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Everything posted by Sam818

  1. No, you shouldn't trust them or anyone who was ever associated with that clinic to even give you a flu shot. I do not claim to be an expert but I have seen many much worse repair cases where a corrective procedure was done without having to do a scalp reduction. I think you should consult with some of the other top coalition doctors. Trust me, I know exactly how you feel after a horrible procedure with an unethical doctor but if it bothers you I really don't think your situation is anything close to hopeless. As long as you still have available donor hair you don't have to live with this result.
  2. Joe Tillman is a hair transplant guru who recommends Baubac and has a youtube channel. I understand the guy has got to eat but he should provide more clarity on how he recommends doctors. In a post I found by him on the b truth forum he mentioned how he never met Baubac or visited his clinic he only had pleasant phone conversations with him. That's it? That's all it takes when you claim you would allow any of the doctors you recommend to operate on you. Also Joe Tillman talks about how much he values post op care with doctors. There is no post op care with Baubac, nobody cares there. And if he is really a patient advocate as he claims why does he recommend a doctor that surprises his patients with an NDA agreement on the day of their procedure? Is that ethical? This is a great forum because hacks like Baubac are not welcome here. I know exactly what you mean with your scalp issues and this is definitely a poor result but a scalp reduction seems drastic, no?
  3. It looks like it’s growing in nicely for 4 months and you’re on your way to a nice result! You had your choice from a few great doctors from home but I’m glad you chose one of the good clinics in turkey. Congrats man! 🙌
  4. No one can tell you what to do. You traveled to that doctor because you trusted him to do the surgery. That doctor you chose to do your surgery wasn't comfortable doing it based on his experience. What I think you should do is go home and reevaluate what you want to do. Maybe consult a few more doctors that are trustworthy before deciding what to do and scheduling an in person consultation with them BEFORE your surgery date to make sure you are a good candidate and get that assurance so you are mentally ok before your procedure. Unless you are fully confident in the other clinic that you went to being ethical and their ability to give you a good result I wouldn't proceed right away. Good luck with whatever you do.
  5. Very rarely do men legitimately need testosterone therapy. Most guys doing it (other than bodybuilders or pro athletes) went to an unethical doctor who will prescribe anything for money. It's normal for your testosterone to dip as you age. Your testosterone also fluctuates throughout the day even. Diet and especially SLEEP affects it. Even being around women your attracted to will have an affect on your testosterone levels (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18675269). That is why good doctors are very hesitant to prescribe it. Your levels may appear low on a blood test and two weeks later are normal. TRT therapy long term is no joke. As bismarck said if you have legit medical reasons why you need TRT then ya go for it you need it. If it is just because your erections aren't like they used to be your better off getting some cialis and focusing on getting better sleep, better diet, better exercise and don't watch porn (not saying practicing no fap i dont think thats good either). Dorian Yates when he was on Joe Rogan's podcast (must watch) said that if you are a pro athlete, bodybuilder or movie star who needs to buff up for a role and has millions of dollars on the line for your job than ya go for it but if not it is not worth the risk.
  6. Don’t take this the wrong way at all man as you say you’ve done research but trust me when I tell you that you haven’t done enough research. It sounds like you live in Southern California and you are trying to find the best possible option that doesn’t require you hopping on a plane. That is a big mistake. Take it from me, a guy who has made that mistake. What I’m saying has nothing against the recommended California surgeons that you consulted with but you need to also reach out to other top North American doctors and ask them for results with guys that have similar hair texture as you. You should also do in person consultations with the doctors you consult with whose work you like even if it requires flying out to them to see who you are most comfortable with and trust your gut instinct on that whether it ends up being a California doctor or one somewhere else. You don’t want to regret limiting yourself to location later on. Also to answer your original question about wait times, I’m not sure you should judge a place by wait times. There is a guy here , legends007, who just last year was able I think on three weeks notice to squeeze in an appointment with Dr. Hasson and has great results. Does that mean Dr. Hasson is not a quality doctor because he had a sudden opening? Of course not. In any case, be smart and I wish you good luck with whatever you do.
  7. This really isn’t a disaster of a result. You had 2700 grafts put into a large area and it looks like you got a pretty good yield. They were spaced apart and weren’t densely packed but overly dense packing can lead to lower yields and scalp damage which you didn’t get. The work was done cleanly and they grew out fine. You definitely may have experienced shock loss which is always a risk. I wouldn’t hang my head if I were you. Whether you go back to Rahal or go with another doc you’re gonna end up with a great result.
  8. You should post good pictures of your hair if you want serious advice from people. Also, are you on finasteride at all and if so how long? Are you limited at all as far as money is concerned for this procedure? If your not satisfied with the results of the procedure or if something goes wrong do you also have the money for a second procedure with a different surgeon? Have you ever buzzed your hair to see how you look and if so do you hate it or could you rock that look? These are important questions you have to ask yourself because once you get in that chair and you're cut there is no going back. A crappy hair transplant is way worse than naturally balding. Whichever surgeons you decide you like you need to schedule IN PERSON consultations with them to see who you are most comfortable with even though its gonna cost you money. Forget about facetime consultations or patient representatives/consultants. Don't trust anybody who recommends a doctor that they didn't do a procedure with and has the evidence to back it up. Good luck with whatever you do.
  9. Sorry about your poor results franky. I agree with what Matt told you that the work on your temples was unnecessary as they already looked good. They did a great job on them as Asmed usually does and they’re underrated in that regard but the very thick temples just makes your lower density hairline stand out more. Your situation isn’t terrible though, you just need to research some of the top doctors in your budget and meet with some in person. The soft doubles wouldn’t look bad and be too noticeable if the density was increased. My situation was VERY similar to yours before my surgery. My temples are in good shape and my hairline wasn’t awful and I had receded more on my right side which is what bothered me the most styling my hair. 1500 grafts was what was supposedly transplanted. The yield so far is not good but the biggest issue I have is damaged cobblestoned skin in my recipient area which you don’t have at least. Good luck in the future.
  10. Very interesting thread to read and follow on your self improvement journey. It sucks you didn’t get the amazing results you should have gotten considering how many grafts were used. But I gotta tell you based on the recent pics you’ve posted I agree with the other guys who told you it doesn’t look bad at all. Even in the harsh lighting. Is it a little thin? Ya. But it looks naturally thin. And you look better than you did before your first procedure. And you can still get away with a short fade which considering how many grafts you’ve used up you need to count your blessings with how lucky you are. The only reason I’m telling you all this is to be careful. You keep rolling the dice with this kind of surgery thinking you can only improve but you really need to think more about the strong possibility that your situation gets worse. Especially since you’re not on meds. Risking permanently shocking native and transplanted hairs and depleting your sides more to where the scars will be more noticeable and you can’t fade your hair like you want just for a minor improvement that most people wouldn’t notice isn’t worth it in my opinion. No doctor on earth will guarantee that won’t happen to you.
  11. I got a hold of my surgeon finally. He prescribed me antibiotics. It’s gotten better but I’m still scared about my skin condition I know it’s not normal. I guess my only hope is the hair grows out thick and covers it. If not I’m in trouble. I actually called Dr. Mohebi’s office and wanted to schedule an appointment with him just for his opinion but he’s on vacation. I was prepared for the ugly duckling phase not the Chernobyl victim phase.
  12. Thanks for the input. It’s hard to avoid googling and self diagnosing when you’re doctors office doesn’t respond to you at all though.
  13. No I haven’t had any of those symptoms at all. Everything was going great until these bumps became more prominent. And it really became more noticeable where it got my attention at the worst time on the 4th so my doctors office was unavailable and I’ve had nothing but scary google searches to keep my mind racing over the weekend. The only good thing about it was I found this website.
  14. Hi everyone. I am 18 days post op with 1500 grafts in the hairline + PRP. Everything went smoothly the first 2 weeks. The scabs came off nicely mostly in the shower and I looked good. But over the last week while the shedding has started I’ve noticed these tiny bumps appear all around my recipient area. They don’t itch at all. I’ve contacted the surgeon and I am awaiting the response still. Should I be panicking right now?
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