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Everything posted by airporteffect

  1. Very clean work. The density looks like a 1:1 which is incredible. This will be totally life changing!
  2. Awesome. The repair work looks super clean. I'm stoked that you're finally on the last leg of your journey!
  3. I appreciate the comment! Can you point me towards the sources that support your recommendation? My folliculitis has fortunately subsided dramatically after going on antibiotics and washing the recipient area 2x a day with anti-bacterial soap. During this time I have continued to buzz my head down to a 0 guard :).
  4. Yes, I will be coming up on month 3 here soon.
  5. Good point! I’ve been on fin/min for a new kk the now myself. I don’t ever intend on going off haha.
  6. I’ve gotta agree with Melvin here, you’re in store for a phenomenal result. Buckle up!
  7. The implanted density is incredible. Very stoked to see how this turns out for you 🤙🏻.
  8. I’m on day 75 myself and looking nowhere near as good as you so stay positive! I’m sure growth is right around the corner for ya.
  9. You healed up very well, brother! This will be a fantastic result.
  10. Looks super clean. I'm excited to follow along!
  11. Excellent. From what I've seen — the crown likes to take it's time so there's still a lot to look forward to!
  12. Right on track. Eugenix hits these out of the park all day and I'm sure the density will flow in over the next few months.
  13. I did not. I know one of Buchwach's other patients that I've been chatting with on Reddit also got it. When I initially called in to discuss medical therapy for it he also said he had been helping a few other patients with the same problem that week as well.
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