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Captain Haddock

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Everything posted by Captain Haddock

  1. Was picked up at the airport by two really polite Eugenix drivers. Biding my time at the accommodation now until tomorrow morning for the procedure. Everything was smooth so far, the room is great and so was the food.
  2. The clinic asked for two tests in a span of 4-5 days. I guess its to be extra sure that nobody is infected. Sure, just allow me a couple of days.
  3. I'm an Indian national, so it's only a two hour flight from down south. Things are still hard though, I had to get 2 COVID tests done within 4 days. I'm a little worried about traveling back with the grafts on my head too haha. I forgot to book the accommodation in advance, so I'll only be staying for 2 nights. I've been told it shouldn't be a problem as mine isn't a major procedure.
  4. Went with the Exclusive package, so I have Dr. Arika operating on me :)
  5. Long time lurker at the forum, after a couple of years of browsing through the website and looking up results, I've finally opted for a procedure @ Eugenix, Gurgaon on December the 10th - it's just a day away. I've had an in person consultation with Dr.Sethi last year, and another consultation over the phone with Dr. Arika. They recommend around 1200 grafts, I'm guessing it'll be around the 1400-1500 mark if we get around to fixing my temples. I'm 26 years of old, no major signs of baldness nor does my family have a history. Currently breaching NW 2, hopefully I'll get some pictures in for you guys in a couple of days. I'm praying everything goes smooth, will keep this thread updated over the course of my entire journey. This forum has been very helpful in helping me zero in on a good doctor, so thank you. Any pre-op/post-op advice? I'm all ears! Cheers!
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