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Everything posted by Sitries1

  1. That’s just patches of grey hair mate. I was lucky in that I got no shock loss what so ever 👍🏻
  2. Ok so I’m a few days off the 6 month mark so here’s my monthly check in. The pictures speak for themselves really - I’m very happy! I’ve taken 2 sets. One set in normal light and the other by the window. Now the hair is a bit longer it’s become easier to style and is looking great.
  3. I think maybe you have unrealistic expectations. Your spreading the hair in unflattering ways in some of your photos and In certain lighting, all HTs are going to appear thin because as I’m sure you know - it’s only an illusion of density and will never be as dense as your original hair. the asmed case you have posted has only posted a few pictures in favourable lighting so it’s hardly a comparison. I think you have an excellent result there dude and I don’t think you will find anyone on here who looks at ur photos and agrees with your verdict.
  4. Will keep you updated monthly as always dude. The density is really impressive for 5 months so I’m expecting big things. The hairline is pretty itchy lately which tells me new hairs are spouting still and week on week it looks thicker!
  5. Great comparison there. And yes I agree. A good hair transplant can make such a massive difference. The top surgeons who can nail the temporal points like Dr Ferreira can are few and far between, especially in Turkey
  6. That’s actually the slightly ‘weaker’ one but it’s only me who would notice!
  7. I’m still waiting for the photos from the clinic so it’s difficult to tell how much the hairline was lowered exactly but I would say it’s around 7.5mm lower one side, 5mm lower in the middle and 15mm lower on the other side (one side was much more recessed than the other). I will chase the clinic again for these photos as I would of expected them well before now if I’m honest (probably my only grip with my experience with the clinic is the delay in getting these back). The HT has made a massive difference and the temporal point work has been key IMO - really impressive. With regard to the hairline, when I go back in December I would like a few minor alterations but that’s only because I’m OCD. The peak is couple of mm off centre which I would like re-aligned, one of the temporal points is slightly stronger than the other one which I would like a few grafts added too and I would like to lower the hairline throughout by another 3mm. All of the above are things I will be happy to pay for because the quality of the work is without question. Part of the reason I booked the beard transplant was so that I had a fixed date in the diary to have the HT touched up and added to if required. The beard can wait until my hair has had a 2nd pass to make it 100% perfect 👌🏻. Delaying the beard would also give minodoxil more time to do its thing - ive seen some pretty epic results online of beard growth on Minodoxil and it can take a few years to see full results.
  8. I’m going back early December so it will be pretty much exactly 1 year post HT. The plan was to do my beard but minoxidil is working well in that area so I may decide to lower my hairline slightly instead of opting for the beard at this point. We will see!
  9. 5 month update. It’s been a big month! Massive growth. Best month so far I would say. I’ve started experimenting with styling the new hair now and it’s thickening up nicely. I’m particularly impressed with the temporal points which seemed to grow in particularly fast. Hopefully the pictures don’t post sideways this time!
  10. Big changed on their way over the next month. You will see changes every few days at this point
  11. Great result mate. To be honest I don’t think it looks pink - There’s no way someone would look at you and notice that.
  12. That’s not expensive for a good surgeon. Some of the top surgeons in Spain charge 5 euros! And 3.5 to 4 euros for the top ones in Portugal. That’s IF you can event get an appointment with them!
  13. The last lot of photos I uploaded on here all came out sideways….. is there any way I can prevent this from happening? I never had a problem on previous occasions and did nothing differently
  14. That is an outstanding result. Really struggling to see how you think it could be improved to be honest. Density looks spot on to Me. It’s up there with the best in terms of transplants I’ve seen.
  15. So far so good. My heads been very itchy in the recipient area this week and it seems to be thickening up by the day so def on the right path.
  16. Looking really good. What’s it like under harsher lighting? Does the density hold up well? Still plenty of time for further growth! Only at 7 months so halfway there!
  17. Tell me how and I will do it? The photos are the correct way up on my phone but as soon as I add them here they go sideways. Never had that problem when posting previously
  18. I’m really not sure why all the photos came out sideways!
  19. Ok so today is exactly 4 months. Things are progressing very well. The temporal points especially seem to have grown in extremely quickly and look exceptional. I’ve added pictures of normal light and very harsh light. So far so good in my opinion and I will be growing the top out now so should be able to start styling it in another 4 weeks if the growth continues on its current trajectory.
  20. No mate. I live in the UK. Do your research and find the top guy in your area 👍🏻
  21. Looks excellent. Great hairline design as always IMO from Dr De Freitas. I’m just incredibly puzzled as to why you would need to go back for a 2nd procedure on your hairline after this?! the hairline looks great!? Surely you would want to save any grafts for future retake than lower the hairline more??
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