question, I do not think there is proof that staples leave a better scar vs sutures. One of the keys for closure is the amount of tension on the wound. The other key is clean removal of the strip and the surgeons skill level. I have had sutures and had no problems, they disolve in a few weeks, no need to travel back to the docs office. I have heard staples are painful to sleep on. Bill can give you a pro-con on the issue. Again, the key is the skill of that surgeon!!
  7. Looks much better, thanks for the follow up explanation of the channel effect and photo. You will be looking great in a few months!
  8. Dhoose is right on. I would not let them do a HT, they are experts at hairpieces not surgery. Do not go for the hard sell you will get form them. I think you are correct that you will NEVER achieve the thickness with HT as you will a rug but you could get to the point where you look natural. Also, trust me on this, some people will know that you are wearing a rug. People may be kind enough not to mention it while your thinking they don't know. I would consult with one of the experts in the field, they are mostly in line cost wise so why not go to an expert.
  9. NG2GB LOL, Just don't go at it alone
  10. I think after 2 weeks you can do just about anything but strenous lifting. Swimming may be fine after 7-10 days not sure.
  11. Guys, I know this an old thread but thought it is interesting the comment that "Salt water kills grafts" Many of us post op have instructions to spray a saline solution on the grafts for a few days during the healing process. I am sure this poster is wrong and salt water is good for the healing process. Any thoughts??
  12. Be Happy, I am happy that you getting some results, could you please post some photos. I think many with scars would love to see new hair there.
  13. Fue will further thin your donor which could make it more difficult to cover the strip scar you already have. Yield would scare me too, since strip seems to be safer for the follicles. Throw in the expense and I think that strip is better since they will take out the old scar and who knows maybe produce a better one. Yep save up, maybe H&W is worth checking out next time?
  14. Heal well, I know how that donor can be uncomfortable for a few weeks, tight etc. Heal well,
  15. creepingback, I know it is frustrating to go thru what we go thru for such a minimal result. I do not know if in your case you had the best donor to work with. Your scar was pretty show thru for some time, glad that is better now. I think your hair shafts may be just be so fine that it is a uphill battle for coverage. I sort of have the same problem. I do think the Doc seemed to do a good job and chances are any other Doc would have given a similar result with the same # of grafts. I do hope you are a late bloomer and I also think you will improve further with time as this fully matures. Good luck my friend,
  16. DHuge, You look great with that dermatch man! Maybe you should consider a career in hairdressing us bald guys with that stuff, lol! Masterful disguise, I have seen your other pics I think. Does that cover your scar too?? Also, I heard one of my HT techs talk about Dr. Pistone. Is he a real short guy? I wish you much luck in your next HT. Since I was a repair case myself, you will feel much better once you take action. Choose you doc carefully, (you already know that). I know you and Bill are from PA and I have to ask you guys if you have ever seen a billboard on the highway - it might be Pistones, which advertises HT and shows a guy with spark plugs in his head?? The Ad attacks or infers that other doctors as though they are still doing plugs. Makes me angry to look at it, I nearly ran off the road lol. I saw it on route 81? just crossing into Harrisburg. Good luck, keep us posted,
  17. Sad, Congrats on a very nice HT. You look better with the short hair LOL. Work looks outstanding, curious, did you request stitches over staples?? I had dissolvable interior and exterior stitches and they worked great, comfortable and no extra trip to the office for removal. And are you on finasteride? I think if you save you native hair you will be one happy dude when this grows out!! BOL!
  18. Thanop, Good question, I wonder about it too. Perhaps he takes longer scars and sometimes takes them higher up in the sides to produce more grafts. In order to get more grafts, more tissue has to be taken, so I do not think other docs could not do mega sessions, more they choose not to. It takes a large staff to disect all those and plant, more time in the chair, more money, more elastic scalps. Most patients may not qualify for such sessions or may not want it for reasons listed. I chose smaller sessions as I had some repair work to address which needed refinemnet each round. Each case is different and I trust H@W would not be so aggressive if they felt it would be a big risk for the patient. You never here any complaints of scar stretching for example coming from them. The scalp exercises they recommend are good for anyone to do no matter what size session or which doc you go to.
  19. Good luck Agio, I think you will not really know how it will affect the final result by the post op. Yes you can see the small open channels but when this grows in they may not be noticable at all. I suppose you should ask the doc about the strategy on the graft placement. The work looks very good. I am sure things will turn out great.
  20. Basketball after 7 days post op, you are a tough guy! Actually that kind of activity may not be recommended for a few weeks. Be careful of scar stretching. I know how it is wanting to get back into the workouts, the healing time sucks. Take it easy a few more weeks.
  21. Relaxo, RELAX! lol, what you describe is totally normal. Follow your Dr's instructions you are doing fine. The follicle is in place and the hair shafts from the new grafts will shed then come back 3-5 months.
  22. Great going, that is a ton of grafts!! - great results! You must be thrilled. I do have a question on your donor scar, it seems to be up high on the sides. I am sure Dr Hasson knows it is in a safe zone for you, but did it concern you? You still look like you have plenty of donor left, did you talk about what is remaining for future if ever needed? I am sure you wont need any by the looks of it! Heal and grow well,
  23. Best of luck Harley, All I have heard about Dr. Bernstien is as you describe, a straight shooter and one who will not promise you the moon. There will be no surprises, I find his website a wealth of info also.
  24. I am in the DC Metro area enough to see his commercials. I am sure he wears a hairpiece! Not a comforting thought - what is he covering up, bad work?
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