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Everything posted by shiba1985

  1. Results good. Wish he had more interaction where he answered questions and bit more post op photos. But if just talking about results based on here and IG then yeh he is good 👍🏽.
  2. I have a few questions. Any post op pictures of extraction sites? What is the range of punch sizes you use? For the average patient, how many grafts are available from their donor area? Do you feel like patients with 9K donor grafts, are only the outliers? If so in your opinion how many grafts does the average patient have?
  3. What the heck are you going for bro? LOL. This is the most unnatural looking design I have seen anyone requesting.
  4. Melvin. Your hair is starting to look good. maybe all the acquired karma from helping bald guys (and girls) is paying you back.
  5. do those examples look good? I would say only aobut 20% of the photos/ videos posted above look acceptable to me. I am interested in this too, just in case as a back up strategy for the future.
  6. Bad scarring of donor and or recipient area. Larger than necessary punches used. Poor graft insertion. All can leave scars.
  7. You will be fine. Go for it. Don’t overthink it too much.
  8. Depends on how you look at it. You could be that 1 out of 10 that has a bad result. The thing is, if you go to a reputable surgeon, even the worse possible result wont leave you "scarred." The horror stories usually happen from non reputable clinics where patients get butchered, donor zone gets obliterated, and you are stuck in a limbo where you cant shave your noggin, nor can you grow your unsightly hair out. That outcome is highly unlikely at a reputable clinic.
  9. It’s devastating psychologically. probably > 90% satisfaction rate with top 10 in the world.
  10. I am a pessimist and like as much info as I can find about what i am using. from Dr hassons earlier podcast i believe he had mentioned that the ingredient in the topical forms a gel like mesh at the subdermal layer to prevent the finasteride from growing into systemic circulation. What is this ingredient? are there any negative consequences of whatever the ingredient is that forms the gel like mesh? will it effect the blood supply etc. Will there be a toxic build up over time? Would like more scientific detail about the ingerdients in the product.
  11. most likely you will be fine. post op period is auto pilot for 95% of patients. You will be screwed if you are the small minority in which complications occur.
  12. That is messed up for a surgeon to perform surgery and go on a vacation and not be available, if what you are saying is true. Tells you how much you value your patient. If that was their schedule they should have stop operating if they did not want to be disturbed a week prior to going on vacation. his results are obviously good but sounds like it is starting to get to his head.
  13. I havent had a chance ot read the whole thread so not sure everything you have had done this go around,. but the donor area looks better than before for sure. MAybe its the lighthing difference..
  14. Any clinic that produces excellent results with non afro hair, will usually be able to produce the same with afro hair. Emphasis on the word excellent.
  15. With all due respect brother, you sound like a nightmare patient. Whatever option you choose a) punch out grafts or b) add grafts you will need to come to terms with the fact that surgery is never going to give you what god gave you at birth. You will need to have realistic expectations going into a repair.
  16. I have heard that lately he is not involved in the process as much, multiple cases and there have been few dissatisfied patients . having said that I never looked into it at a microscopic level. I wouldn’t be swayed by “customer service” though.
  17. tough call. all of them can hit a home run, and all of them can occasionally strike out. I would go with H or B though.
  18. I think the donor area is shock loss. it should recover. make sure to use minoxidil. This is a reminder to pay caution to "large" procedures. The scalp does not have an infinitel blood supply where you can keep creating holes without consequences. Hair transplants are a marathon not a sprint. The results from multiple small procedures will always be better than one large procedure all other things being equal.
  19. Well from those results posted and patient feedbacks, i see no reason not to recommend him. all results look good too me. He gets my vote.
  20. It does not matter what anyone here says. It only matters how Dr Hasson wants to pursue. You should contact him ASAP and ask. I get the impression though he is more on the aggressive side when it comes to surgeries. I can just see him putting you on some strong antibiotics, and proceeding without any issues. But contact the clinic
  21. When were all the graft extractoins done? on day 2? so day 1 all recipient sites made? and day 2 all FU grafts extracted and placed?
  22. Personally for me fibers are like fake boobs, or make up. I rather not use them if there is a more permanent solution. If you are on oral finasteride, I would stay on it and not switch to topical. Two things I will say is make sure your hair loss is MPB and not styling related or scarring alopecia. The reason I say that is because the distribution is somewhat atypical. If biopsy proves MPB then go for a hair transplant. If it shows inflammation then see a dermatologist that specializes in hair.
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