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Everything posted by airporteffect

  1. OP could fill out his entire crown twice over with just the hair from his neck. Legend.
  2. Yeah, he did. It’s just weird that it set in well after the cuts healed. I’ve been watching with antibacterial soap a few times a day which has seemed to help.
  3. Glad to hear it. I never got much acne during puberty so I was sitting here confused as hell as a 33 year old hahaha. I had to go on antibiotics.
  4. I got absolutely wrecked by acne (primarily in the hairline of the recipient area) during month 2. I had massive white headed pimples on top of other massive white headed pimples haha. It’s been brutal for sure. Hoping that it doesn’t linger as long as yours have. Edit: FWIW, I can’t see any pimples in the photo you most recently posted.
  5. “Contemporary Hair Transplant Surgery” by Dr. Buchwach and Dr. Konior from decades ago.
  6. He was recommended in this forum many, many years ago. He actually co-authored a book with Dr. Konior in the late 90s on hair transplant techniques. Time shall tell!
  7. 3 month update: The folliculitis has subsided quite a bit but I still have some popping up here and there. I have been keeping my head shaved to a 0 guard but let it grow out a bit more for the pics here. I’m definitely starting to see additional growth around the hairs that didn’t shed. Hopefully the hyperpigmentation continues to subside and there is no additional scarring across the hairline from the folliculitis. Med updates: Im still taking 2.5 oral Minoxidil daily with no noticeable side effects. I also started taking 1mg Finasteride every day vs 3 days a week after a couple months with no sides. Is this where the fun finally starts?
  8. Does the efficacy of oral Minoxidil vary for patients with hypertension vs patients without?
  9. I buzzed my head on day 10. I just made sure that my barber had sharp clippers that weren't going to "tug" on any of the hairs.
  10. Nice! This Sunday marks the start of month 4 for me. I'm definitely starting to see growth but I think I'm going to wait another 2 months. Was there anything specific that you were looking for prior to taking the leap?
  11. For those of us that kept their hair buzzed during the ugly duckling phase, when did you finally decide that you were comfortable enough to try growing it out?
  12. I think you'll be solid. I got a pretty distinct hairline though the doc did use 1's for the first cm. I am wondering if I'll need to get more macro-irregularities on my second pass. Everything is looking solid for you right now.
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