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Everything posted by HappyMan2021

  1. @DrMunibAhmad can you clarify appx how many badly angled grafts there were to begin with? I thought - due to scarring risks and some grafts always being in telogen phase - that it is almost impossible to extract all bad angles in one surgery? If this is indeed the case - incredible - but can you please clarify if you really did remove 100% of bad grafts? This is personally relatable to me as I am a bad angle repair patient myself. I have already had 2 repair surgeries with one of the super-well known repair doctors, and I still have bad angles remaining. So naturally I am very curious on the # of badly angled grafts the patient has, and if you truly were able to remove every single one in this single surgery. Thank you!
  2. Looks good! Can you share how many misangled grafts the patient had, how many were removed, and how many remain/if any? I know removing misangled hair almost always requires multiple surgeries, so just curious what the case is here specifically in regard to that. Looks good regardless.
  3. I agree it looks like Tate has had a HT but for whatever reason found it unsatisfactory and decided to go bald. I always thought it was strange for Tate to be bald, because he certainly has (or maybe now had lol) enough money to go to the best surgeons and finish the job to be fully satisfied. Andrew Tate seems to be largely influenced by Dan Bilzerian (who is either one lucky son of a gun or has had HTs himself), so always found it odd Tate would be bald. But then again Tate is a former kickboxer, preaches aggressiveness, being manly, etc. so maybe he just went the Joe Rogan route and said f*ck it and decided being bald was better.
  4. Id be super jelly of you if he did sue haha. Easiest money ever..... I think all these Diep threats are just saber-rattling really.
  5. Yes completely different. Im no lawyer but I feel like even the initial contract all the HT docs may you sign isn't really enforceable (where you say you can't sue) It's kind of like how many non-compete clauses in employee contacts aren't actually enforceable. But regardless, if a doctor sues you first, you certainly have the right to countersue.
  6. @AlexMeister21 yea, as far as I can tell your Diep reviews and posts have been 100% non-defamatory nor slanderous. If a doctor sued me for posting an honest review, I would gladly countersue the doctor. Seems like an easy win for the patient and I would welcome the $$$. It's kind of like if a movie producer sued a movie critic for posting a bad review.....there is no case....(as long as the review is not slanderous or libelous) If Diep's argument is that you are financially hurting him by posting an honest negative review, well I don't really know how to respond to that, that is how the world works lol.
  7. Looks like you'll need a 2nd pass. I'd say over 90% of patients need a 2nd pass or more, seriously. It's rare to get a one-and-done procedure.
  8. Its natural to be frustrated by all of this. I'd say you are going about it wrong if all the researching/consulting was super easy. You may be spending tens of thousands of dollars, maybe traveling internationally, having surgery, the disruption to your work and social life, months of ugly duckling phase, many many months of waiting for results. AND to top it all off - even if you go to an elite surgeon, you may be unhappy with the final result or worse end up botched. So naturally, this can lead to a lot of stress.
  9. if I were you I would just post again in this thread with the photos rotated correctly. Or edit the post
  10. I just walked. It was a 10 minute walk or so. I actually was indeed quite nervous about walking to and from the hotel even though it was a short distance, but whatever I did it anyways.
  11. The hairline could be improved. The end-result makes it seem like you still have a receding hairline. (I am assuming here that your MPB is not that bad and you have enough donor for a NW1 result) The misangled hair are obviously an error on the surgeon part. If there seriously are only a few of them, I say kill them off with electrolysis. Or you can get them extracted out and reimplanted elsewhere during your net procedure.
  12. Move on and keep searching for other docs. Either they are busy or they very well may not want to take you on as a patient, for whatever reason. Its not uncommon to be rejected as a repair patient - even among the 'repair' clinics. Its like job searching, keep applying until you find your perfect match.
  13. @MaximusEastwood All my HTs have been FUE, so I am not an expert - but the scar looks somewhat dramatic.....are you confident it will heal fine?
  14. Watery sperm can have many causes. Please rule out other potential causes before decisively ruling that it is Fin. Ditto with ED and literally any other side effect that people attribute to Fin.
  15. also, thinking about it more, your yield seems like it was really poor....you weren't botched though, so that implied both Dorin and Wesley at minimum did some things right. If I were you I would get your scalp checked for a potential underlying condition before diving even deeper into hair transplant world. You want to make sure there is no physiological reason for these bad yields.
  16. ah, yes 2700 grafts really should have been more than enough for a NW2. That is a generous # of grafts. Your yield must have been poor. I advise you to look beyond NYC for a 3rd HT. You would think that NYC, being such a massive, fashionable, cosmopolitan, hip place, would have amazing HT doctors, but this really is not the case.... If you look at the recommended surgeon list, many of these doctors are located in some pretty random places.
  17. What is your norwood level? A cumulative total of 2700 grafts is actually on the lower end. I would imagine 2700 grafts would only be satisfactory for a NW2, and unlikely but possibly a NW3. Also dont be bummed by the # of transplants you may need. Most doctors and clinic marketing material makes it seem like every patient will only need a one and done procedure. That is FAR from the case. Hair transplants are notorious for needing multiple procedures in order to have a long-term satisfactory end result.
  18. just take the normal 1mg dose every single day. Chances are good you won't have any sides, but if you do, you can modify the plan if sides come up. It's really no different from any other prescription med. The vast majority of people will have zero sides. Some people may have one side effect, others a different side effect. The squeakiest wheel is the loudest though, in that the small minority of people with sides are the ones you will find loudly vocalizing on the forums. Rather than thinking endlessly about taking Fin, you really just need to jump into the pool and see how you swim first.
  19. Can you find a different HT doctor or a dermatologist to give you a diagnosis on the redness? It sounds like you are diagnosing this all yourself and proscribing what you think is the proper treatment as well. Definitely have an independent MD with no financial interest in your HT give you a proper diagnosis on the redness before pursuing vbeam or any other repair treatment. Any capable dermatologist should be able to do this if it is hard finding a HT doctor local to you.
  20. i just want to dig a little deeper on the name of the surgeon, why keep it hidden now? If the surgeon sees this thread, do you think he will rescind the free repair offer? An ethical surgeon would not rescind the offer, and if he does then you've dodged a bullet. I don't think you are helping anyone by keeping the name anonymous, and its useful information for the community and other future patients in selecting their surgeons In terms of repair, you have 2 options: 1) Extracting the bad angles and re-implanting them elsewhere (correctly). Then brand new grafts from the donor area are implanted in the temple points again ****Keep in mind that if you have bad angles that are very close together, it may take multiple surgeries to get every single bad angle removed. The reason is if a doctor extracts 2 grafts that are very very close together, it can create one large extraction hole, scarring, essentially bad stuff. 2) You can get electrolysis and kill off all the badly angled temple point hair. Then you can start from a completely fresh/clean slate. Then, it will be a normal, "run-of-the-mill" implant surgery into the new temple points. If you have enough donor to allow for the outright killing of the bad temple point grafts, I would say kill all the bad grafts first. From a surgeon POV and also to get optimal density, it is always simpler and easier to do a staightforward implantation on a bare area, than it is to do an extraction-re-implantation repair.
  21. Are you confident Hasson can do the temple points correctly given they were done poorly the 1st time around? What makes you think he will do it right this time? You should never take the "free touch-up/revision" offer from a clinic unless you can fully understand, accept, and forgive why the surgeon made their poor design/decisions in the first place. And - be 100% confident that the surgeon will get it right the 2nd time around Regarding your hairline, I think it looks fine overall, but since you are looking for honest feedback, I will be a bit nitpicky and say the hairline looks too angular. The countours, shape of the hairline and angle points look sharp and aggressive. I think the hairline would be better if it was just a smudge bit straighter.
  22. I agree that most celebrities have had hair transplants. The vast majority of guys have MPB, yet if you only looked at Hollywood actors, you would think MPB is some super rare, freak, horrible condition. Coincidence? I think not.
  23. One man's "mature hairline" is another man's NW2. Just like everything else in this industry, it's all subjective and people can classify themselves however they want.
  24. I really think you should do more research and education on hair transplants. You shouldn't expect growth until the 4th month. I'm not sure if there is a reason you expect growth to occur at 2.5 months, but if so, your information source is false.
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