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Everything posted by Xanadu

  1. I look very similar after the same time.
  2. Here is an illustration of your hair lenght and density compared to other notable examples from the forum after 1 month (Etwan and Bandit). Also, you have virtually no redness!
  3. On a positive note. This looks longer and denser than the average 1 month results imo!
  4. 8 is fine. Actually I think its the perfect distance for you. The only thing I would change in a perfect world would be how it hits your own hair in the sides. rather than straight I would have kept the rounding going so it looked a bit more natural. Just like you also say. However, it is not a big thing and I would not even get it corrected if it was me although it would probably not be hard to correct with just taking a few out in the sides and putting to strengthen the mid hairline or elsewhere. So all in all I think the hairline is fine.
  5. This is what ChatGPT says: The idea that increased muscle tone or chronic contraction of the facial and masticatory muscles can lead to hair loss is considered pseudoscience. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim, and it is not a recognized cause of hair loss by the medical community. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions, and certain medications. Therefore, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause of hair loss and develop an appropriate treatment plan.
  6. Look up Matt Mask. A well-known armwrestler who had his HT there and made videos about it. Lots of detail in those vids.
  7. Yeah, I thought so. Don't worry, I think it will still look good.
  8. I would think he is troubled over the opposite - that there is no maturing built in and it hits the sides too low. If I understood him correctly, then making them rounded (which top clinics usually don't do) would make it worse. If that is what he means, then I can see what he means and I would have connected it a bit higher on the sides too, but I don't think it's a big deal. It looks like it will be a good result.
  9. If that's true, that is horrible. Which clinic was it?
  10. I agree with Gatsby. Looking at your before you would normally need at least close to 5000 for a fairly good result. I'm not saying that is what they should have done because the idea is probably that you still had some miniaturised areas that could improve with fin so 3000 was good. I think this is a great result with 3000 grafts. and yes to your question.
  11. To be honest the results are night and day, and with only a 1500 grafts this is an excellent result. I will remember Couto for this effort.
  12. Probably yes. What do you think about Etwan's strategy to try a "do it once" strategy? Will that work?
  13. Okay. I was just asking if there was an easy way to see it. I'm not really using it for anything, so never mind.
  14. Where can we find those hairlines drawn by the two?
  15. I went through that link and was able to find a (2.?) HT? The third probably is through yet another link. I'm not sure, but I give up on the treasure hunt.
  16. Some guys look better or at least as good with saltnpepper than they did before.
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