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follically challenged

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Everything posted by follically challenged

  1. This is definitely a valid concern but also understandable on their part too. They're busy. They run a business. I get it. But the simple quick chair sitdown followed by a quick hairline drawn on would most definitely put me on edge and make me feel rushed. Eugenix seem to show a lot of videos where they are sat down meticulously going through the details, showing what they'll do on the screen projection etc, etc, but then i also read a post on here a week or so ago, where he said he felt rushed with the hairline and had 4 technicians staring at him waiting for an answer. Perhaps there is more time to go over hairline design with the higher priced packages, i'm not so sure...? Would be interested to find out about how much time should be allocated in this situation actually...
  2. Also, while it springs to mind, do you think Beckham has had a hair transplant...?
  3. Thinking about it, i guess the main reason for not getting on fin is simply the fear of sides... But the necessary long-term (forever) use of it also bums me out. Like, if i had a HT and then got sides 2 or 3 or 5 years down the line, stopped the fin and watch the transplant and fin gains deteriorate in a matter of months would be heart-breaking. That kind of dependence on a treatment just bums me out, and i can't see it any other way no matter how hard i try...
  4. Thanks for the comment but i cant open those images on your thread for some reason, not sure why...
  5. Yes, that was my feeling. So what other styles besides the slick-back do you suggest..?
  6. Not really, no. Taking Biotin, omega 3, and collagen, but have avoided finasteride simply out of fear of sides, though I do question daily whether or not I should just bite the bullet and give it a go 🤔
  7. Good question. Well, my hair is so naturally fine that even after a HT i wonder what styles would look decent (and fear that many i would not be able to pull off, and thus would still have to keep it fairly short). The problem with hair as fine as mine is that not only does it seem gappy, but it is also looks quite lifeless, for lack of a better word. It hangs straight with absolutely no curl to it at all, and therefore the longer it is can sometimes appear worse...
  8. - but does finer hair mean more grafts could be placed in one square centimter, thus creating better density?
  9. - A well-known phrase in this industry, but what exactly is it? I'm wondering how good this 'illusion' would be if i were to get a HT but keep my hair fairly short, and style it short (grade 2-ish). Would the transplanted frontal third look noticeably different to the natural hairs behind it? Can the natural density (with fine hair in my case) be matched with transplanted density? Very often i see the transplant results with the classic combed-back style, which I guess, helps blend the HT hairs with the natural hairs. So, I'm wondering can a HT result look as natural with short hair, or must it always be grown out and slicked back to fully achieve this 'illusion of density'? Thanks!
  10. Great result! It would be nice to see some blonde, fine-haired patients results too. Look forward to seeing those
  11. Looking great so far. Any chance to see updates on the donor region too?
  12. Very nice! Can i ask what size micron his hair shafts were...? And can you show pics of his donor area? thanks!
  13. To be honest, i always had the high hairline, and remember being mocked for ot once when i was like 13 / 14. For such reasons, i have ALWAYS had a fringe to camouflage it, but was unable to keep rocking the fringe as the hair thinned in my 20s. As for looking at photos, it is indeed interesting, because the juvenile hairline i had at 16, while high, the lower part of it (which is no longer here) was made predominantly of 'vellus hairs', so i guess looking back it seemed pretty obvious it was gonna go. Now the hairs that remain are fine, but less of the 'vellus nature' which comprised the hairs that were once there
  14. ah, that's interesting. Most people i know with low hairlines often seem to have the density too.
  15. Interesting. I definitely had the hairline when young, but it's fair to say I also had some denial with regards to the thinning...
  16. ...just wondering if there is one? I've always had fine hair and a high hairline as a kid. Do such characteristics increase the likelihood of MPB? Or, is it that having such characteristics makes MPB more visible when it starts to happen? Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!
  17. I opened this thread last night just before going out for beers, but decided rather than skimming through it, i would instead take the time to properly digest it the next day (admittedly, in a somewhat hungover state) and i'll be honest... i'm glad i waited. Great write-up! A very inspirational read. Eugenix seem to be doing very well at the moment. All i can say is, I truly hope their ethics and attention to detail continue to be maintained, and that they don't fall prey to the money-chase which a number of surgeons have done over the years (no names mentioned though i'm sure all of you could name a couple). I'm sure Eugenix will be overbooked these next few years, and perhaps already are, so i really hope they continue to give each customer the same time and attention that you have received. All in all, im super happy for you. MPB is an anxiety that some guys will never, ever experience, and let's be honest, in an ideal world NO ONE should ever have to experience it. But with clinics out there such as Eugenix that seem to genuinely care about patients and enjoy achieving great results, it is almost like a stepping stone to ridding the world of an affliction that was once a fate we just had to accept - if they are now pushing the envelope and able to successfully use the downstairs department as a resource, then who knows what science will come up with next! 😂 So, once again, congrats and i look forward to seeing the results!
  18. So sorry to hear about this, but i'm pretty sure you will be able to get fixed if you plan your next steps carefully! Could you also do us a favor and let us know which surgeon you went to?
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