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Everything posted by HappyMan2021

  1. Surprised there is no mention of Machine Gun Kelly yet. While I dislike everything about him, there is no denying he has gotten a hair transplant and the work is amazing.
  2. nice, yes 2 months should be a generous amount of time for all the redness to go away.
  3. I hate to break it to you but even partial shave FUE's don't really conceal surgical work. Do you meet clients face to face? If so there is no way you will be able to conceal the hair transplant. In my opinion getting a partial shave FUE is even more conspicuous than just buzzing down fully. Is it too awkward to just tell coworkers and clients (if it comes up) that you've gotten a hair transplant? If I were you I would fully buzz down so you get the best result possible, and just be completely transparent and open about your surgery to the relevant stakeholders at work. The one saving grace is you can be away from clients for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks all the scabbing will be gone, but you likely will still have redness in the implant areas.
  4. If this guy has no further hairloss, I think the situation can be rectified by electrolysis i.e. zapping/killing all the too low hair, and creating a new more appropriate hairline that way alone.
  5. who is calling themselves an 'authority' though? Unless someone is getting paid to be here, or they are literally calling themselves an 'authority/expert' in their posts, we are all just sharing our opinions and (for most of us at least) our lived experiences with the hair transplant process.
  6. I wonder if Brad Pitt is all natty? I'm always a bit suspicious when celebrities have perfect hair.
  7. there are actually quite a few good doctors who aren't on the recommended list. The recommended list is a good guide to help navigate your journey, but it is not the final end all be all of all good doctors in the world.
  8. I had zero sides fom Fin for the 2 years I was on it, then upgraded to Dut. I haven't had any sides from Dut in the 4 years I've been on it. I don't get the drama....
  9. why specifically were you denied? Unless you have other complications/complexities, just being a NW 6 alone isn't a reason to be rejected in most cases
  10. Nice hearing from you @Rossybop. The last post I read from you (it must have been months and months ago) you were worried that a significant amount of your native hair had fallen out, and the new transplant hair could not conceal or account for the native loss. Did this turn out to be a non-issue? I wonder if perhaps you just had a random heavy temporary shed due to Fin or something. Regardless, I am glad that apparently is no longer a concern.
  11. Looks like a great result @aNewHairHope! I'm wondering, can you please share photos of your hair in a classic side-part, or just in general with your hair parted to the side? A side part is my favorite hairstyle and I'm super curious how it looks on you 🙌
  12. hmm I'm not sure. 10 days seems too early for shock loss. Perhaps this is just normal spacing, "gaps" that appear due to scabbing. Even though your work looks very clean and not that "scabby', there are still scabs nonetheless so perhaps that is what accounts for it. You should ask Konior if you haven't emailed him directly.
  13. If you live in Vancouver I don't understand why you woudn't include H&W on your list of prospective surgeons. When you consider the cost of travel, hotel, etc. to see all the other surgeons on your list, H&W won't be as pricey as you think. Also think about the convenience and way reduced stress of going to a local surgeon. It is hard to put a price on that.
  14. treat the saline spray like you would any other essential medication you may need on the flight. If security questions the necessity of it, just point to your scabby red scalp.....
  15. yes its completely normal. A lot of clinic marketing makes it seem like you can get surgery on your lunch break, as if a hair transplant is the equivalent of a routine teeth cleaning 🤣 That of course is far from the truth. Hair transplants are a significant surgery, so its completely normal to feel off for the following week or two.
  16. Eugenix is pretty active on this site, it would be great to hear from one of the Eugenix people commenting on this case.
  17. to be honest i'm really surprised you aren't already on meds. From your numerous post-op Bisanga posts its clear your surgery is a huge investment to you (as it should be), so its a bit head-scratching you aren't on a DHT med already.... agree. so sick of the DHT med question. Not just on HRN, but for all the forums, I wish the DHT med question could just be stickied. It's a very straightforward question/topic, but apparently people like to dig in their heels and go in circles about it.
  18. 3k grafts was never enough to cover such a large area, but even so the graft yield seems like it was poor. 8 months is definitely enough time in your case to begin looking for a new doctor to do a 2nd pass...
  19. On the forums I have seen numerous patients who are over the moon and 10/10 level of satisfaction, but the transplant hair does not look like the rest of the native hair on the scalp. Ex. If someone has a coarse or curly hairline/frontal region, but the rest of the scalp hair is straight and tame, to me that is a sign of a HT.
  20. Any of the elite repair doctors should be good. Bisanga, Mwamba, Feriduni, and Cooley. Pretty much any elite doctor, even those that don't market themselves as 'repair docs', has loads of experience doing repairs. So any elite doctor you go with should be good.
  21. yea, to clarify, there is no reason you can't be consulting and planning your 2nd surgery right now. But I wouldn't pull the trigger and/or actually proceed with surgery until Month 7 at the earliest. Or at least until you can definitively rule out other causes that may naturally recover.
  22. @rambo man can you clarify these pics? These are pre-op? You look like Wolverine in them lol. Just wondering where the pain points are in these 2 pics.
  23. At 4 months I think its too early to call. For all we know some of the loss in the donor region could be temporary shock loss that will grow back. If the donor still looks barren by month 6/7, I think you can draw a more definitive conclusion at that time.
  24. you have a lot more discipline than me haha. I've always been impatient when it comes to booking surgery.
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