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Everything posted by SeanT1

  1. I went to Elithair in Istanbul personally. I'm content with the results, especially for the price.
  2. They've delayed you getting an actual transplant for another year also since this one isn't working out. I'm super glad that your donor is growing back thick though. You'll be able to get what you need from a real clinic.
  3. Be careful with budget clinics. Always make sure to do your research before taking the jump! Some 'hairmills' are actually hidden gems, whereas others will destroy your donor and will do more damage than harm.
  4. Hi friend, I've done this personally. Anything added in an improvement, no matter how slight. It's definitely worth considering in my opinion but know that it's mainly for the crown and FUE scars, but it can work to add density across the whole scalp. Sunlight will always be against you also. Here are a few examples; (Before) (After) (Before) (After)
  5. Thank you friend! Your journey has been one I've been following closely and I'm beyond amazed at your progress. Eugenix did a fantastic job! Extremely happy for you also, thank you for the advice you've given me over the course of the past year.
  6. Small update, as mentioned in the previous post. Here is the results from a shorter haircut, I hope someone somewhere would find this thread helpful!
  7. SMP is the better option for sure. The color fades but it doesn't CHANGE. Unlike regular tattoo ink, which turns blue and expands over time. Yes you may need to get a topup every few years but a topup is much cheaper than the initial cost. I think having an ACTUAL tattoo design behind your head might work but it's up to you if you'd want something like that (like a neck tattoo of thorns that has roses on the back of your head).
  8. Month fifteen update! Hello everyone, thought to give a quick update regarding my hair transplant 15 months ago. I'd say these are the final results (combined with SMP). I'm due a haircut so I'll create a second post when that's done. 15 months post operation: (These are taken under various lighting circumstances)
  9. I think @Melvin- Moderator bumped his head and dislodged a few grafts back in the day, it didn't visibly affect the final results of his procedure.
  10. I don't suppose you have any pictures 4 years ago compared to now?
  11. You still have plenty of time for this to recover! Hopefully it's mainly shockloss.
  12. I also had a low density donor area. Was able to get over 3000 grafts though. My donor definitely looks thinner when the hair is shaven, however you can get SMP to hide those white scars.
  13. Case 7 & case 9 just look completely fake in that video if I'm honest. Thoughts?
  14. Some of the results are rather bizarre if I'm honest. An example from that video would be someone got 1200 grafts to cover a huge area and it turned out incredibly dense.
  15. That's a huge area they've covered in one go, who was the doctor? The hairline has decent density.
  16. Hi, I've noticed Dr Pradeep Sethi has taken a step back from hair transplants at Eugenix, now Dr Arika Bansal is handling procedures with their current packages. I was wondering if anyone has any examples of her work? They're difficult to find. Thanks! -Sean
  17. It looks like an infected follicle? Perhaps someone with more experience could answer this.
  18. This doctor is incredible but NEVER has availability.
  19. Temporary. Your scalp is still healing and your nerves may be numbed also.
  20. Was personally open about mine also. The more people make it the norm the less 'irregular' it will be. Men need to talk more about hair loss and the stresses it causes.
  21. Dr. Yaman is said to be a decent choice. I personally went to 'Elithair' in Istanbul and I'm happy with the result, regardless of it being a 'hairmill' (feel free to check my log thread or youtube).
  22. 100%, if you're losing hair you're likely stressed or anxious as is.
  23. Being honest your donor doesn't look too bad at one month. They did strangely go too far up each side but your recovery seems normal. It will look thinner for the first couple of months due to shock loss.
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