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Everything posted by civic

  1. Finasteride is pretty tricky pill, some never develop side effects, others do. My dad is 90 yrs old & takes 5mg dose for prostate & has zero sides. I, however tried fin at age 28-30 & did experience sides, but they resolved upon quiting.
  2. I am in the camp where i think less is more, if you look at works of Cuto, Bernstein, Eugenix, Vories, they most often work with no more than 3k in that region & results look fantastic. It is not only the graft #s, it's the art of creating illusion with density, certain angle placement goes a long way.
  3. Depends on hair characteristics, thinner hair vs thicker, wavy, curly etc.
  4. I think FUE will be the standard soon, i read some research where good argument was made showing FUE allows for cherry picked grafts, doubles or triples, in FUT you are limited to what the given strip has. Also, with advancement in beard grafts, 300 of beard in crown area gives greater illusion of density than 400 hair grafts as beard hair is typicaly 2x thicker. FUT has a risk of permanent nerve numbness in strip area.
  5. 5k grafts is a lot for just front to mid region, is it possible that too many grafts in such tight area caused some grafts not to survive? Usualy on such big fue or fut cases they pack 3-3.5k grafts from front to mid, has the clinic said why 5k were needed there?
  6. I don't think you need any surgery. What you have can be reversed with fin/minox/ drmaroller. At this age & diffuse pattern, Zero grafts is the best approach . I was in your situation in 2009 & the doc i went to prescribed meds & said not to bother with ht till a decade or so later.
  7. FUE can be spread over 2 consecutive days, did you ask them if perhaps 5k grafts over 2days is good idea in your case?
  8. Hairline design looks great! not sharp V shaped, results should look great with dense-packing that he specializes in.
  9. Well, there are respectable/recomendeded surgens on here who actualy charge reasobale fee for FUE in USA $5-6 per graft & do implantation & extraction themselves with techs only loading implanter pens.
  10. Not really, FUE is more labor intensive & takes much longer hours. If it was all about profit then FUT is where its at, most clinincs doing FUTs can do several surgeries a day. With FUE it would take a whole day to do 3k grafts. In FUT, Doctors take out strip which is pretty quick, then techs do rest under supervision.
  11. I would not worry about pictures. Once Bernstein sees you, he will tell you exactly what is best, he has a no nonesense approach, very honest.
  12. My ht is with dr Vories. 1st surgery, i seen many before/after of his work & like what i see and researched. Donor area i had in person exam localy, was cleared to proceed.
  13. 100% agree, my ht is set for end of June & i am also getting a bit nervous-)
  14. They utilize beard grafts, also those top clinics carefuly analyze each patients donor, there has to be a mutual trust between patient & clinic. If top surgen says a patient can handle 9k grafts then most likely they can.
  15. You still have good coverage, i would not rush into surgery, try microneedling 1x a week, take vitamins, & use Hair fibers. If you opt dor ht you will not be happy as current hair might keep receeding. Wait till 40s for ht, hair loss will be more stable by then.
  16. You can try to get 2nd opinion from Dr Bsrnstein in Nyc, he is very good in assessing if you are a proper candidate or not. Though he charges for consultation it is very well worth to know what your situation is from expert & then decide. I had good experience in my consult with him in 2009, he said not to rush into HT.
  17. I think it's becauae you have wavy hair and high contrsast between scalp and hair color you may feel as though its not dense in certain light condition, but i think it looks good, can we see before operation picture?
  18. It looks great! Thanks for sharing, the density is very good, i was worried that it would look sparse based on your initial post . This is on par with what i seen in top clinics like Eugenix & Couto.
  19. Looks perfect and with only 3500k grafts? That's outstanding density & coverage!
  20. Thanks! Would be great to see those pictures, i will also document my journey post op.
  21. I am also scheduled with Dr V. From what i seen his hairline designs looked natural, now i am a bit nervous-(
  22. Yes that's what i mentioned, i will stay 4 days there after surgery-)
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