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Everything posted by nobuzz4me

  1. good point by want hairs, Are you using fin and minox? That may prolong or save some of that diffuse hair. I think shockloss is hard to predict, I do not recall ever having any but my procedures were smaller.
  2. Dont fret NG2B, I think you are on your way to next months top poster. Some guys work all there lives for that moment, dont forget the little people when you reach the top bro!
  3. Aviran, Listen to the wise ones above.
  4. No adverse effect that I know of regarding hair length. Shorter hair will also make the rogaine easier to apply.
  5. Well, having never seen your head it is hard to say, but maybe they are seeing miniturized hair on top that likely are going to fall out anyway - leaving you a NW5a. Have you posted pics on the forum? NW5s are certainly candidates if they have stabilized.
  6. Bobman, I posted on your other thread. I think your results are the best I have seen, right up with Jotronic. You mention Trico closure - did you not have this the first 2 procedures?? Also, how many grafts do you have left? Will you combine the scar into one?
  7. Bobman, You are a legend in HT right up there with Jotronic. Results like yours are amazing, surprised you need any more really - but donor is willing, why not? Good luck, keep us posted.
  8. Steve, I am sure you already have, but if you are nervous still - talk with "Nervous Nelly" who just had work with Dr. Shapiro. He is not so nervous anymore! Good luck,
  9. Pat, Thanks for the report and your continued pursuit of excellence in hair restoration. Funny story of the doc who harassed you, maybe you can sue him back for that??
  10. Also, this is why old barbaric scalp reductions were ineffective, they stretched back too often.
  11. Wanthairs, Very logical indeed and I often wondered the same. The scalps laxity, the way I understand it, will stretch back to its normal position. The donor area stretched and density of that will be reduced but size close to the same. Right after my last ht, it seemed the back nape area was stretched up vs the crown pulled down. Remember that the connective tissue will keep you from being over stretched so their is a limit and things tend to return to normal. I posed this question on the chat night while we had a doc on board and did not get a response - please bring this up tonight if you remember, I would like to hear from the docs on this. good question!
  12. Eman, What we need to know before answering the question is: What is your NW status? Do you have enough or could your native hair be styled to help give cover during the few weeks after? Are you getting buzzed in the recipient area? I would agree with MRJB, it is possible but if you are NW5-6 it would be hard. Who is your doc and can you get around shaving down? I concealed my HTs as well, but I can wear a hat when I like. Nice to be my own boss. Another idea?? Use a two week vacation and when that is up, suddenly come down with a illness which causes a rash on the skin - take a few more days off and explain away any redness due to this "infection". Or, say nothing unless someone asks, most will not and not know what is up.
  13. Hey Mike, I can't help you but if you PM Pat or Bill the administrators of this site, they may have some options for you. Good luck.
  14. Bill, For your part in upsetting the Hair Gods your penance is to say three Hair Mary's and two Our Follicle's.
  15. Dr. Feller, Keep fighting the good fight. HT is the best solution available for restoring your hair - period. Those who rely on laser as a solution will be disappointed. Don't laser me Bro. That is classic! Taser boy got what he asked for then cried like a little baby. Give those security guards a medal, instead they will likley be fired for doing their job.
  16. Bill, Isn't it interesting that when Christ was crucified - he was disrobed and scourged while naked. I know that most of us feel naked with out hair - at least I admit I did. I do not in any way want to equate what Christ went thru and what we go thru is an any way close. But, I wonder if this is one of life's tests we must go thru. We all have our little crosses to bear in life. Another note, I have noticed a great deal of preists are bald, (and old!). I have one on my wifes side of the family and he is slick bald. Even the holiest are not safe from the follicle devil!
  17. Bill, I agree with most all of what you say - I do think this patient was intentionally ripped off on the number of grafts planted vs what he paid. This has little to do with the quality (which is poor IMO), and it has to do with ethics. Ethics are a part of the assesment and my point is that waiting for a final result of the HT is not going to change the fact that he got overcharged.
  18. How can anyone with a full head of hair understand what being bald is like?
  19. Mr. GHI The photos look great, look forward to more with a follow up after one year. Thanks for the candid view on FUE and listing the down sides to it. Just as strip has its down sides as well. The patient can make a better decision having all the info INCLUDING the risks and downsides. Having said that, I think FUE will get better and better maybe improve on the use of body hair for transplants. While I do not think BHT is a solution by itself it can supplement or be used to fill in scars.
  20. Back in the day I heard Burt Reynolds had a HT (which he has), not knowing the difference I between a HT and a wig, I thought Burt looked great and jumped into HT at a young age. Bad mistake. Luckily, my hair has not gone nw7 and my repair from that mistake has been corrected. Do not be fooled by the hollywood people, they have make up artists who can add in small hair pieces, concealors etc. They can look good on camera for short periods of time, what about the rest of the time after the cameras are off????
  21. Thats cool wanthairs, we are all pissed at this bald crap. This spammer reached a new low.
  22. NN, Glad to hear you held onto some grafts, your post op regimen would be a success it appears. Look forward to some pics - is the wife still up for the job?
  23. Want hairs - you have a lot of anger towards God, we are all bitter about hairloss but we are here doing something about it. Cursing out God is something you should keep to yourself. You may not believe in God and that is your choice but for those that do your remarks are offensive. We know this guy is a spammer, no need to bring God down too.
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