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Everything posted by Rossybop

  1. Exactly the same you say. Cool, thanks! I'll go buy it. I wonder why are women only reccomended to use it once a day rather than twice a day? It seems unethical to double the price for attaching a women's label to it but I guess that's just the greedy world of business.
  2. Wow! You're enlightening me here. I have never heard of the "pink tax." I didn't know that female cosmetics were more expensive for no apparent reason other than the fact that they are for females. It seems very unfair but I guess sadly that's the world we live in.
  3. Amazing news. Are you 100% bro? Its about twice as pricey. I also think it has slightly different ingredients. So long as it doesn't upset anything I will go buy it, I'm only 1 month into the men's stuff.
  4. Cool! Thank you very much for your input Dr. I'm not familiar with Costco (I'm Irish) but I assume they are a budget friendly retailer (a bit like Walmart or Lidl)? If you say Kirkland 5% foam is the same as Regaine 5% foam then I will go ahead and buy Kirkland minoxidil. Is the foam solution the same as the other solutions (liquid etc)? Is foam better or worse? Also, do you know is Women's 5% Regaine foam the same as Men's 5% Regaine foam?
  5. I have access to a bottle of women's 5% Regaine. Is it the same as Men's, should I use it? Or should I avoid it and just buy a fresh bottle of men's Regaine? I started using Regaine 3 weeks ago.
  6. I need to stock up on minoxidil. You can buy minoxidil from a brand called Kirkland, its available online and its cheaper than Regaine. Just wondering is Kirkland 5% exactly the same as Regaine 5%, and are the any other cheap brands that are equally as good as Regaine? Cheers.
  7. Cool. Perhaps I stand corrected. I was assuming Canada would not be too cheap for a hair transplant given that it is one of the world's more wealthy and developed countries, and, cities such as Toronto and Vancouver are known to have a high cost of living compared to, for example, Belarus or Argentina. €5 per graft for FUE is expensive when compared to prices in Turkey, Poland, Greece, Ireland, Mexico, Domican Republic and so on. Of popular destinations for a hair transplant I would say €5 per graft errs onto the more expensive end of the spectrum.
  8. Canada is known to be one of the most expensive countries in the world along with the other usual suspects, i.e. America, Australia, Switzerland, Ireland and so on. For 2,000 FUT grafts at HRBR in Ireland you'd pay about €20,000, that equates to about $30,000. So, had you have gone to HRBR in Dublin you'd have forked out more than double what you did.
  9. Looking very well whoever did it. Very natural look so far. Try to be a bit more patient with the crown bro. Happy growing
  10. Yeah, and there's also one with a spray cap I think.
  11. Hi guys. I started using Regaine last week. I have the 5% foam. I think the non-foamy solution is a little cheaper so I'm just wondering is foam definitely the best? There are some bottles where you can choose to spray it, pat it on and so forth. What's the best method?
  12. Ahh I see. Ok very interesting. Yeah a lot of my hairs simply haven't shed they're just staying there. Its worried me a bit but if you say its normal then cool. I see right so you've had a total of 3,000 grafts taken. I wonder is there any possibility you might be experiencing shock loss in the donor area? Both your transplants were done by good reputable practitioners right? If so then your donor shouldn't be too badly depleted after 3,000 grafts. You should check our Dr Konstantinos Anastasakis' blog where he talks about his own hair transplant experience. He has had 3 transplants; 2 FUE and 1 FUT. He never tells people that FUE leaves no scar, he actually says based on his own experience that patients should be prepared to leave their hair at #2 length or longer after even just one FUE surgery, even if it is performed by a top class surgeon. Of course everybody is different and some people will show less obvious signs of surgery after a transplant, but some people will display very obvious signs in their donor area. Anastasakis says he can't cut his donor hair to less than a #5 (15mm) now that he has had three transplants.
  13. I see. I'm just wondering because I'm experiencing the same thing. I find a lot of my transplanted hair has not grown, much of it has not shed, some of it has grown and some of it has shed. It looks like you're experiencing something similar so perhaps it is nothing to worry about. I can see your donor area. It will probably look fine when it grows a little. Have you had a HT before?
  14. Looking at your pics here dude it looks like some of your hairs have grown a lot and others have not grown at all. Would that be right?
  15. I grew mine for nearly 3 weeks. Must take a month to get past the itchy stage lol.
  16. Cheers bro. Maybe I will grow a bit of a beard again. I found the beard a bit itchy and scruffy and uncomfortable though lol.
  17. I want to visit a friend in London this year anyway so I'm defo interested in this 😂 Speaking of movies our rendezvous might turn out to be something like American Werewolf in London if everything goes exceptionally well lol.
  18. Guys I've read each and all of your comments. Thanks for popping in with your opinions. I'm delighted to hear that everybody seems to think that its going well so far. This is nice news and it eases my worries that something might be looking "off" right now. I'm also now excited to see how my temple points turn out seen as they are attracting interest lol. Unbald my friend - you ask how is my hair growing fast? I have no answer to that. I was actually worried it might be growing slow. I've been doing nothing other than eating healthy. Maybe it looks longer than it is as a #4 all over didn't seem to cut much at all when I buzzed it last week. I can't wait for it to grow longer lol. I'd like to reiterate here that I'm very grateful for everyone on this site. The friendly vibe here is great. Some of you I've spoken to via PM, some of you I haven't. All of you are welcome to stay in touch and I'm open to having beers with anyone here if ever we come within close proximity of one another
  19. Hahah Yeah I think I'm now officially in the ugly duckling phase if I wasn't already there. Please God I will be like Grease for summer. Pray for me. Olivia Newton John was super hot in Grease and there's no way I'd get close to a chick like that unless I can pull off a totally baller head of hair 😂🙏🏻
  20. I was meant to update this on Sunday because Sunday marked the 1 month milestone, anyway, better late than never. Here is my update exactly 1 month (and 2 days) post-op. 5 days ago I buzzed my hair to a #4 all over to even out bits that were shaved to a different length at surgery, however, barely any hair was trimmed, just a few tiny flakes. I wonder is my hair growing at a normal pace? I completely cleansed the scabs off in the third week. I have not been in any pain but there is still a mild numb sensation in the mid scalp and transplanted area, I wonder is this normal? A lot of the transplanted hair, in fact maybe most of it, has not totally shed. Loads of it did shed after 2 - 3 weeks but loads of it didn't shed. Also, a lot of the transplanted hairs have not grown or developed, they are just remaining as bits of stubble. Many of the hairs have grown but many have not. I wonder is this normal? The pinkness/redness of the transplanted area is perceptible although not too scary. Instinct tells me it looks normal at this juncture. I'm still using the free sample of mild CR Labs shampoo that was given to me at the clinic, but when this runs out soon I will start using regular Head and Shoulders or biotin shampoo with collagen. I shampoo my hair once every two days. The donor area seems to be normal. I started using Regaine 5% twice daily 8 days ago. I will continue using it to see if it is any good. I've been using 1.25mg of finasteride daily for 5.5 months and will continue to do so for the time being. It would be great if anyone could give feedback on what they think of my progress so far. I'll probably wait another two months have passed before I update this thread again. By that stage I will be at the 3 month milestone. Thanks and best wishes - Ross.
  21. I have never heard any hair transplant professional say that sebhorric dermatitis nullifies hair transplant surgery. I personally experience sebhorric dermatitis myself, I would imagine its quite a common condition. While exploring hair transplant options myself I spoke to lots of hair transplant professionals online and offline, I told most of them about my skin and scalp condition, not one professional suggested that sebhorric dermatitis would add a huge risk to surgery. From your pictures it does not look like you have any sebhorric dermatits at all. My understanding of sebhorric dermatits is that of dandruffy flakey stuff in the scalp/hair, perhaps including some dryness in the scalp. In extreme conditions it can be quite perceptible but in many mild cases it is not a major obstruction to hair growth. Perhaps your hair loss has been caused by something other than sebhorric dermatitis? Anyway, I hope you can get a satisfying repair job if that's what you so desire and I wish you the very best of luck.
  22. New hairline is looking good buddy. I'm here cheering you on Maybe Harry is just gone into hibernation for the cold winter. Hopefully he'l be back 😂
  23. Cool man I was thinking Head and Shoulders for dry skin might be a good shout so might give that a shot. Cheers.
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