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Everything posted by HappyMan2021

  1. how much was Feriduni? I would consider Feriduni, Bisanga, and Mwamba to be more or less equal. They are all extremely well-regarded repair surgeons. Its just a strange coincidence they all happen to be Belgian.
  2. I can only speak for myself, but the 2x I have seen Mwamba for repairs, it was a flat rate of $4k for half day and $8k for a full day. And of course its likely going to be a multi-day procedure. Even with straightforward virgin scalps with 2k or less graft count, Mwamba seems to prefer making those a 2-day procedure. I mention this because I doubt any repair with him would just be a 1-day affair, since even his 'normal cases' are 2 days or more.
  3. I'm not familiar with Lupanzula, is he known as a repair surgeon? Why didn't he offer graft extraction, did he think none of your grafts are actually misangled?
  4. Mwamba has different prices for virgin scalps vs repairs. No clue how much Bisanga charges but for Mwamba repairs its basically $4k per half day $8k for full day of repairs. And this may be a multiple day procedure. It likely will be, as Mwamba likes to take his time. So Mwamba is certainly not a cheap doctor in terms of repairs. Also keep in mind the 21% VAT tax. the complication with extracting bad angles is, during 1 round of surgery, if 2 badly angled grafts are very close to each other, only 1 can be extracted during that round. Extracting both would lead to two small holes that connect each other to form one large hole, scarring, bad stuff, etc. So extracting bad angles often involves multiple procedures. If your bad angles are really spaced apart you may be in luck, you would have to ask Bisanga and Mwamba if you consult with them. You live in France correct? Since Bisanga and Mwamba are so close by to you, I would consider them both somewhat equally. Also keep in mind the repair cost of Mwamba and they may be relatively equal pricing. There is also Feriduni in Belgium. He doesnt have as much publicity/marketing as the above doctors but from what I have observed, he is equally as skilled at repairs as the above doctors. He just kind of flies under the radar. Cooley in the US is renowned as well, but probably more inconvenient for you due to geography. If you want even more options, pretty much every "elite" doctor is competent and experienced with repairs. Unfortunately with the state of the industry, so many hairmills, and so many people getting botched, there are so many repair patients out there that even doctors who do not market themselves specifically as "repair" specialists still have loads of experience doing repair surgeries. Ex. H&W and Konior don't really tout or market themselves as repair doctors, but are nonetheless still extremely experienced in repairs and likely could do just or almost just as good of a job as the true "repair doctors"
  5. @Raphael84 I seemed to have touched a nerve, I am sorry. I just thought I was allowed to express my opinion on this forum, its not 'select your doctor, and stay completely silent on all the others'. If anything, take my opinion as a compliment that Bisanga is one of the most skilled repair surgeons in the world. If I didn't think he was skilled I wouldn't care what his consultation policies are.
  6. its quite ridiculous isn't it? It may be fine for OP - I think he lives in France - so not a terrible trip to Belgium just for a consult. But for anyone not near Brussels it kind of makes Bisanga seem out of touch to demand patients go to Brussels just for a consult. "Sure, let me just clear my schedule and hop in my private jet and head over to Brussels for a 30 min consult." But seriously, it demands that a patient pay thousands and thousands of dollars, take time off work, etc solely for a preliminary consult. Not only that, but it needlessly adds months and months to your hair transplant journey. Because instead of simply booking your surgery, you are booking for a consult, and only after that can you book for surgery. Even when Bisanga is in the US and occasionally has consults in Maryland, going say from the West Coast to Maryland just for a 30 min consult just to validate everything you the patient alrady know, that is a bit much to take too. I will say - to be fair - Dr. Cooley in the US has this draconian policy in place as well, and my criticism of it is equal to Bisanga doing it.
  7. exactly, good example. while i think the end-result in this case was quite exceptional/rare lol, this is a great example for OP to look at of a guy with zero MPB but successfully lowered the hairline.
  8. i honestly think your HT desires are perfectly reasonable. While your hair is completely fine now, I see why you want it altered. Also consider there are significant # of HT patients who do not have MPB, but simply have a large forehead and want more hair to cover it. So you don't need to have MPB even to qualify for a HT.
  9. Pimples are actually a great sign. It means there is activity happening in the recipient areas and growth should follow in the coming weeks....
  10. Can you please state the names of the clinics that rejected you? All of the comments here are pretty much speculation. If we know the specific surgeons who rejected you that will add a lot of color to your situation and give alot more info.
  11. do keep in mind that Matthew Mcconaughey wears a wig, so he is not the best person to use for a hair transplant example.
  12. what are the specific names of the clinics that rejected you? I do think you would qualify for a minor hair transplant. I don't understand why you were rejected.
  13. if you are curious you can look at my profile. For this topic though its not about the surgeon one goes to. the topic at hand is spending one's entire life savings on a HT. Even if OP was selecting an elite doctor, it is bad to spend his entire life savings on a HT.
  14. this is surgery with a permanent, lifelong result that will be visible to everyone 24/7. It's not skydiving or getting an edgy tattoo, please don't rely on anonymous internet strangers for this very important decision 🤣 Spending your life savings on this is a horrible gamble. Please keep in mind that even the world's best surgeons can provide bad/unsatisfactory results from time to time, and it is rare to get a refund back. I've heard of Dr. Laorwong, I guess he is okay. I have never heard of Dr. Path. But regardless, if I was going for broke and paying my whole life savings, I would not go for either of these 2 doctors. I would go with someone truly elite. Also, please keep in mind that most people require multiple HT's in order to be satisfied. If you go broke on your first HT, how will you pay for the 2nd? For me personally, being very very anxious/nervous about something is my brain telling me it is a bad idea.
  15. At least in my experience, I've flown for 2 different surgeries now, and no one security or passengers have cared at all about how I looked.
  16. -bring a travel pillow, snacks, and aloe vera. while all these items are likely available in a Turkish convenience store, you are going to have limited free time and you probably don't want to spend it shopping (especially if you don't speak Turkish) -I personally got a Valium prescription from my US primary care doctor, to take for all the flying and traveling. I must say my traveling and the international flights were very relaxing, and dare I say even enjoyable lol 🤣.
  17. your crown has definitely had some loss, but its so minor/insignificant that I don't think you qualify for a HT at this very moment. To me it sounds like your colleagues were previously aware of your crown insecurities and are using this for some friendly (or not) banter and are jokingly and sarcastically making a mountain out of this very small molehill. But yes, from a serious POV, you haven't yet crossed the line into hair transplant territory.
  18. Who was your surgeon? It sounds torturous to have 2 surgeries of 600 and 900 respectively. Most doctors could have combined that into one surgery easily and saved you alot of stress and inconvenience.
  19. 2nd pass, touch up, etc. A repair implies something really went wrong, like the grafts are misangled, the hairline is too low, there is scarring, etc. If all that is unsatisfactory is the density is sub-optimal, while that is unfortunate it does not mean your HT was botched or needing a 'repair' The vast majority of patients require multiple HT's to be satisfied, so I wouldn't inherently call a 2nd procedure a repair because that implies that a 'one-and-done' procedure was expected, but again that is rare to happen. At the end of the day its all semantics really, but in general when someone deems their surgery a "repair" it is because something clearly and obviously went wrong from their previous surgery.
  20. You describe this as a repair procedure but dont mention what went wrong with your last procedure. What makes this a repair as opposed to a normal run-of-the-mill 2nd pass?
  21. you should find a better surgeon. If you truly care about your HT you will be willing to travel. You have already experienced one bad result so you hopefully know how important it is to get right. I understand the anxiety of traveling for surgery but its really not a big deal at all. You have already had 1 HT so you should already know it is not a major surgery and you will be fine on a plane. Especially if you only need 200 grafts or so, that is a very very minor amount. I am not sure why you keep mentioning this. The hair follicles do not care how old you are. I am 33 and have had 5 HT's so far. Just because someone is young does not mean dealing with this process is any easier.
  22. the pictures are not in chronological order which makes this a bit confusing. perhaps re-order them for clarity who were the 1st 2 surgeons? If there were no other complications or anything really unique about your case, it is unfortunate but indeed quite possible they simple were poor and gave you low-yield. I'm sure you are really sick of hair transplants by this point and want to leave the journey. If you do indeed need a 3rd HT, ensure you go to an elite doctor so you can really get this done and over with.
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