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Rafael Manelli

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Everything posted by Rafael Manelli

  1. I was impressed by how Dr Hasson stuck by Nordster, personally. Goes to show how integrity and care can salvage even a worrying outcome with dubious planning.
  2. @Longevitado you stand by @Hairsonality's result? Do you think the way your company treated him was skilful and ethical? Do you see the multi hair grafts in his hairline?
  3. To be honest, I don't see much difference.
  4. After this result would you agree that FUT is still the gold standard?
  5. Charging per graft is a little bit more fair for the surgeon since it’s charging more for the work he has to do. charging per hair may seem a little more fair for the patient since it’s charging for the actual amount of hair they receive.
  6. The extraction has two phases, scoring and plucking. Scoring involves making an incision, cutting the flesh. It's the main risk of transection in whole procedure. Surely doctor does this himself?
  7. He got a pencil thin scar from Dr Konior. Hard to say his physiology is at fault. Reduced laxity cannot be an excuse either because Dr Wong would have examined his laxity.
  8. To be brutally honest, I must agree with this comment. I've read quite a few bad reviews of H&W recently, as well as insinuations they've gotten slack and coasting off of reputation. All results should be posted with the highest quality images and video available. The docs you listed, Bloxham, Couto, Zarev etc all have top level presentation.
  9. It's sort of a case where old guys get young guys hairline, while young guys get old guy hairline.
  10. It’s simply a matter of supply and demand vs aesthetics. There’s a roughly “ideal” hairline zone for each person. Anything more aggressive is a waste of grafts and produces an uglier result and so is pointless. Anything less aggressive produces a less appealing result, but saves grafts. Saving grafts means you can achieve better aesthetics for overall density or for the crown, or to insure against future thinning. Most of us will have to compromise somewhere, either in the hairline position, the crown, the overall density or all three. Or you can demand full density with a low hairline and end up having to use lots of body hair, which is a gamble and a compromise on naturalism. Anything above a norwoood 4 requires compromise on the vast majority of patients, no two ways about it. Even a young Norwood 2 must either compromise or take a gamble on future thinning, which is its own form of compromise. I think most of us would secretly want our juvenile hairlines back, but would rather have a more mature Norwood 2 or 3 look and have enough grafts to cover the crown
  11. All of this is true but none of it is an excuse. Clinics owe it to present results in the most honest way
  12. I would go to someone else who can do temples and front simultaneously. And crown if possible. Mockup looks good but also about a centimeter lower than current hairline. I think it's feasible though. Personally I'd go for slightly steeper temple points.
  13. If he can’t or won’t do good temple point work then I would write him off. Not worth getting a good deal on the hairline and then going to another doc just for temples. And then someone else for the crown - dr Wong, perhaps? And then to dr Umar for some body hair grafting, and then Dr Rahal for a hairline touch up - don’t you know he is “the hairline king”? And finally to Eugenix for beard because why not? You seem a patient man in no rush though. To be honest, I feel like after all this discussion, I’m more eager to see you get on with it than even you are!
  14. Why don't you just ask Freitas if he can show you some temple point work?
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