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Everything posted by nobuzz4me

  1. NN, congrats on going from a newbie to a wily old vet!! Very nice to have gotten to know you better thru our hair pain my friend.
  2. Yeah Gorpy, If you got it, flaunt it! Ever think of coloring that mop??
  3. HEy MD guy, I had my last procedure with Dr Vogel, so far so good. He is on the conservative side as far as large sessions go but does fine work and donor closure is great. I would say without question he is the best in the area if you cannot travel. I believe Dr. Cooley trained under him who is a coalition surgeon.
  4. Mike, Are you hitting the medicine cabinet again?? I don't think you really mean that do you? As Bill mentioned Sharon Keene is at the top of the game. I would think that for tedious surgery like HT, a woman may be better in some ways ie: planting grafts, stitches. Do men type faster than women in general? I personaly would want women cutting my grafts for instance because they may be better suited for this close work, Men get impatient (I know I would). I would have no problem going with a trained surgeon like Dr. Keene. You must know Dr Fellers staff is mostly women, why do think?? It stands to reason that some could develop into fine surgeons if that is their desire. I don't think this is a gender issue as much as it is a hairmill issue. This women is apparently employed by a international HT outfit, I doubt she is the most highly skilled for that reason, not her gender. Mike, first the Irish now taking on women? I think you just like to stir the pot my friend.
  5. Tuscansun, I do not know how long it has been but you can expect some swelling in that area as well for a week or two. Also, the fluid shot into kill pain can cause these bumps simular to forehead swelling as the fluid moves down the face area around day 3-6. Take it easy, use some ice and it will go away in time.
  6. Bill, You may reach sotalol, but the other two posters were from 2005. Have you been sniffing too much minoxidil or something?? Seriously, it sounds like an awful condition if some would even consider scalp reduction sotalol, I hope you get the info you need and your condition improves my friend. Scalp reduction is barbaric and leaves terrible scars, proceed with caution. Modern docs will steer you correctly, but get several consultations first.
  7. Bill, You did all you could, logic, examples. Some here just may be blinded by the light!
  8. I actually have a client who knows Trump personaly and he says it is all about him and his ego. I have a theory that he enjoys the extra attention the ridiculous combover attracts. See - here we are talking about him - he wins again! I agree he is a jerk, one of the ways he made it so big in the build industry was to get the major work done on his buildings by subcontractors than nitpick the work and refuse to pay. The subs eventually settle for less in order to pay their bills. Nice guy - hope he goes broke and bald.
  9. No, I think a small head will have an equally small donor area, likewise a large head will have a larger donor so it would probably be close to a wash.
  10. Bill, tough to compete with MNF - My Ravens will take down Cincy.
  11. Arrie, relax bro, you will lose the grafts and they will come back. Point of clarification - your grafts will be "fully adhered" into your scalp - not your skull!, after about day 9-10, not day 5. (Hope the doc did't put these into your skull!! ) The grafts shed soon therafter, then come back 3-6 months later.
  12. BeHappy, Please document this trial with close up before and after pics, anyone can claim results otherwise.
  13. Hair systems have very fancy names and when you get right down to it, it is a wig.
  14. NN, Good one! Do you think Grace is over 18??? Bill, not sure NN can join you, that will cut into his mirror time
  15. Nobody said these were miracle cures, did they? Again, stick to the point, your laser argument is weak at best. Maybe you should go buy one and document with pics your results, good or bad.
  16. Looking great NoGlare - best decision you ever made was going to Dr. Wong. Did you consider anyone else? Since your in Seattle I guess that made it easy to choose. Life changing results ahead mate!
  17. Bayer, Very glad to see you are turning out very well my friend! I must say I was "shocked" at the amount of shockloss you had in the early stages and your imediate post ops were a little scarey. I know what you mean about darker hair in the hairline, I have a simular issue. What kind of highlights did you use?? I have never used any but have considered it. Good luck, more improving over the next few months will be nice to look forward to.
  18. I see Dr Bernstien offers the laser "treatment" but is very careful to say "longterm effectiveness is unknown" on his site. Wonder if he spends any time under the lights? Na, he just probably rings the register$$$$. http://www.bernsteinmedical.com/medical-treatments/revagelaser.php
  19. This fellow looks far happier in the before photos - does that tell you anything? Jagdish might have some insight on this one. How long have you been performing HT?
  20. Frankly, I do not like the shape or the hairline but he does have hair now. The work does not look as refined as the Coalition Doctors to me.
  21. It is an old plug job, looks great doesn't it?
  22. Great work, Also, the shorter hair style looks good. You have a long way to go yet before this fully matures. Again, Dr Rahal comes thru!
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