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Everything posted by Fue3361

  1. Don’t take this the wrong way… but dude… Your can’t wait for 4 months for a cosmetic surgery. You can’t do a video conference call (just 1 time) because it’s 2am. You’re counting good clinics out of consideration due to small inconveniences. This isn’t like picking what shoe to wear tomorrow. It’s a surgery that when done badly will mess with you for life. People go out of their way to get a good result. Some people go on 2+ year waiting lists, take 12 hour plane trips, spend fortunes. Maybe rethink your approach. Just some food for thought.
  2. You can have massive gains on your eyebrows with minoxidil. Just put a drop on each one and massage it in with a finger, 1-2 times a day. Good chance you’ll have thick eyebrows within 6 months. If you’re already using minox, nothing to lose. Also, natural eyebrows always trump a transplant. Transplanted eyebrows you have to cut every so often because they grow just like hair.
  3. Video is in Hindi, but at the 6:15 minute mark, you can see they're saying that one should avoid using beard hair in the central part of the crown. That's quite interesting, I would have thought that the crown is one of the better places for beard hair in general.
  4. Well think of it this way. If you have a roll of skin on the back of your head, that isn’t really giving you more “visual” area for hair, because it is a roll. So in theory, if you have extra skin in the donor, cutting it off, then flattening the area; you’re kinda getting “free” grafts, compared to someone with tight skin, that gets an FUT, and has to stretch the skin to closE the scar.
  5. A top notch surgeon should not damage your donor with FUE. FUT scars are also sometimes dependent on patient. Not everyone heals the same. FUE at this point has pretty much caught up to FUT on most points. It’s usually the superior choice (in my opinion). Even when it comes to maximum grafts, FUT only has a big advantage if you have high scalp laxity (extra skin).
  6. At this point in the game with all the advances in FUE, I’d say it is more a personal choice. Me personally, I’d never go with FUT, as the idea of the scar is unappealing. But some people have great FUT’s. Research both and go with which type of scar you’re most comfortable living with.
  7. No idea, but maybe interesting to add, I was put on oral minoxidil literally hours after my surgery, so getting back on shouldn’t be an issue for you theoretically.
  8. Brazil really has some amazing quality work. Word just needs to get around! About 10k USD (50k BRL) Thanks man!
  9. Yeah, huge texture improvements. At 6-7 months, I could still see what hair was transplanted vs natural, due to texture.
  10. Well, it has been a year, and as many people will say, 1 year is a great time to get an idea of what the final results are for a hair transplant. I've updated my original thread once per month at least, and that thread has grown to 11 total pages, so it's quite hard to really go through in a time efficient manner. This thread is to put everything into one place, the full progression, from day 1 to the final result. Important information for those who want it: Clinic: Dr. Thiago Bianco Leal (Brazilian Clinic) Graft count: 3361 grafts Hairs per graft : average of 2.2 Density : between 75-81 grafts/cm2 Medication: I didn't take any medication prior to the transplant. After the transplant, I was on a unique cocktail of cialis/viagra/arginine/minoxidil (4 separate vasodilators). My understanding is that this is the my doctor's go to approach for densities as high as mine, as we all know, it is assumed that grafts have to fight for blood flow, and at such high densities, there is risks involved (up to potentially necrosis). This is one of the things my doctor does to get as much blood flow into the scalp as possible. Also important to mention that I have no male patter balding, as I've had the same hairline for almost 20 years. Putting this many grafts in such a small area makes sense in my case, but not for anyone who is actually losing hair. Grafts are a limit resource, and if you will have more loss in the future, it is important to use them sparingly. Now, without further ado: Pre Surgery: 1 Day Post Surgery: 3 Week Mark: 2 Months: 2.5 months: 3 Months: 4 Months: 5 Months: 6 Months: 7 Months: 8 Months: 9 Months: 10 Months: 11 Months: 1 Year (12 Months): I wanted to make this thread for a while now, to have everything in one place, and also to have information such as the Dr. who did the procedure in the title, for easier search options for new and existing users. I don't think there's much need to do any more picture updates after this, as after this point, I doubt there will be any changes, and I'm quite confident this is the final result. And, since it has been asked for: Donor Area (Post Surgery):
  11. I mean, it’s theoretically possible for one to pop out on its own if there is swelling going on and the pressure causes it to pop (I’m assuming here). All this said, 1 graft? Literally doesn’t matter. Even the best hair transplant ever done in the world doesn’t have all grafts survive and grow to maturation. So 1 extra graft not making it to adulthood? Small drop in the bucket. It won’t effect the result in any meaningful way.
  12. I didn’t think anyone was saying that haha. I was replying to the gap comments in general that were being discussed. And thanks man.
  13. Looks great. If it were me, at least based on these photos, I wouldn’t even go for a 2nd op. You look good. I’d save grafts and wait to see how much worse my situation gets in the next 10+ years, as you’re not on meds, then reconsider. But of course, if you’re still unsatisfied, by all means go for surgery number 2. You still have more donor supply readily available.
  14. All the recommendations in here are pretty solid. Personally, I would not go with Dr. Diep, as I am not a fan of certain things he does (cornrows patters of implantations particularly). If budget is a real problem, you can also look at Mexico. Dr. Nader is very good, as well as HMR, and they’re both much cheaper than Canada or The USA.
  15. Big gaps? IDK about that, but if you look at the red arrows, micro irregularities in density like this I believe are very important for a natural result:
  16. Thanks @TheEye And here’s 12 months, probably the last post needed to finish up the 1 year journey. I might do something else in the future, but I don’t think much will change other than hair length and hairstyles: I think I’ll make another thread in the future to have all the progression in order, all one one page, so that if someone wants to look at it, they don’t have to go through 10 pages of content to find something. What a journey, but I’m extremely happy with the final result!
  17. I'll also say Nader's work is great. HMR is a great choice as well in my view.
  18. Yes. Very good HT surgeons use your hair’s natural direction as a guide when reconstructing.
  19. I think you misunderstood what I said. I was a very early grower, so in MY CASE, I had most of my growth by month 6. This does not mean it is the case for everyone else.
  20. I had really early growth, and yeah, at 6 months, pretty much all my hairs grew. BUT, the texture of my hair at 6 months sucked. Felt like rigid chest hair or something. At 12 months now, feels very smooth and natural.
  21. My clinic had me washing my hair twice a day with shampoo for months. IDK why, but that's what they asked me to do, so I followed instructions. I'm just writing this to say that if they actually told me to do it, there's probably no downside doing it, so if it's what you're used to, go for it.
  22. Brother, just tell them you had a hair transplant. Many people think that's pretty cool these days. Alternatively, get a wig if you can't wear hats in workplace. It will be noticeable that you had a hair transplant for 4 months minimum, usually 6+ months. You won't be hiding it for that long with a surgical hat.
  23. You got answers for clinics. As to how many grafts, that depends on where they put the hairline, and how dense they make the hair.
  24. I did 2.5mg per day for 6 months straight. Results are irrelevant, since I didn't have balding in the first place, but I can talk about side effects. I felt zero difference in terms of anything physically. And when I stopped, same thing. No sides for me.
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