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Everything posted by Gokuhairline

  1. @NARMAKthe guy above me is the one i was talking about. check it out @MachoVatohis dr was bisanga out of belgium....that is what a soft and natural temples look like.
  2. fair enough, at the end of the day its what you want and not what anybody thinks right ? it looks like temple work at eugenix is just part of the procedure unless you ask them not to touch it ? the others don't have temple work and I assume its cause the patients did not specifically ask....so its good you know what you want out of it...connect with @Melvin- Moderatorif you have not already he can probably tell you a lot more. GL
  3. yeah I mean the aggressive lines and angles, you can measure an acute angle on some of them lol and some of the older guys it just doesn't look too natural since they are between 35-40 and they have the shape and look of a 14-18 year old BUT again I stress this is my opinion and others might see it differently.....it just doesn't look soft if that makes any sense, it looks hard and aggressive.....and to be honest I think most should leave their natural temples and not even touch them or just slightly (again soft not aggressively addres them) how bad are yours ? check out this guy that went to Bisanga for a slight temple / crown work ,that one looks decently natural I forget his name, he went to HLC for hairline and then Bisanga for crown and temple
  4. no i said i believe it was also in india not that it was from eugenix which is in india lol but yeah i wonder how that dude is doing
  5. bro just look at literally all the eugenix threads lol , and again not saying they are BAD...just not my cup of tea and not too natural looking...to each their own.....there was a thread made last year (also in India I believe) where that was clearly a bad temple restoration and even gave him mutton chops lmao
  6. not sure if trolling or not but I also agree with this, seen a lot of eugenix guys come out with really aggressive looking temple points .....almost all of them, now if that is the look they want then of course go for it but to me it doesn't look a whole lot natural, specially one those who have the faces that do not complement that look....for example how some haircuts and better designed for certain face shapes (oval, round, triangular ,etc )
  7. here's my 2 cents and it might not be what the majority will tell you but I am not afraid to be a contrarian and go against the grain.....go ahead and get a HT with out fin ....you have 1 life.....I personally had one with out ANY meds and started seeing growth at 2.5 months and everything is going well....I should note I did not touch a single drop of alcohol after 90 days, I exercise 3-4x a week, don't smoke or do any drugs, low stress....my regimen is nizoral, biotin, whole food vitamins, and patricks shampoo. point is I am a healthy individual ....most will ask you "are you on fin" and push it on you....you are 27, do you own research on the drug....now genetics, from what you said it looks like you are on the bad side of genetics and probably headed towards your brothers nw6, that I cannot help you with...do some research here theres a few guys who had a HT without fin and are seeing amazing results like Bisangas (he does have them take oral minox) and Freitas I think ? he does not have his patients take fin, and the moderetor also believe is not on fin, again to be completely honest and probably get heat for this- I think those who do NOT take fin pre HT have not only early growth but also best results....good luck .
  8. i have a dedicated thread where i post monthly updates feel free to check it out
  9. on pic 5 why is only 1 side look operated and the other half not and in the following pics it all looks operated on ? did they split over 2 days ?
  10. oh interesting so you use 2 products dermatch and toppik...do you think both are necessary for a little covering say around hairline or should just fibers do it ? or just derm ?
  11. OP did you have a 2nd touch up after the 1st or did it just magically grow one day after 5 months ? looks great btw
  12. is this only for those with loss in crown or anyone who wants to give it a try regardless of crown loss? and is not on fin currently or ever
  13. keep monitoring...and its all up to the Dr....some will allow it others will want you to get a buzzcut....maybe ask if they can do a partial shave, i had one and looking back I would have shaved it just cause the first couple of days it became a hassle but yes it definitely helps hide specially when you get to months 2.5+
  14. meaning its probably somewhere between 1.5k-2k grafts to rebuild the frontal band nothing crazy like a 4K mega session , if you really want it go for it, you would likely get good results, as far as fin- its a choice you might get sides you might not
  15. anyone taking biotin and notice extreme growth on nails ? does it really work for hair growth ? I've been supplementing biotin 5000 MCG and my nails are growing a ridiculous pace and wondering if it really does help grow & maintain healthy hair (skin and nails)
  16. when i flew back i wore the blue surgeon hat and blue surgical mask and as I sat at the gate waiting to board people kept asking if I was a surgeon lol and they did not tell me to take it off once even passing thru security / metal detectors
  17. i do not want to risk even .0001% of side effects due to fin...also my hairloss is stabilized.
  18. my personal opinion is no you do NOT need to be on fin to do a HT...does it help ? maybe ? maybe not...i also think it comes down to the individual and how advanced their case is....only you and a dr. can answer that
  19. bruhhhhhhhhhhhhh wow.....good stuff....like others said i had no idea your crown....that video of you putting on toppik is even more insane now thinking how much and well of a job it did at covering , you wont be needing that soon tho huh
  20. hi all, today is month 4 and 1 day....nothing to report hoping growth continues into next 2 months + ... overall satisfied no complaints, my right side needs to catch up to the left a bit, left side is barely noticeable I had any work done right side i guess if you have an eye and are up close and personal you might be able to tell. I see some hairs still popping thru and hopefully more continue to sprout and fill in some areas, tbh i did not expect this growth this early but I am not complaining. feel free to ask questions.
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