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Rafael Manelli

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Everything posted by Rafael Manelli

  1. We should have higher standards for lighting in before AND after shots posted by clinics. It really does make all the difference.
  2. Impressive photos and naturalism. How do you determine the curve in the temporal peaks/corners and how to fill them in ?
  3. I’ve drawn way too many hairlines in this thread haha
  4. It's unusual for most clinics to do more than 3500 grafts in a single session. They need a large staff to do true megasessions. If doing it in two sessions appeals to you, I would rate Freitas highly. You had extremely strong temple points when you were younger. Probably about 3cm from the eyebrow, maybe less.
  5. The temporal (side) donor looks really weak. the occipital (back) looks good. But I wonder why the sides look so weak.
  6. I think I may be more inclined towards the topical minoxidil as a spot treatment rather than the oral. I suspect the oral could just increase body hair everywhere, instead of just where it’s wanted.
  7. Poor show by dr vories. Those multis are a clear tell. Not the best density either. At least it grew well. The donor seems to have been managed decently and the design looks natural.
  8. I keep hearing it causes skin aging and other damage. Or at least that it might.
  9. I’m skeptical about it as most results seem to be from young guys who just got older, and the results may be due to simple aging,
  10. Did something happen a few months ago that made you suddenly self conscious about your hair?
  11. It is a great question. Unfortunately I don’t have a clue of the answer, if controlling for the obvious (hair retained by fin). As Melvin said, we can assume having hair tends to be more attractive than a balding look, but as for other, more subtle or ineffable effects of finasteride on attractiveness - who knows? I can’t say I’ve seen any evidence for it, or against it. I think the default assumption is that there is no effect unless proven otherwise, but I can’t rule out the possibility. Human attractiveness seems to be affected by little changes in pheromones, hormonal cycles etc. Women’s monthly cycle debatably have some effect. So I don’t know. Personally I wouldn’t worry about it. If it helps your hair and your confidence that’s probably the most important thing. And if it prevents your prostate getting too big.
  12. So is the question if it makes you less attractive to women or is it if it makes you less attracted to women?
  13. Oral minoxidil is so much better than topical. Topical is a pain in the ass to use. You have to sqoosh it or spray it into your hair and then rub it into your scalp, and then wash your hands, and then do your best to style your unkempt floppy wet hair, and good luck if you are using concealers of any sort. And then wait to dry. And if it works, your hair gets thicker and f your hair gets thicker it gets harder to make the product reach the scalp. Anyway this Dr Sergio fills me with the hair greed, he has superb hairline.
  14. I didn't expect a result this good for that low price. But I must confess, it does look pretty good. Can we get an HD closeup of the hairline?
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