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Everything posted by Eli_Avdikian

  1. The line that you drew is too low, and implementing such a design would probably cost you a lot of grafts that you desperately need in order to have coverage on top
  2. I'm afraid this kind of behavior is very common in the hair transplant industry. I contacted 2 reputable doctors in Spain for grafts estimation, and I got no answer whatsoever despite contacting them several times
  3. Thanks man. I was on topical finasteride from summer 2022 to 2023. Never took the oral version. As to Oral Minox, I took a 1.25 mg dose for 2 months, 2.5mg for 5 months, and 5mg for 2 and a half months
  4. Shedding is really a curious thing. I think it could be a chronic telogen effluvium due to Covid or stress. I've been on Oral Minoxidil and topical dutasteride directly after microneedling for the past 9 months and there's no visible improvement and I still shed like a dog. Recently I incroporated oral dutasteride twice a week into my regimen, so let's see If that could lead to any improvement.
  5. Can you show us how your hair looks?
  6. Maybe increasing the Oral Minoxidil dose to 5 mg/day can actually do the trick for you. Dutasteride doesn't necessarily have worse side effects than Finasteride, especially when administred in small doses. I advise you to watch the video that Melvin uploaded on the hair transplant network on the safety of low-dose Oral Dutasteride (it's from an interview with Dr.Sergio Vano). By the way, are there doctors in Paris willing do prescribe Oral Minoxidil for hair loss ? What's his:her name if I may ask
  7. You said you were on and off finasteride. Are you currently on any medical therapy ?
  8. Very good result indeed. Can you show your hairline in the next update ?
  9. Without medical therapy a difuse thinning pattern would most probably transform into full blown baldness. However, Oral Finasteride could halt and even stop baldness from progressing, that's why I don't completely get the doctor's response since Finasteride in the oral form is much more efficacious than the topical form
  10. If you're only a NW3 with diffuse thinning you can benefit greatly from this dosage. There's a big chance you won't need the standard 1mg/day dose
  11. He seems to deliver good results as per some Spanish forums
  12. If you're MPB is progressing then yoyr hairline would defintely look thinner in the future, even with a HT. Note, however, that if you don't have dupa, and your grafts are taken from the safe donor zone, the transplanted grafts themselves won't thin
  13. Your hair transplant should take exact measurements of your forehead and facial dimensions and decide what's best for you
  14. Maybe just wait until the 12 months mark, and if you're not satisfied with the result, then increased the dose to 1mg/daily
  15. Is the O.5 dose working fine for you? If it's the case, I wouldn't want to go higher
  16. it's kind of low already. Your priority should be adding more density to the frontal third
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