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Everything posted by GeneralNorwood

  1. Maybe in nature left is weaker, but for sure it doesnt look like mine. This is how disconnection looks : I don't have small head or large, i think it's average. I have now ~6cm from glabella. I think that in terms of proportions i have perfect distance, but not always you can do HT with "golden proportions", because you have to keep in mind patient level of hairloss. It is obvious that in my case my level of hairloss wasn't properly took into account.
  2. Yes, it's alright. It's cool. Welcome to Norwood0 club ๐Ÿ˜„
  3. I think that microneedling + TM is kind of similar in effect like oral minoxidil. I am speaking from my perspective (im taking oral minoxidil 5mg currently) and i am basing this opinon on studies too. However the best effect i had when i shaved my head bald and started topical minoxidil + microneedling(it was even superior then oral minoxidil). WIth longer hair the effect started to weaken. There is one study that backups it : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3746236/ Shaving scalp before microneedling + topical minoidil therapy can lead to 50% improvement in hair count. And i really got this improvement, i posted comparision somewhere in my topic. The sad thing is that after 6 months your hair are getting longer, so i think absorption of minoxidil is worse and there is loss in density. There is another study where they didn't shave scalps of patients and effects were not so great : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6371730/ It's interesting that they refer to this "shaving scalp" study from 2013 : Bottom line is that propably absorption of minoxidil by hair is altering the final effect. So guys, remember to split the hair before applying topical minoxidil ๐Ÿ˜„
  4. If you area speaking about patient that i think, it is because he had over 700 grafts implanted to create temple points and only 1300 were used to do the hairline. I think you can be satisfied after 1 HT when you are Norwood 2, however it requires dense packing. 40 grafts per cm2 is not dense and Norwood 2 won't be happy about this density, because this kind of patient has little recedeed hairline, but it is usually very dense 80 grafts/cm2. Altering the hairline to Norwood 1, but lowering it density visibly is not good idea. It's like "wtf, i had much more dense front before HT..."
  5. Thank you, i know that in pictures that you are reffering to, it looks good. But it looks good in certain conditions, it requires to do and mantain this slickback hairstyle to look decent. Guess what happens when there is stronger blow of wind or i just lay in bed for a while. Hairstyle is ruined and bald spots are visible. I talked with another respected surgeon that is known in this forum. He saw my preop, postop and current pictures. He was very surprised of the aggressive approach in the front. He pointed out this area in red elipse and said that it was obvious before operation that there will be huge dissconection between front and back. I don't agree that left temple in nature looks like mine. It is weaker and you can find many reviews of Eugenix work, where patients point out that there is something wrong with left temple. I talked with @Rafael Manelli about this issue before he "dissapeared" from this forum. He told me that he watched J Tillman show, where Tillman explained that the two temple points suppose to flow in different directions. And he asked me if i think that Eugenix is just doing same angles for both temples - Down and back. And i responed that i think that they do it with same pattern. However weaker left temple is my least concern. and 32 beard grafts on the scar in occipital area. So 2443 - 32 = 2411 on the frontal third.
  6. Yeah, no serious surgeon is using ARTAS nowadays. Humans are just superior then this machine. If you guys see that clinic is using ARTAS - it's huge redflag.
  7. What i wanted to say is, temple points are only one of features and they don't make or break your face. Chris Evans with prominent temple points looks better, but he can pull it off without them.
  8. And this guy has no temporal peaks and doesn't look great. So generally Captain America looks good despite his mediocre hair(Norwood 2) withouth temple points. His jawline is as sharp as the base of the pyramid of Cheops at Giza. Hallo effect.
  9. I think you have androgenic alopecia. Continue finasteride and find better doctor (dermatologist that specialize in hair).
  10. Almost entire top of the head was covered with only 4500 grafts. Growth for such plan is good. In my opinion you should focus only on areas where you have already hair, so just transplant between existing hair. Hairline lowering would be waste of grafts and can backfire. You can achieve ilussion of lower hairline just by combing hair forward. After 2nd transplant this ilussion will be even better.
  11. I use Polish brand called Onlybio, you won't get it abroad. But i think it's nothing special, just look what girls use and buy the same ๐Ÿคฃ
  12. This guys result is not good, because 40% of grafts they used was beard grafts which in his case had bad characteristics. His beard hair are grey and wavy. He colored his beard black and we see it in final result, but he didn't color his hair on the crown, so we see some weird grey and wavy hair. Sometimes just beard grafts are not good for HT and certainly not in such huge amount.
  13. Before procedure, I said exactly same thing to Dr Das, that i am more on finasteride more then a year and my hair improved a lot and i don't see possibility to further improvement. They do aggresive procedure on Norwood 6(telling you that you are Norwood 3V), then they start to tell fairy tales and "wait, wait few months, we will see". Next they try to gaslight you that before procedure you had better hair and during last year you lost some ground. Finally they propose second procedure. That's how i explain it. But i am sure that they have another explanation that nobody smart will believe. Yes, i need tailored approach with 100% dedication from a doctor.
  14. 3000-3200 grafts in the safe zone donor. (According to Bisanga's measurments) There was no plan. I already wrote this, but they didn't want to implant more grafts on the crown and midscalp, because of risk of harming existing hair. Then they were like "wait, wait few more months, it will improve, we will see". And it of course didn't improve, so dr Das after 10 months proposed to implant 1000 grafts on the midscalp and 1500 on the crown. Suddenly there was no concern of hurting existing hair.
  15. Yes guys, i have the same opinion. The problem with left temple is that design is too straight without irregularities and the distance between front singles and doubles is bigger then in right temple, so the transition between singles and doubles is not so smooth. Also left temple lacks some density on the top. Overall it needs repair in next procedure. I would rather improve left temple in second HT and then just grow both temples longer, than extract them.
  16. Well, look at this examples when hair are combed forward, i think it explains everything : https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/66820-eugenix-3514-grafts-720-on-the-temples-may-2022-dr-priyadarshini-das/?do=findComment&comment=708303 https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/66820-eugenix-3514-grafts-720-on-the-temples-may-2022-dr-priyadarshini-das/?do=findComment&comment=707619
  17. No worries, you are not causing further upset. You can be as harsh as in this video ๐Ÿ˜† And it's true that some people in this topic blame me and not the clinic. What can i say, they are biased. And what do you think about my temples when they grow longer? For example like in this post : https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/66820-eugenix-3514-grafts-720-on-the-temples-may-2022-dr-priyadarshini-das/page/10/#comment-716899 That's exactly what i heard from them. "Just slick back hair like our other patients do". What a joke. I thought about Hattingen too. Dr Sever Muresanu is good at FUT. I had already FUE, so FUT won't provide maximal possible yield, but maybe it's still worth considering.
  18. Wow, that's harsh opinion, but i agree that on the last pictures that i presented temples don't look natural. What do you mean by saying that temples need to stay shaved down? Like cut them with 0mm ? This is my biggest complaint about the Eugenix. Before the surgery, For 31 years of my life I had never styled my hair as slickback. They didn't inform me that after HT I will be limited to this slickback style. If i knew this, i would push for totally different plan of surgery, certainly not so aggressive. Just look at my photos before operation (first post). That was hairstyle that i was wearing. It wasn't so dense, it had diffuse thining, but it was natural. It didn't require much trouble in styling, no headbands, no sea salt spray, no hair sprays, gels, etc. It was easy and comfy. Now easy and comfy is gone. Hair transplant should expand your hairstyles possibilities, not limit them. So yes, transplanting between hair in diffuse thining area, without hariline lowering, was the best option. WIth this scenario, combing forward, which is my favourite hairstyle, would be possible. Before procedure, Eugenix didn't talk with me about the plan for the future (we only talked about medication), for next hair transplants, about hairstyles that will be possible and required styling. After 1 year they told me "It's best to slick back hair in your situation" ๐Ÿ™ƒ Will it be possible to comb the hair forward after next hair transplants (providing it will look good and uniform)? With 3000 grafts that i have left in the safezone it's unlikely. Maybe only magicians like Zarev could plan the next operation solidly and pull some grafts out of a hat.
  19. Thank you. And do you have pictures after procedure with dr Bhatti? Photos that show how donor was managed during extraction. Frontal area wasn't completely bald, but it looks like survival rate after HT with Dr. Bhatti was at 20-30%, no more. Those grafts still matter and combined with 1800 new grafts will repair this frontal region. Styling hair will make a difference, of course. Sea salt spray can become your new friend I dont understand what do you mean by saying that this 149 grafts are in telogen phase and only 20-30% will regrow.
  20. Yes, hairline was designed questionable. Low density was the main problem of darlingbuds procedure. Hairline wasn't straight, but too flared on the right apex of the frontotemporal angle. On the left apex it was flared too, however little less. That's why Eugenix had to extract those grafts. Your new hairline will be straight, shape now is very similar to mine. It's not about the laser device. In my procedure Dr Priyadarshini didn't use the laser device either and and many top clinic surgeons don't use it. Laser helps too see where is exact middle of curvature of the skull. You can simply just draw the hairline, but according to some basic rules. Dr Bhatti made the apex of the right fronto-temporal angle visibly lower then Mid frontal point and i dont know why he made this choice. However if density was good, you could get away with Bhatti's design. So the main question is, what happened during intravenous sedation period. Propably Dr. Bhatti only drew the hairline and later some newbies did your HT and that's why you had poor survival rate and overharvested donor. Your case is difficult, 1800 grafts will definetly improve your situation, but won't close the deal. However if you plan to slickback hair like now, ilussion of density can do the job. In your previoustopic your sides looked very patchy, photos before operation prestent denser hair on the sides, i don't know if it is matter of lighting. BTW, do you have pictures before HT with Dr. Bhatti?
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