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Everything posted by Xanadu

  1. What's more than frustrating is that we even have people in here (a place that is supposed to support people with MPB but has people (like Goligoli) that constantly try to scare people away from using the only FDA approved medicine that actually combats the root cause. They do so under the guise of providing information, when everyone is already bombarded with information about the potential sides and no sane person has not been down a deep rabbit hole of reading and getting information about fin none-stop. Noone needs more fear mongering, because that is what it is.
  2. I agree. And I'm not sure that is even the donor area but just the scalp/crown thining as it does in someone who would undoubtedly be NW7 without fin. I think Eugenix made the right decision and decided that this was certainly doable (and they do excel at high NWs), and the results so far look good. Looking forward to see the updates.
  3. This is super interesting as I am considering Eugenix too, and only has slightly more hair than you. Which package did you choose and who was the doctor? I now saw that you included both pieces of info. Great writeup.
  4. Yes. It looks like the hairline looks similar to before, just moved forward. But hard to see if that is really the case from those pics.
  5. Yes, as I understand it, that's it. I guess he used the rock analogy because there is not a full blockage in most people. And the rock just takes up space increasing the pressure, but doesn't stop flow completely.
  6. I wanted to hear if this resonates with you guys. So he said that DHT affects several areas of the body like an allergy. It is a natural thing, but still unwanted and unhealthy. DHT irritates the hair follicles and over time they miniturize and eventually die. DHT irritates the prostate, which over time results in it enlarging. In regards to why some men experience erectile issues after finateride he argued that it was like a waterbed being tied to a water hose in one end, and a number of tiny holdes at the other end. In the middle of the water bed is a big rock. The water bed will be hard because the water pressure from the hose is higher than the speed with which the water can escape throug the small holes. However, if one were to take the big rock away, then the pressure inside the water bed would be much less - for a while. There would be lower pressure in the bed until the water hose could fill up the space that the rock left behind. Similarly if we imagine a rock with the hose and the tiny holes, and just the right water pressure inside the water bed, then if someone places a big rock in the bed, the pressure will increase until the added pressure on the holes evens out the pressure and it stabilizes the way it was before. He argued that this is part of why a less irritated ejaculatory system and a smaller prostate is like taking away the rock leaving behind less pressure in the system. It will usually take about 1-12 weeks for things to even out. It is also the reason why people who stop using finasteride will often experience an increase in erectile quality - but still again this will only last 1-12 weeks.
  7. I think it all comes down to whether finasteride is dangerous and can make a guy impotent. Melvin seems to think that it definitely can and there is a real and present danger of it. Hence, why he said it would be crazy to use if 50 years old and NW5 or 6. Well, if finasteride really is that dangerous, then it seems to me that it would be even worse to use as a young 20 something NW2 or 3. Because that guy can still get plenty of girls, but whats the purpose if he is impotent? I'm not saying (and I probably don't even believe so) that fin definitely will hurt virility (or make breasts etc), but that was Melvin's reason why someone older with higher NW 'would be crazy to use fin'. So we cannot have it both ways, either its dangeorous or its not, and if it is then it seems that losing erectile function etc is even worse for a 20 year old - and if that happens do you think he (or his girlsfriend) will be happy that at least he has hair? No, it will be a tragedy.
  8. Sure. For me, if I'm NW1, 2 or 3 wouldn't really impact me. All good still, so messing with fin at a young age would be crazy. On the other hand completely nw6 or 7 at around 50 that would not be great. Plus the downside to sides at that age is not nearly as big a loss. So yes, definitely tisk reward. I guess my point is that nothing could get me t o take any chance in my 20ties in terms of virility etc. And certainly nothing to do with hair. There is no hair upside the t would make up for the t. Then I'd rather go to the gym and buzz or shave while not risking virility. So in terms of value there is not enough upside at thst age for the potential downside. With age th t changes. At a point those things become less important. Hair also become less important but compared to virility it always was less important, and at least at 50+ trying to have a ht and being I n fin would be far less scary than earlier on. Sure, there is not as much hair left to save but there is also much less to lose in the other department. So on the balance it seems like an okay risk reward later in life, and a much more risky idea earlier in life. If one believe that fin is dangerous to take. Finally, I agree that a ht preferably should not depend on taking me 's because Noone knows if that will be possible. This is another reason why ht and fin are better and less risky to consider later in life. Because at that stage more hair has been lost and the ht might have to cover all and the dependence on medicine is low while st rating young with a low nw will always make the ht dependent on medicine (or multiple hts).
  9. I just saw this from one of our excellent moderators, but I'm not sure that's how I would feel. If I'm 20 years old not hurting my virility has max priority. Even if I go bald, I'll just go to the gym and still have plenty of 'fun'. When would I risk sides from fin? Maybe when I'm 50 or 60 because then I'm might be a grand dad and that side of life is far less important for most than for a young guy. So if someone truly thinks fin is risky, then going on it as young seems much more crazy than going on it late in life.
  10. Maybe people know that the clinic is known for this in other cases, or that this clinic does something that makes it seem like this but the hairs will come later, and so on. Knowing which clinic it is will just make it easier to answer you.
  11. I don't understand what you are doing in a forum like this? In the short time I have been here I have seen you be negative about hair transplants, and trying to scare people from using finasteride, and now you are also saying that SMP is a mistake. What is your motivation - and is any hair treatment a good idea in your mind, or are you just trolling?
  12. I found the answer and therefore wanted to delete this post, but see not delete option.
  13. "The reason we stopped hosting discussions for him are for the reasons I’ve already provided ad nauseam. " Could I ask what this reason is, or which post to see it in?
  14. Regarding Pekiner, I would be worried why he seems to be trying to be anonymous on the Internet, and can only be contacted indirectly through some assistant. While all the other clinics and Drs have big Internet presence, Pekiner seems to be wanting to be anonymous. I wonder what the reason might be?
  15. I seem to not see people in here recommending them, but there are some good outcomes on youtube.
  16. Very difficult to find the clinic online, and when I did (through his facebook) it is no longer operational. Is he no longer working - or does anyone know the website?
  17. It's neohead clinic right? Still haven't been able to find the website.
  18. YEs, 4000 for that limited need seems very exaggerated.
  19. When searching for HLC two completely different web sites come up. It seems one of the doctors is in both websites, but the other people seem different. Also the phone numbers are different. They both seem to be in Ankara. Very Confusing. Does anyone know which one is the "real" HLC.
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