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Captain Haddock

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Everything posted by Captain Haddock

  1. Would suggest you to apply shampoo foam over the grafts and leave it for a good 10 minutes and rinse. This will soften the scabs. From the next day you could do the massage. Once you hit day 6-7 the root is safely tucked in and the hair outside/scabs don't matter even if they fall off (some of them will come along with the scabs). You're good to go buddy.
  2. I've been told to apply mild shampoo on the recipient area and massage with clockwise motions using my fingers. Massive amount of scabs came off this way in the last 2 days. And I don't see anything out of the ordinary either. So by day 7 you're safe really. You don't have to scrub hard - just run your fingers with light pressure. I've seen videos on youtube by clinics that start washing by day 3. No sauna for 8 months? Never heard of that before.
  3. The saga continues, doesn't it rossy? 😂 Trust me you're fine at 9 days. I just had a medium pressure warm shower while taking off my scabs. Ran through several researches online that state by the 10 mark the grafts just won't come out. Was also told by my clinic shower on day 8 is an okay.
  4. Had a similar HT, I took my first dose of finasteride today but I cut the tablet in half. Doing a 0.5mg dosage and hoping for the best. Honestly I keep getting told 1 in 10k people have sides but it all seems way too common.
  5. You could try a smaller dose of finasteride, around .50mg per day if you're too worried to take the full dose. I'm going to do something similar from the coming week.
  6. It took you a whole year? Oh man, I'm about to start fin in a day or two.
  7. Looks like loss of native hair to me. The underlying problem is usually genetics, people in advanced stages of balding are bound to lose hair quickly, sometimes within a couple of years. I doubt if that's the transplanted hair falling off, but even they are susceptible to thinning. Finasteride is your only hope once you hit NW 4 and above, and stability isn't in sight. @Foxface had your hair loss stabilised pre surgery?
  8. Yeah haha. First the fight with an unknown kick boxer in Japan and now Jake Paul. Way to go.
  9. Floyd isn't exactly known to make smart decisions outside the ring... This might be true lol.
  10. As someone who just had an HT 5 days ago and contemplating starting Finasteride from day 10, this has been on my mind too. Although my doctor has asked me to get on meds, she did say she'll leave the choice to me. I'm 26 and on the NW2 scale. Now with aggressive temple points I might have to get on it even though my hair loss is more or less stabilized. I picture myself ending up with a NW 3 or 4 in my 50s. Will follow this thread.
  11. @Peezus As I was reading your story I was expecting a far worse looking donor and recipient area, than what I finally came to see from your pictures. It doesn't look that bad at all. You still have a lot of hair and a combo of ~1500 scalp + 500 odd beard hair + SMP should seal the deal for you my friend. I'd say wait for a year till your donor/current HT results grow in. Meanwhile you could research recommended surgeons here.
  12. Yeah, unless yours is a very specialised case that needs travelling to a different continent (which obviously isn't the case) then it would make sense to get it done in UK. Also, its normal for some clinics to not respond on time to emails, its best to simply setup a video consultation.
  13. I got it done in India. I'm not sure if that's viable for you though. Still, you can check out my thread here:
  14. I recently underwent an FUE for more or less similar areas, and my job got done with 1400 grafts. Plus I got my temples treated. I'm sure a good surgeon could work wonders on you for around ~1500ish slits.
  15. Was told something to this effect before my transplant. This changes a lot of things about HT and how I've been accustomed to looking at it the 'transplanted hair is safe/ worry about the native' strategy. Looks like every follicle is going to bow down to time sooner or later.
  16. That donor is simply amazing, very well spread out. But it looks as if Dr. BF went beyond the safe zone at times, did you ask him regarding this? Also the recipient looks great at 9 days my friend, many congrats!
  17. I know, tbh I've been contemplating about the shampoo after 7 days part. It's only day 3 and my heads starting to stink.
  18. Here are what my instructions look like. I've been told to spray every 2 hours for 7 days. Shampoo comes in only after that.
  19. Here are some post operative pics. If you look closely, one of the temples (the left) is a lot more forward and defined than the right. I think this came off rather unintentionally (or maybe it was pre planning on part of Dr. Arika) but I have a feeling that those who can craft imperfections perfectly know what HT is all about.
  20. Here are some pre operative pictures. I know I could hide my baldness well here and I have a decent beard, so the look came off. But it was only after I trimmed my head did I know how far back the hairline had receded.
  21. Nice, clean work. I like the temples. Looks like we got operated upon at more or less the same time/day. I got my temples done too. Here's my thread:
  22. Mate, you need to lock yourself in a room and tie your hands 😂
  23. Honestly it looks fine. When you say banged it usually implies good force, which I don't think was the case. Don't worry about it mate, everything will be good. Will keep you in my prayers.
  24. Oh man I had something similar happen just now. The sprayer that is given me doesn't really spray well so I had to bring it real close to my recipient area and one of fingers slightly tapped on one of the grafts. I got shit scared. I still am - although nothing seems out of place and I think there was no damage done. Getting a new sprayer bottle now.
  25. Just got done with my procedure. Dr. Arika and team did a total of 1388 grafts. I had a special request to do my thinning temples well, so first 4 layers were singles and the rest doubles. Any gaps in the temple area that you see contain native hair, so it's all good. Was told my graft quality and donor was top notch. Will post pictures from clinic pre op and post op later on. Keep me in your prayers for a good result!!
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