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Everything posted by MazAB

  1. I'm curious as well for the US. My booking with Eugenix is in March 2022, so I still have tons of time ahead of me. My sales consultant, Abhinay, mentioned that things are starting to ease up a bit in India. Most patients are successfully booking with Medical Visas, but there's also a good chance you may not need a Medical Visa if you're scheduled for end of year or beginning of 2022. When is your surgery scheduled? Also, if you don't want to get the blood work done in Canada prior to surgery, you could arrive a day or 2 earlier and have Eugenix complete the blood work that is necessary. (Presurgery blood tests: Hb, TLC, DLC, Platelets, Prothrombin time, HBsAg, Anti-HCV, HIV 1&2, Random Blood Sugar, HbA1c. And BP measurement) In my case insurance does not cover that blood work so there would be an out of pocket cost for me. Having it done at Eugenix for me would be both convenient and more cost effective, so that may be another thing to consider. I also like the idea of settling in for a day or two and calming my nerves before the procedure as well.
  2. Parasol, not knowing from personal experience, but what I've read on early frontal growth would suggest that the double and triple hair grafts many times are not the first to sprout, so you may have more of the hairline growth to start off before the double and triples catch up. Your growth pattern does not seem unusual at all in that regard with other case studies that I've seen here and elsewhere. Most importantly, huge gains over the last 4 weeks and many more months of improvement to come!
  3. Good point, I was not aware of this and would agree that anything that impedes growth should not used during this crucial period. I've seen a bunch of examples of guys on this forum that have starting using hair fibers at around the 4 month mark and seemed to be fine, but if it's potential issue, than I would agree to steer clear of it. I believe @Melvin- Moderator put together a video on using hair fibers during the ugly duckling phase. Would love to get his take on it.
  4. Absolutely, please update when you have some time. Thank you!
  5. Looks great! Looks like you are transitioning out of the ugly duckling phase. There's no unbalanced growth, or patchy areas in any spot that I can see. The temple points already look incredibly natural for only 3 months in. I would invest in some Toppik hair fibres at this point since you have enough growth for the fibres to bond to. Thanks for taking pictures inside and out to help give the full perspective on your progress.
  6. Best of luck and am looking forward to following your journey. Would you mind posting some before pics?
  7. That's perfect! Just enough to give you balance after you get the frontal region reworked. Temple peaks are the biggest catch 22 in my opinion. If you don't do them, and successfully rework the frontal, more times than not it looks unbalanced and/or unnatural because the average man that has a great hairline, typically does not have receding temple points. However, getting them done to create the balance many times can backfire and look worse than not getting them done at all. Your approach, I believe, would give that balance while also helping to mitigate the risks of something unnatural. I would show that design to Dr Arika for sure and get her input. You will be in great hands, and should not get that wire look at all. Eugenix always uses the single fine hairs on the nap of the neck, and with Dr Arika doing the slits at the right angle, you should be more than OK. Worst possible scenario in your case is some graft don't take, but since you're not rebuilding temple peaks from scratch, that won't do you ugly since your native hair can blend into it. By the way, what country are your traveling from to India?
  8. From what I can see in the photos, while you still have fading in the temple points, the formation of them are still intact. I think the results for you could be very good because there is still enough native hairs to blend in and make it more natural with added density. It is definitely worth building off what you already have and refresh the temple points. The scalp to hair color contrast works in your favor as well. That first example you gave with a more conservative approach would be the way to go. I would agree that you especially don't want that part to get messed up so definitely do not get aggressive in that area. A hairline is on top of your head, a temple point is pretty much directly on your face and if it's not done just right, that is all people will see unfortunately. I, like you, found it extremely tough to find a clinic that excels with repointing temporal peaks with consistently good results, which quite honestly was a big selling point for me when deciding to go with Eugenix. I'm scheduled for March 2022 or sooner if travel to India permits.
  9. @Parasol you are right at that point where improvements are highly visible even on a weekly bases, so you'll be out without a hat in no time. You seem to be making steady improvements over the past few weeks, so fingers crossed that continues and you can ditch the hats soon. I know you are waiting for that patch front center to heal up, but once it does, you could probably use the hair fibres and just go out and enjoy your summer dude!😎 I don't know about you, but with the restrictions of Covid finally coming to an end, and the beautiful summer weather here, I cannot keep myself indoors for too long without losing my mind. Personally I think the fibers at this stage would look great for you, especially with your hair cut and evened off.
  10. I agree @MC10298that there is quite a bit to learn from this whole experience. It looked like Eugenix outlined a couple of different options on the hairline and temple points from the initial design drawing. The inner drawing would have obviously been the more conservative approach, but the more aggressive option was chosen in this case. All in all when you see the countless amounts of results coming out of Eugenix there are plenty of examples with higher Norwoods going for very aggressive hairlines and having incredible outcomes. One lesson I take out of this is that you could have the best clinics in the world work on your head and there's never a guarantee on better than average results. It all comes down to your physiological makeup and the percentage of how much your body will accept or reject a hair graft. My advice to anyone getting a 1st hair transplant procedure is to never go big. As much as it's tempting to have a low sexy hairline, STAY VERY CONSERVATIVE, assess the final result, then go back for the 2nd procedure to lower the hairline and/or add more density, and ONLY if it makes sense to do so. I think going this aggressive with a bad or even average clinic, the results could have easily been a complete disaster. Thank God that is not the case here.
  11. Damn dude, you are jacked bro! Love the dedication and pursuit to a healthier body, mind and spirit. That goes well beyond just more hair and is a great example of how we need to have a balanced approach to our lifestyles/wellbeing and not just be so hyperfocused on hairloss alone. All that aside, your results are fantastic! I can still see how it's lacking density front center, however it's still a major improvement from before and also possible that there's more to come being at just the 6 month mark so keep the faith! Following your journey has been an inspirational experience for me and has helped quite a bit in facing the realities of a hair transplant and the emotional highs and lows you inevidably encounter. It has also put my mind at ease to finally move forward with Eugenix. They truly care and have the best interests of the patient at heart. I will document my journey here and pay it forward. Tentatively scheduled for March 2022
  12. Hey @Zoomster looking sexy as ever!😎 If you don't mind me asking what package from Eugenix did you go with for the upcoming 2nd procedure? Absolutely stellar results. I myself will be heading over to Eugenix March 2022.
  13. My rule of thumb is that if you could look better during your ugly duckling phase than you did prior to the surgery, you are going to knock the ball out of the park my friend! Looking forward to following your progress and the eventual and final results! Keep the updates coming, and don't forget that by week 5 you need to get back onto Minoxidil to help minimize shock loss and promote new growth. Make sure you also apply it to your temples as well. As far as oils go, I've heard that Sea buckthorn oil is very good, but I'd get a few more opinions on that before deciding which oil makes the most sense post-op.
  14. Hi @Ittiaz1, I'm highly considering Dr BF, but would love to hear about any progress on your aftercare treatment. As mentioned on this thread and everywhere else on this forum, the best doctors have their good cases and bad ones, but it's how they take care of you when things go wrong that separates the best of the best in the industry. Before I pull the trigger on committing to him, your feedback would be highly valued in making that decision. Thanks in advance, and although this can't be easy for you, we sincerely appreciate you sharing your experience in this forum. It is what helps all of us make better informed decisions on how we proceed with these life changing procedures.
  15. How do you have a total transformation at the 2 month mark! WOW!!! Another home run for the guys at Eugenix. Very impressive😉
  16. Also, if you really want to take this seriously and not F@#$ around with it, get on Minoxidil and Finasteride as soon as possible to keep what little you have from disappearing. Hopefully you are on those 2 things already and have stabilized the loss, but if not, that would be a mandatory part of the process.
  17. Definitely stay away from any clinic that uses chest hair. It is typically not used because of its short life span after transplanting. You've got very good density in your beard and could probably have all you want to make up for the difference of what your natural hair donor can supply. I too would recommend either Dr Bisanga or Eugenix. Perhaps if you wanted to maximize your natural donor and squeeze every last graft out of it, I may lean more towards Dr Bisanga as he can do the FUT/FUE combo as @JohnAC71 mentioned. He also is just as skilled as any other with beard hair. He's a bit more expensive, but definitely worth having a consult with.
  18. Eugenix is the biggest no brainer and the best choice not only for your country of India, but for anyone else worldwide with higher Norwood levels. I myself am not a high Norwood. Probably around Norwood II, but I'm still holding out on getting a procedure done by Eugenix as my research has steered me away from clinics in the states and even other countries. My only issue is having the patience to see this pandemic thru to its bitter end, and finally having the doors open in India to schedule my appointment. @Aamir maybe you can shed some light on how India is progressing with this pandemic and if there are any talks/rumors around when they forecast opening up the borders for international travel. I know there has obviously been a huge setback with the new Covid variant in India, but it looks like your country is on the mend as the number of active cases has dropped significantly from 4 million to 1.3 million in just under a month. Quite a few of us on this forum are following these developments and anxiously awaiting how and when we can get to Eugenix, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Hang in there Parasol. One thing you really have working in your favor is that you chose a clinic that will support your needs post-op. If you have further complications I believe they will make it right for you, but I do echo the previous comments of it still being too early to know the final outcome. 🙏
  20. Hi @Looking for HT, any updates on progress you're willing to share? Hope you are well otherwise and staying safe😉
  21. Also keep in mind that the beard hair takes even longer. So it is possible that you are not seeing any of beard hairs until the 12 to 15 month mark. That could legitimately play a factor in the late blooming.
  22. My cousin, who I recommended Finasteride to a few years back, had issues with reduced libido, and impotence. I then had him take the same pills he bought, crush them into powder, and blend the finasteride powder with Minoxidil in his Ninja blender. He then put the mix back into his Minoxidil bottles and uses the dropper to apply daily. That was 2 and half years ago when he started that method and it has worked brilliantly. His hair has never looked so good, and most importantly he functions completely normally without any side effects. What's more, is that since it was applied topically, he did not have to reduce the 1mg daily intake, and is able to realize the full benefit of the drug. Win / Win in my opinion. May be worth considering.
  23. Agreed, and I would also say if you could put together the Eugenix client transformation videos based on these other doctors to show their work it would really go a long way in having a visual representation of their work. Unless I'm missing something, I believe all the videos I've seen center around the work of Dr Arika and Dr Pradeep but I might be wrong.
  24. Hi @UnbaldEagle. Would love to see your progress if you have some time post pictures. I'm considering HDC as well. Many thanks for documenting your journey!
  25. One thing to keep in mind is that Eugenix has been the "go to" clinic for many botched hair transplants around the world. They do a ton a repair work and are highly sought after when patients do their research to get it right the 2nd time around. With that, not every procedure will yield the perfect result even with the best of clinics. Obviously this case was far less than perfect the first time around, maybe due to process and procedure, or maybe due to physiological makeup, one never knows. One thing I'm confident of having followed this journey from the beginning, is that if this is one of their worst cases for graft survival coming out of Eugenix, I'll take that any day over the clinic that can do you ugly quickly with un-natural hairlines, temple points, and far less graft survival. Bottom line, these guys take pride in what they do and have far more compassion for the patient than ever putting the dollar first. This case is clearly a true testament to that.
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