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Everything posted by ShadowMoon

  1. Just soak your head with water for 30 minutes then use the shampoo lather to help rub off the crusts for like five minutes. Soaking your head with shampoo for 20 minutes is ridiculous
  2. You're a week ahead of me, my three weeks was yesterday. My incision is healing well but one side is a little more raised than the other, and has more shock loss. I have some ingrown hairs along and inside of the scar. I'll post some pictures on my thread once I'm at 1 month.
  3. The shed is real my dude. All my transplanted hair and some native hair was completely gone at 2 weeks. Happy healing!
  4. One thing I'd like to point out is you have very dark hair and what looks to be lighter skin. Your hair shaft diameter looks to be pretty large as well. Those two things could lead to some pretty noticeable scarring were you to go FUE. Even with a small procedure of 1500. Whichever route you go, you may have to keep your hair longer regardless. As a side note, I know you are 35 which is a relatively later age to be getting a transplant. However, you have a high likelihood of losing more hair in the future. You won't be happy with an aggressive hairline and balding behind it at 55 or maybe even 65. If you put any hair at all in that front bit, that is a very aggressive NW0. Be prepared to need a lot of grafts to maintain that hairline for the rest of your life. It never goes away. If your plan is to shave it later in life, don't bank on dodging scarring by getting FUE either, as you will likely need larger punches to accommodate your thicker hair. Going gray will help but won't completely eliminate the problem. Getting a hair transplant sucks. It is a last resort and creates a host of problems. You should only get one if you are willing to trade your current problems with all the problems that come along with a hair transplant. You might even get hosed and get the worst of both worlds, due to low graft survivability, permanent shockloss, or keloid scarring. Very, very rarely will you not notice a difference in transplanted hairs vs. native hairs when you look in the mirror every morning. It's not a perfect solution. That being said, the two cases that @ADuckwithNoHair mentioned earlier were both FUT. I am a firm believer that FUT gives you the best chance at graft survivability, which is important if you want a one and done procedure. It's also much easier to fix a bad FUT donor area as opposed to a bad FUE donor area. Diffuse thinning in that region is a bitch.
  5. Dr. Gabel was fantastic, the only thing I'm waiting for is the final result. Absolutely no complaints regarding his bedside manner, his work ethic, or his process for the procedure itself. Everything was done correctly and he even put in half the grafts himself while another technician did her half. He also has a surgical background in face and neck surgery, which means his scar work is really good. Oh, and he models a lot of his practice on Dr. Konior, who taught him much of what he knows.
  6. Having two surgeries going on at the same time is an instant deal breaker for me. That is a pure greed move. What if a problem occurs in one room that takes more time?
  7. Sounds like he had to go below the subcutaneous layer. Or, you could have weird anatomy and your artery/nerve ran up into the fat layer at that spot. Permanent loss of sensation should have been detailed in your signed consent form.
  8. I won't, because I think you have your mind set already. You already disregarded every piece of sound advice in this thread because wearing a hat is hard to deal with. You're willing to risk permanent disfigurement at the chance of having one week of good hair. You're not in a rational state of mind and you have no perspective on what it would actually be like to ruin your life by overharvesting your donor area at 21 with a low hairline and shoddy surgeons.
  9. You came to this forum looking for validation for a second procedure. It's not going to happen, because that is a bad idea in so many ways. Take the advice everyone has given you. There are literally a thousand reasons not to get one.
  10. I would eat porridge and sit in a dark room all day if it meant a good result. I want to know my surgeon is putting his money into his staff and his equipment, not meals and entertainment.
  11. Minoxidil won't really do anything to stop further loss. I would try doing a dose variation. 1mg a week for a month, if that's tolerated do 1 mg every four days for a month, etc. until you get to 1mg every other day. That is an acceptable dose that will have enormous benefits to maintaining your hair.
  12. Have you tried a dose variation? I think lack of Finasteride caused your hair to thin more.
  13. Left side looks great, right side is noticeable but could be worse. I wonder why Dr. Diep did his incisions like that. Was very intentional rows.
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