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Everything posted by Eli_Avdikian

  1. What ??? the man is on oral finasteride and topical minoxidil. It's probably just the medication's effect ...
  2. I can't tell for sure. As I said I haven't shaved my head since the operation, so it wouldn't have been visible anyway had I not brushed my hair under harsh light like that. Although I do have to say that It looks like one big patch at the top of the donor area only. In all fairness, the lower area had a normal color the last time I had a low fade done at the barber.
  3. I booked an appointment with a dermatologist next week.However I also would greatly appreciate your opinion on this
  4. So I had a hair transplant almost a year and a half/2 years ago. And since I haven't shaved my donor area after the hair transplant, I haven't been able to a have a good view of the skin underneath the hair. However, while brushing my hair today, I was able to spot a huge area of red, irritated skin on the back of my head from where most of the follicles were taken. I don't believe it's normal to have red skin on the donor area that long after the operation. What kind of skin condition do you guys think it is ? Could it be skin inflammation ? The problem is that I'm having a second transplant in 2024, and i'm afraid that the docotor won't go ahead with the operation if this condition persists ...
  5. anywayDid the doctor ask you if you are on any medication ? Anyway, I think he's right about your fine hair calibre contributing to the impossibility of acheiving full density, keeping in mind that your receded temple area is quite big.
  6. I agree with ITA. Even if 3 months is still early, you need to temper your expectations. You're pretty much a Norwood 6 and 2500 grafts will only cover so much
  7. In all fairness, I've never seen him thinning to begin with
  8. Congratulations man. a top notch result. I realized that having a strong forelock and midscalp does help getting a visually good result.
  9. I understand that this could be a very painful journey to go through. However, on a side note, I do belive that if you take the left temple out of the equation, your hairline does really look pretty good.
  10. That's strange given that every HT surgeon that I consulted in Spain absolutely requires taking at least 1mg of finasteride daily. I also heard that De Freitas is a notorious oral 5AR inhibitors advocate.
  11. In my opnion, he's not staying at 2.85 euros for long ...
  12. Just out of curiosity, did De Freitas accept operating on you knowing that you're not on any oral 5AR inhibitor?
  13. How is this supposed to be a below-average donnor ? Am I missing something?
  14. I'm sorry you had to go through this. Care to share some pics?
  15. I think he still charges the same price per graft as before (3.5 euros per graft for the first 1000 grafts, 2.5 euros for the rest )
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