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Everything posted by nobuzz4me

  1. baldeagle, You will look and feel pretty good in 2 weeks compared to how you look and feel now. 5 weeks will give time for your native hair to grow some (if you have any?) to cover the donor and recipient areas better. You will be fine unless you had any serious shockloss. Keep us posted and good luck. Months from now you will look back and say - "Damn, this was worth it!"
  2. Good luck thinkingaboutit, You are in good hands. Some will say 800 grafts will not do much, but I believe if placed correctly they can add a nice difference in your overall look.
  3. Giants, All the more reason young guys should not jump right in to a HT. I do think there will be some break-through's in a few years. For us middle age guys - we can't wait around! Keep up the fight my brother.
  4. Unless I am missing something in this thread - what is your current age? I think your hair will look fine for some time if you stay on the meds and use a concealer when needed. Shockloss is serious stuff and I would not risk it at this point. You really do not look bad at all. I know it sucks losing some hair but you are far from being bald. I agree with wanthairs advice. The longer you can hold off HT, the better chance the technology will improve with both HT and meds.
  5. Don't just Stop! Reverse!! You need to do more research my friend.
  6. Ringo, You really wont need to repair this just add density in your next session. No one will see thru to those bumps. I am not sure that you can repair small FU's, larger plugs can be but short of reversing or removing these entirely it would cost you a fortune and you would run the risk of scars showing where you once had these hairs. They are going to be fine, you look like you have plenty of donor for more work so a good doc will camoflage the poorer work. Good luck Bro,
  7. Thanks for the responses Dr. Gabel and Dr BSpot! As a follow up, how long once planted will a graft have to set once placed - I mean can the graft pop out some after a few hours post op. I know grafts are fully secure after 9 days or so but can they sink or pop meantime??
  8. I have a question regarding the graft placement. In order to plant the graft at the right depth, is that on the doc to make the incision the right depth or the tech to place it properly? Seems like a combination of both but maybe this is more on the tech to get it right. To avoid cobblestoning or pitting this is a crucial step. What if the graft is too long for the incision?? Or, are all incisions cut deep enough so this is never an issue??
  9. Suggested Karma's for those who break 5000 posts: * I need a new keyboard follicular hair club member. * I need to get out of the house more follicular hair club member. * I wonder what my little bald people are doing today follicular hair club member. * I will be performing HT myself someday follicular hair club member. Seriously, congrats my friend!
  10. mrkneed, I think most of the result of your Ht will be started and clearly visible growth by 8 months. Between 8-12 months you may some new growth but the hair that has come in will thicken up and look better.
  11. I really do not know about dhi, stick to the docs on this site and you will be in sure hands.
  12. Have you tried finasteride and minoxidil?? (Propecia and Rogaine) I would consider that first, even if you get HT you are recommended to be on finasteride months prior to your procedure - at least I was. Anyway, 6000 grafts are a lot and I would say that would take two or three sessions. The key for you is planning. You need to use those grafts wisely as they are limited. I know you would like a full head of hair asap, (who here wouldn't?) however, Most NW 6 patients will never acheive that, the best they can hope for is the illusion of a full head of hair. Their are some great comebacks from NW 6 on this forum: Jotronic, Bobman and Bill. They were cases who either had great donor, laxity or thick hair shafts and they had a lot of grafts done. Big commitment if you go down that road and no guarantee to look just like them, just keep that in mind. Thier are risks, what if NW7 is in the future? It is hard to predict but it can happen, this is why waiting some is not a bad idea. It would be best for you consult with a few docs (only the most ethical ones) as to your future planning. As for cricketlover, I said to hold off, I never said wait till 30 though. Maybe someon else suggested that. I think in the mid-late 20s you have an fairly good idea where you are heading on the scale.
  13. Cricket lover, I would give it some more time, use some concealers which work well when you have some diffuse hair. Techniques will continue to improve with time, so that is in your favor. In the meatime do tons of research!! Andy, I left a response to you on your other thread. I know what you mean about the double standard regarding overweight vs bald. The part about that is really irritating is that for the most part you can control your weight, hairloss is much harder to combat.
  14. Andy, Not sure of your age but try and save your native hair if you can. If you are young, future advances could help keep what you have so try and save what you have left. If you plan on shaving down as close as you and are considering surgery, Then I would go with FUE not Strip. If you grow out your hair, strip is cheaper and will give you a higher yield. Your pattern looks a lot like a very knowledgeable poster, "B-Spot" - you may want to PM him. Whatever you do research,research,research!!!
  15. Great news Pat, I am glad he has been admitted, his attention to detail and care for the donor are very impressive. Oddly enough, I met with him today for my 9 month follow up from my repair procedure and strip session. Things are coming along nicely. I will get the pics he took today to show the work.
  16. Sorry Jobi's pics are top secret. We will all just have to keep enduring how good he tells us he looks!
  17. NN, Well said my friend. These debates in which there are no clear cut black and white sides will always lead to a pissing match in which nobody wins. They do get tiresome but can be educational. I do think most everyone is man enough here to not take their ball and go home if it does not go their way. This shit isn't worth losing any more hair over fella's. Keep it fun!
  18. Easy to blame Merck as profit hungry but lets not kid ourselves into thinking "natural herbs" are not profit driven. This is a big industry as well (GNC anyone). By the way just because something grows naturally vs synthetic does not mean it cannot do harm to your body. There are many poisons in the wild. If you dont think herbs can do damage just look at Ozzie Ozbourne
  19. Wingnut, Congrats on your surgery, sounds like you are excited about the extra care for the donor. I think all HT candidates should take heed with your case. Bleeding for several days in the donor may indicate a bad closure. This of course, would lead to the wider scar. I am sure things are all good now. What closure was used - Staples or sutures??
  20. Hmmmm lets see, pay 6.00 per graft and take your chances with a hairmill or pay 4.00/5.00 per graft for a top coalition surgeon. Thats a tough call
  21. B brings up a good point on the 1's used in the hairline. The result you should have will be quite dense and coverage should be excellent due to those hair numbers! Heal well!
  22. Fantastic! Rahal shines again. Congrats on the wedding, dont let her pull your hair out during the honeymoon!
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