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Everything posted by HappyMan2021

  1. @gxm100 is the hair in your donor hair wavy? Just guessing, but I would say the hair is wavy because your donor hair is wavy. It is indeed strange that this hair would pop out around month 4 and look normal, and only 5 months later start to curl. Regardless, I think the curliness is going to be a permanent fixture. But yes overall great result! Very lucky to be a one-and-done procedure!
  2. if you are positive its not a placebo affect and you genuinely do have shortness of breath, stop taking it immediately. You may be allergic. Regardless of the scientific cause, sounds like oral minodidil does not mesh well with you consult a doctor before continuing it
  3. Talk to the lawyers 🙌🙌🙌 Contrary to popular belief, most lawyers really do prefer settling these types of matters amicably. There are alot of negatives for the lawyers and the clinic if this turns into some sort of protracted legal dispute. Also, lawyers are 3rd parties to this matter and therefore do not have the emotions, passions, or egos involved. The lawyer will be a cooler head, a more level-headed person you can talk to.
  4. Those pre-surgery contracts are alot less legally binding than you may think. You can also argue that you were kind of forced into it under duress. Its unreasonable for you to fly to a different country, literally be 1 day or hours before surgery, then have the terms and conditions changed on you. That is an insane amount of pressure for you to agree to the terms and conditions. Perhaps you can even argue that this was pre-medidated; that they in fact intentionally chose to wait until the very last moment to do this price switcheroo on you. There is a chance you may be misinterpreting things as well. You seem to think it is a threat from them when they say 'talk to the lawyers'. Perhaps the clinic is literally and more innocently telling you to 'talk to the lawyers' so you can negotiate some type of settlement? It actually doesnt really make sense for the head of a hair transplant clinic to get involved and bogged down in some legal matter. If you are a company owner and you have a potential legal problem, it makes sense to hand it off to the professional lawyers, who are the experts in this. I say take them up on their suggestion and literally talk to their lawyers. What do you have to lose? At the absolute minimum you should do a free consult with a local lawyer near you. Most consults are free.
  5. this sounds like outright fraud and deception to me. Both parties had agreed the surgery was free. OP travels to another country, in a pretty vulnerable state - seems like he has no choice really but to accept that he will have to pay for surgery. What is the other option? Complete waste of an international trip, all the time, money, stress, of travel, etc? @Jnass if I were you I would DEMAND a refund. If they don't comply, time to hire a lawyer.
  6. sorry but as an actual botched patient i can't help but laugh that you think this is a bad result. this is what happens when every doctor out there promises a 'one and done' result this is a good 1st surgery and you likely just need 1 more for a minor density fill in, which is completely normal. In fact only needing 2 hair transplants would be an amazing blessing for any patient out there. Ironically, I think your thread serves as a very positive endorsement for KSL in Manchester.
  7. grafts are 100% secure between days 3-10. I suppose blood compression/constriction could have some tangible effect on growth strength/yield on Day 18 still. But...the blood compression would have to be severe enough it caused you to pass out or faint or something. Since you did not even notice this till visually looking at your hat, I'm pretty sure you are in the clear. For peace of mind - for the next few months just be sure to wear loose fitting hats.
  8. It's hard for me to take you seriously when you are so vehemently knocking down a drug you haven't even tried. Just like I wouldn't take non-mask wearers seriously during the pandemic. I frown on people who ignore science and the medical community. You are free to do what you want and there certainly are doctors who will happily take your $$$ and dont't care about your long-term results. Just don't come back here expecting alot of sympathy when you are in some horrible hair transplant purgatory you can't get out of.
  9. non-hair specialist doctors are utterly useless in treating MPB (unless it is a straightforward simple request for a Finasteride prescription) See the dermatologist for skin checkups and DHT med prescription refills. For actual hairloss advice, you will have to go to a doctor who specializes in this.
  10. I am only a NW3. But my first HT had over 1000 badly angled grafts. How many bad angles do you have? Or is your issue really just lack of density? If your only issue is lack of density, perhaps all you need is a 2nd pass. Im not even sure I would call lack of density to necessarily be "botched", moreso just a poor result.
  11. @ALittelTeal can you clarify what the problem(s) are a bit more clearly? Maybe you can add arrows and comments to your photos as well. Right now in your photos I am just seeing "messy hair" but not explicitly seeing anything that is botched. Who is the doctor who botched you? A repair can be anything from a 'simple' 2nd pass touch up to needing 4 or more repair surgeries. Getting botched is a very serious matter because the repair journey is super lengthy. It is rare to get a 'one and done' repair job. Whether you decide to pursue the repair journey depends on 1) the extent of damage 2) what your end goal is 3) your commitment to the process and 4) $$$ at your disposal I am a repair patient myself and honestly wouldn't fault any botched person for throwing in the towel, shaving, accepting baldness, etc. For reference, my own repair journey has spanned multiple years, multiple surgeries, excruciating patience and discipline needed, traveling across continents, over $50k spent - AND I am still not fully repaired yet 🤷‍♂️ I am sorry to hear this. I wou;dn't advise a newcomer to get a hair transplant without being on Fin/DUT, let alone a repair patient. I would hate for you to have to suffer through tens of thousands of dollars, multiple repair surgeries just for your native hair to fall out.
  12. no, just no. Please leave personality attributes out of hair transplant world lol.
  13. Buzzcuts can look fine with people with hair transplants, but actual "short hair" (a few inches or less?) generally looks bad. Longer hair looks better but yes it absolutely will conceal bad work. So I would say medium hair is best to illustrate your HT
  14. so if you are following your own advice, you are saying you will quit this journey if this hair transplant is unsatisfactory? one of the unfortunate thing about hair transplants is you really do have to 'see it through' to the end. Unless someone is super ignorant and naive on what is vs what isn't a good hair transplant, people won't be happy with a work-in-progress result. Also in my opinion it is incorrect to assume than going to an elite clinic will yield a 'one-and-done' result. All doctors are humbled by nature, science, and the body's physiology. No matter a doctor's skill, talent, and experience, nature/science can unfortunately limit how much can be done in one go, even by the world's best doctors. Also whatever you do please don't put elite doctors on a pedestal. Some people say the only difference between an "elite" doctor and a "normal/random" doctor is charisma and political savviness 🤣.
  15. For 6 months in I would say growth looks mediocre at best. Hopefully you are a late grower. You still have a few months ahead of you before you can cast definitive judgement. That being said, based on your 6-month status report alone - my objective opinion is that you will need a 2nd pass to increase density, in order to be happy. While needing a 2nd pass is completely normal (and pretty much expected in the majority of cases), I am a bit surprised I guess as I thought H&W was known as being a 'high-density' clinic.
  16. I would honestly say that 95%+ of guys require a 2nd procedure in order to have a good end-result. You may have guys who are 'happy enough' with their 1st procedure and decide to end their journey after the 1st procedure, but often times these guys just want 'more hair' and don't know objectively what makes a good hair transplant or not.
  17. using Aloe Vera should be enough for this. A mild painkiller such as codeine can also be used. The solution is NOT a bunch of micro-hair transplants.
  18. @Nordster34 can you please clarify/confirm - this was a 100% free repair for you? (if so I imagine you still had to pay for travel, hotel, etc right?) If so that is a really good outcome for you, especially since you weren't even "botched" the 1st time really. Just needing a 2nd pass/modification, which should actually be considered par for the course. There are many many stories of guys on here in similar situations who have to pay for a 2nd pass in full. So consider yourself very lucky. Also, did Dr. Hasson actually stay at the clinic till the end of surgery this time and give you a proper debrief?
  19. I'm rooting for you to pull off any hairstyle you want. All I will say that is since hair transplants are an illusion of density, you may not have total freedom and may be restricted in some hairstyles. Just how like MPB itself probably caused limitations to hairstyles.
  20. some clinics may take 2-3 weeks to get back to you. I would follow up if you haven't heard back in 2-3 weeks. I wouldn't follow up sooner than that because you definitely don't want to annoy the clinic staff.... You should treat this like a job search. Send feelers out to any and all doctors you may want to work with. Don't put all your hope and efforts into one basket. For all you know you may never hear back, or you may find yourself incompatible or outright rejected from said doctor.
  21. I would honestly say that in general every HT doctor is incredibly difficult to get in touch with. From personal experience, the only doctors where I have received personal and quick communication from have been Doctors Konior, Nadimi, and Gabel. For every other clinic, I have basically been treated as random prospective patient #65724521
  22. Floyd Mayweather and all these other athletes are absolutely traveling to Turkey or wherever with their entourage and minders. If celebrities can do it then why cant everyone else.
  23. do you have proof of this? I'm not saying you are wrong - for all I know you have a lot of info on Dr. Nadimi I am unaware of. But I sort of feel you took the single well-known US female surgeon and magically associated her with being good with female patients 🤷‍♂️. I can't recall numerous female patient reviews of Dr. Nadimi on here, let alone one.
  24. have you gotten a formal diagnosis on your balding? With guys its pretty black and white, you are balding so you have male pattern baldness. But with females I would always recommend a confirmed diagnosis before going down this path. Also, you are already on this website and posting so I feel you are going to get a hair transplant no matter what. But surgery is always a last resort, and its totally within the realm of possiblity that you come out worse than before. Because of this, I would recommend experimenting with different hairstyles, extensions, wigs, etc before commiting on permanent surgery.
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