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Everything posted by Fue3361

  1. That’s really weird. But I wouldn’t worry too much. Worst case scenario, a good dermatologist can treat it with laser.
  2. Depending on what part of the US it is, bring proper clothing if cold. For such long flights, personally, I’d stay at least 4-5 days post surgery. Consider it an adventure. You get to travel, make the most of it. Look at it positively.
  3. There’s no way a clinic can count your FUE scars effectively. They can maybe eyeball a guestimate.
  4. You’ll see the hairs once the scabs are gone. In your case you might have thicker than average scabs that are totally covering the hairs.
  5. In case people are interested, I recently found out that Dr Thiago is no longer taking on new patients as he’s booked for a long time. His sister clinic still is, but they seem to have a 6-12 month waiting period themselves.
  6. How much is Dr. Pittella charging for surgeries of this size? Quanto esta cobrando o Dr. Pittella?
  7. I don’t think faster is necessarily better either. I was just asking if people have an idea of what the normal speed for implanting is, as 3k per hour seemed very fast to me.
  8. I had a team of 10 people working on me at once, so there's definitely a large team of people doing the loading at once.
  9. What is the normal speed at which technicians/surgeons implant follicles. I was watching an Instagram feed from Dr. Thiago Bianco Leal, and he says that in his clinic using implanter pens, they implant at a speed of up to 3k follicles per hour (not counting pre-incisions). Obviously that's only the implanting time, and not extractions/pre incisions/etc. I find that really fast, as it's almost 1 follicle per second (3600 seconds in an hour). I know from my personal experience that my own surgery lasted for less than 6-7 hours total, and I had 3361 follicles implanted.
  10. Yeah, the hairs tend to look like they’re dying of old age right before the big shed.
  11. 10k including travel/accommodations/food etc., or 10k on the surgery?
  12. Thanks. I have no protocol, as I don't have any hairloss. I was born with the same hairline that I had pre surgery. Even at 10 years old, my hairline was pretty much the same as it was in my early 30s, very little change. Thanks. Yeah, I probably wouldn't use this many grafts on such a small area if I was going to continue losing hair. But to add to that, the clinic wouldn't do it in that scenario, even if I wanted them to. My procedure they call "ultra high density", and they only do it on cases such as my own, where there's plenty of donor, and no risk of further progression of hair loss.
  13. There’s a better way. Put on sunglasses, and maybe even a covid mask. You’ll be unrecognizable to anyone. People will see, but you’re anonymous
  14. My transplanted density was around 75-80 fu/cm2. At least when self counted. Now, I have no idea what survival rate was and what end result density was, because I’d have to buzz cut my hair to find out, but I can confidently say that I had a good result. My measured native density though was 96 fu/cm2. So the transplant wasn’t quite the same as native.
  15. Maybe the photos don’t do your concerns Justice, but I don’t see the issue. Does it look bad when grown out?
  16. Personally, I think FUT is no longer a big advantage over FUE as it used to be many years ago. FUE has advanced to a point where I think I’d almost always pick it over FUT.
  17. The same way people afford their first car. Work, save. A few dollars here and there add up long term.
  18. They’re both great. I believe they differ somewhat in their hairline designs though. Id personally go with the one who’s aesthetic vision you prefer.
  19. Shows promise. If it can regrow hair though in humans, we might be looking at an insane increase in donor capacity, meaning much more density for everyone. But that does seem a little less likely. Scarless donor looks very promising though.
  20. Thanks dude. I'm very happy with the density myself. Dr. Thiago Bianco Leal, in Brazil Hahaha, I'll take it Dr. Thiago Bianco Leal, in Brazil
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