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Everything posted by Zoomster

  1. Thanks Melvin.. It keeps on improving...if I style my hair a certain way and a keep a certain length crown is pretty much covered .. I'm at a stage now where fibres are an occasional thought ... They did a fantastic job indeed even if I do say so myself .
  2. Hi Guys just wanted to share how finasteride can help kick start and retain miniaturised hair . Below the yellow line on my pre op pic ( lower horseshoe coronet )wasn’t transplanted into .. it’s been a big help with regard to my overall outcome of the procedure My crown continues to show subtle improvements.. 18 months are up on 23 June . I’ll keep you all posted Z
  3. Why isn't Eugenix on your list for consultation? When you're not dealing with optimal donor it would serve you well to check in with them ..
  4. Very happy for you...its gonna be great !!
  5. 1.25 mg every monday wednesday friday is what i dose at by cutting up a 5mg Proscar pill into 4..very luckily no sides ...try it. Using Proscar versus Mercks " Propecia" works out wayyyy cheaper too over the course of a year....something like a tenth of a the cost .
  6. You're Incredibly lucky to have such scalpy type texture from your beard. You're in a very good position re another procedure ..easy 2K grafts under jawline / chin ...I bet they will utilise the inner sideburns too .. You'll be closing that sunroof very soon M 💂‍♂️
  7. For me it all boiled down to getting tired of the hassle of wet shaving it every other day as the slightly grown out horseshoe was a no no..particularly in my late 20s right through to my mid 40s... It's all an inside job..by that I mean if you feel good about yourself with a shaved head /going bald you wont be held back in your career ,lady department,etc etc ..if it bothers you..you will. If having hair makes you feel good inside...guess what.. these vibrations are felt by others and by extension ...things tend to fall into place as a result .. Z
  8. Damn sure I would 😉.... (Not long outa bed pic ..mid scalp where beard grafts placed ) On a more serious note @qui bonois on the Money with his advice ...I'd agree with everything hes said.. As for beard hair looking unnatural on the head versus native scalp hair I'm sorry but I dont agree at all..to this day I cant tell which from which once they are all mixed up together as a filler.. Good luck with whatever option you choose
  9. @Panamera13thanks mate .. in short no ...apart from a welcome increase in libido not decrease like many report ... I put this down to only taking 1.25 MH x 3 times a week though ..
  10. @SLAhey thanks mate 1-Dr Sethis brother was the lead technician on my procedure ..each Day ( x 3 ) Dr Arika would start the procedure and I’d say did about 10% of the extractions then oversaw the rest of the procedure ...Dr Alook also performed extractions /planting each day ( he’s really good btw Particularly for administering the Anesthesia ) 2- you can see from my pre op pics that my beard under chin is crazy strong / think ..from clean shaven to stubble in 18 hours kinda thing ..didn’t take much convincing to utilise beard grafts. 3-Yes i only spoke with Dr Sethi yesterday regarding this ...once I get vaccine in Ireland hopefully by mid May I’m making plans to get over for a top up ....and the good news is it will be no shave fue for recipient area thus no need to endure the ugly duckling phase ..however I might opt in for fully shaved to allow optimal placing of grafts within recipient area. Let’s see ... Z
  11. Hi All just thought I’d upload latest progress pics ...just passed the 15 month mark and still honestly it continues to improve giving more strength to the view that folks should hold out until the 18 month mark for a proper final appraisal..particularly if crown work was performed .. Im really thrilled with the outcome ..and still hold out some hope for a bit more action in the crown area re thickening etc atrached pics are broad daylight which should put an end to any lighting queries from previous posters small bit of L’Oréal hair wax is on board which was applied last night .. Will post my 18 month final result 23 June .. Happy growing everyone PS finasteride pretty much fully restored my coronet ( very lower crown which wasn’t transplanted into ) Last pic just after 2.5 buzz from barber showing the crown coverage in preferential lighting..ie the car .. Z
  12. @BoldnotBaldstay tuned for next update in a couple of weeks ..I'll fiddle around with settings ..😊
  13. @BoldnotBald...thanks for the kind words ...rest assured ..you wont be able to tell beard v native scalp at all once everything is mixed up together....my GF just confirmed as much right here beside me on the sofa ...."not coarse or wiry at all "... However I will say that during the initial growing in phase you cant get away from that wiry texture in both scalp and beard grafts... From around month 8 my hair shafts softened ,thickened etc ..resulting in a more harmonious texture alongside native scalp...with improvements continuing up to this day Z
  14. Not quite sure to be honest...I know beard hair has a different hair growth cycle than native scalp.. My beard grafts were more used as filler throughout mid scalp ..
  15. Hi all .. Just a quick update at 13.5 months with some continued improvements to the crown area and general maturing overall which I'm really pleased with...I think if crown work is involved in your planned procedure you need to budget for an 18 month timeframe for absolute final result 👍
  16. Hang in there for sure ...truth be known it's an 18 month process ...I'm seeing gradual improvements even after one year ... Good luck with it
  17. Feeling really excited about this..and couldn't happen to a nicer bloke .. Everything about this suggests ultimate sweetspot for a HT ..NW3 starting out,best of nutrition and exercise,strong hair calibre,2 passes and all of the above ring fenced by hair specific vitamins and finasteride......with a world class surgeon to carry out the procedure as the cherry on top !! This will be THEE final result of 2021 !!
  18. Im afraid Im under instruction from M not reveal any info sir 😎 👏👏👏
  19. @BoldnotBald.. attached is a broad daylight pic of donor after a #2 ..July 2020 7 months after 5400 scalp grafts were extracted Moth eaten or obvious that I’ve been plucked doesn’t apply here or to anyone else who’ve used the clinic I went too ..99.99 % of the average public do go around eyeballing people’s donors like us here on the HRN community forum tend to 🙂 The Beard I grew out ..no particular reason ...
  20. @Seniormido Hi ...I hear what you're saying re possible donor calculations by different clinics but I dont believe that was the scenario to be honest...more a case of different skillset available I believe. I had showed Dr Sethi clear full set of pics I had taken 10 years ago and there was no further deterioration from then to now which equalled hair loss pattern was stabilized... We therefore planned to use finasteride to help ensure no further dipping of sides or crown and hope for a regrowth in my lower miniaturized coronet ( lower crown )... I was a stable NW 6 by 35 .
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