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Everything posted by Fue3361

  1. Have you tried minoxidil * microneedling for 6+ months. Quite a few people have massive results when combining the two. Even a scenario where you only get subpar results, it can still lower the amount of grafts you end up needing but a few hundred or more.
  2. I'd personally go with Hasson myself. While others achieve results with less density, less density is always less density. I'd rather get very good density in one go, than get a HT, and then spend years considering a second HT to add more density.
  3. How expensive are HMR and Nader in Mexico? I wonder how close they get to OP’s budget. Me personally, I know the clinic “Smart Hair” in Brazil is right around 4.5-5k USD on average. It’s not a recommended clinic on this forum, but they’re not a hair mill and I think they do decent work.
  4. Temple points and hairline are looking solid for 5 months. And we all know crown takes forever to really get going. Can't wait for the next few months!
  5. Thanks. I think the term “dense pack” generally refers to the top of the “acceptable” densities most surgeons go for. That often seems to be somewhere between 55-65 grafts. I’ve usually seen 55+ referred to as dense packing.
  6. Never asked. I do know that it was a total of 3361 grafts, 7730 hairs. As for area, also don’t know, but here’s a pic showing it pre surgery marked out:
  7. I measured mine and it was between 75 and 80 fu/cm2. Here’s some pics: last picture is 9 months post op.
  8. Just as important as the scarring I’d say is how homogeneous the extractions were. If the surgeon did a great job and you scar well, could do a zero guard and look great.
  9. If it must be Turney, Ankara has the best clinics. Forget Istanbul
  10. Simply a badly done transplant. Luckily, shouldn’t be very hard to fix if you go to a good surgeon. They will just need to add a little density and put a few hundred single follicles in front of all the multies, and add some irregularities.
  11. Less than 4 hours for 2.5k grafts sounds ridiculous. I had a team of 10 people working on me, and it took closer to 7 hours to do 3.3k grafts. And even my case I’d consider extremely fast. If you had a small team, there’s just no way…
  12. Who knows why you felt it. But you can be reasonably sure that your grafts were not effected. At 2 months, they are VERY safe. I’d still probably avoid very rough trama to the area like say non stop hitting a soccer ball with your head. Other than that, you should be absolutely fine.
  13. I'd rather have custom size incision blades specifically made for my case over a 1 size fits all sapphire blade. But that's me.
  14. I’d say you’re easily looking at multiple surgeries. In your shoes, I’d probably do midscalp and frontal, and leave the crown for a later date. Heaven forbid you have subpar growth on first surgery, you don’t want to waste precious grafts on crown before you have the front sorted. Crown can always be filled in with other methods like Body hair. You could also have it all done at once (probably 2+ days), but personally, I’d do it in steps. Id probably consider Eugenix because of their great work with high Norwood cases. Have you looked at Pittella from Brazil? He was just on a livestream with Melvin and he has some nice results. He might possibly be in your budget range
  15. If I was choosing India, Eugenix is the only place I'd consider for myself.
  16. Probably you're good to start now. I was a coward, I only started putting hard pressure on my transplanted area after 30 days, to be stupidly ultra safe. Although I did go under full shower water pressure post 10 days. But hard rubbing? Hahaha, too afraid to mess something up.
  17. From what I’ve seen, these are the three best, in my order of preference. Keep in mind, they are also not as cheap as Turkey or Mexico, so are not super budget. Dr Thiago Bianco https://instagram.com/thiagobiancoleal?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Dr Pittella https://instagram.com/dr.felipepittella?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Dra Cintia Carvalho https://instagram.com/dra.cintiacarvalho?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  18. 3361. But we never discussed how many grafts. My surgeon doesn’t work on a per graft price structure.
  19. This is not always the case, I’ve seen quite a few single surgeries with great density on first pass.
  20. Will the very minimal hairline strengthening make you happy? In my case, if the doctor said he’d barely lower it, and not do any temporal work, I’d have not done the surgery. I knew I’d only be happy with a dramatic lowering. Just make sure that the proposed hairline is something you actually want.
  21. I'd argue if you have very lax scalp skin in the donor, that cutting off a portion of the lax skin for 100% yield of that area theoretically must achieve more grafts, since using FUE on same area, you can't just take all the grafts, as you'd be stuck with a bald rectangle. So cutting off that piece of skin makes al the sense in the world. For someone without lax skin though, yield theoretically should be pretty similar.
  22. Oh that's really sad Would have loved to see the whole thing. Did you end up asking him about the state of HTs in Brazil and his thoughts?
  23. I lowered mine, had no balding either, but they used 3.3k grafts. My thread is in my signature under this post.
  24. @Melvin- ModeratorShe is Brazilian @BayoInteresting. I wonder if she gives higher rates to foreigners. Maybe not, maybe she recently increased her prices. Also; lot of her latest posts are all showing donor, and they look untouched.
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