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Everything posted by Gokuhairline

  1. hello all, below are pics at month 3 and 1 day...hairline is starting to take shape and fill in...feel free to ask questions...i might skip month 4 and post again and month 5 unless y'all want to continue seeing progress let me know....also...have not hair a haircut since procedure...letting it grow and will probably get a buzz cut q2 2022 . cheers.
  2. cause hair loss is not only attributed to DHT, genetics, enviromental factors, stress etc.....contribute too....plenty of people with high DHT and 0 hair loss.
  3. updates ??? 3 months + 4 days how's it going bro ?
  4. @Melvin- Moderatorlet me know if you need any help ....glad to assist in any capacity, also not on fin and going natural route. this is great, hope you get something positive out of it.
  5. hell yea bro....ps its the creatine that is causing early growth hahaha...now we have proof...
  6. bro you need to go to the hospital...
  7. just post actual pics of yourself so we can keep giving our honest opinions....
  8. is the right photo photo shopped ? lol serious question ...and i don't think your a norwood 2.5 its probbablly higher...but i am not expert....good luck
  9. surprised more people on the forum are not talking about this....this is huge if true lol
  10. interesting take...been taking creatine 3x week in very small dosage 5mg....not seeing any effects beside streght gains and i am up about 3 lbs since i started.
  11. theres some people on the post finas forum that report insomnia and night sweats after taking finas ....just saying
  12. i did partial shave and it was a bitch post op i thought about buzzing it but have just let it grow.
  13. my man....just did a quick review of your case and congrats looks great , fellow NYer here....i feel you on the all natural, same here even headaches I just let them ride out and water water water is my best friend...real glad to hear someone else going the natural way, the way it was intended haaha good looks bro
  14. you are balding for sure....how bad ? i dont know I am not a Dr. but you might want to consider places in Europe....not too far of a flight. or I think motion clinic in S. Korea
  15. same here....i would even say its helping....might be the combination of whey protein as well....but i really think the study is a bit biased...there is no reason to be doing a loading phase unless you are specifically trying to put on mass by certain date or compete....normal 5mg 2-3x week is completely fine and should have no effect...
  16. it does look a bit sparced however from what i am hearing a HT is the illusion of density at best and under harsh lighting it will be exposed.
  17. looks like you lost all the transplanted hair ? or am i not seeing right ? thats why it does not look like ugly duckling phase
  18. are you seeing some that never fell and just started growing ? I would assume that is a good sign...i have some that just started growing and now are much longer then others.
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