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Posts posted by Zinedine

  1. On 5/1/2021 at 2:30 PM, cabelozinho said:

    I had a hair transplant operation in Asmed in late November 2019

    As said by many others, from consultation to the operation they run the process very well and highly professional. I was quite satisfied with their communication and care. Team was polite, friendly I had nothing to complain during the process and I enjoyed my stay in the clinic.

    I already had a failed hair transplant 2 years prior to my 2nd operation that’s why I was determined not to play a gamble this time. That’s why Asmed was my first and only choice. 

    Since I’ve been already shedding on the crown part Asmed wanted to operate only the frontal because I refused to take finasteride. They told me to wait until the hair loss gets completed at the mid scalp then a 2nd operation can be planned. My first transplant was also operated at frontal part so the idea was to increase hair density at the frontal. It made sense and we agreed to have the operation for 3500 grafts . As the previous operation already cost me 3000 grafts, it was really important for me to use my donor in the best possible way. Operation went well and I didn’t suffer from any issue during the post operation process. Thou I was a bit skeptic about the hair density after 10 days but clinic said all looks well.

    I was supposed to go to clinic for a check after 6 months but clinic was closed due to pandemic. I realized there hasn’t been much progress. I sent my photos to the clinic and they made a brief comment saying all goes well and I have to wait minimum 13 months, so I did. I contacted clinic again exactly after 13 months and shared my poor results. They wrote that it’s not possible to evaluate from the photos so I was invited to clinic. Although my operation was performed by Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Dilek came to judge my results. I can easily tell from the first moment she entered to room she was so prepared to defend themselves. First she started to use finasteride as an excuse.I told them finasteride doesn't effect the frontal, I could have agreed if I had an operation from the crown part but no. Then she tried to put the blame on my previous operation which didn’t make sense at all. She added that the way they transplanted the grafts in previous surgery was wrong that’s why my density looks poor. This result have nothing to do with my previous operation because most of the hair on my hairline belongs to my earlier operation and this can easily be seen in the photos. Since I wasn’t satisfied with these explanations this time she said my hair volume is poor so there is not much they can do. 

    Strangely all the examinations before the operation were highly promising but after the operation it was no longer their concern somehow.

    The most funny part was they suggested me to comb my hair back. After paying 8000 euros I ended up with this advice and result. I told them that I’m not happy with the result and it needs to be compensated. My disappointment peaked after I was asked to pay for the revision surgery for 1500 grafts. I wrote them that’s not acceptable since they didn’t deliver what they were supposed to but in return they got away with it with a generic reply saying all is ok with my operation and this is the maximum I can get. Given their reputation as a top clinic of Turkey with this price their attitude is far from being professional and ethic. I spent all that money, result2.thumb.jpg.4148df6b1efb5cba0c6cf0cb0f7418d6.jpgdonor and time and in the end my hair density didn’t even increase %50.





    Hello @cabelozinho,

    First of al I hope your are feeling good. 

    Second, thanks for showing this experience. From looking at the before and after photos I´m so confused 🤔 how could you know they put 3500 grafts there? If they did, it doesnt look right... the result, I´m sorry to say but as you are saying it´s really really poor.

    On this photo it looks that they relly put a lot of grafts there ...



    But the final OUTCOME it´s not showing those grats... poor survival. They did somthing wrong Im afraid 😟



    And the problem is that this results at ASMED are happening every day now. There have been many complaints about the recent work from this clinic. They were supposed to be very good in the past decade but seems they changed something and results are not there anymore.

    And your meeting at the clinic with that Doctor is really sad. He should have been more understanding and not just almost "accusing" you of this poor result... finasteride, bad quality hair, your previous surgery... they knew about all that before they took your case right? And they said your result would be a success? What happened then? They should take responsibility ... it´s so sad they just look for excuses, that says very little about them... poor result, worst behavior about it. Bad bad bad!

    My friend, I hope you find a good clinic to fix this. Have you look into a Doctor for your repair? Your donor, how is it looking? You have already used 6500 so next one might be the last.

    Thanks again for showing this so that we can avoid clinics like this one.

    Best of luck



    • Like 1
  2. On 5/3/2021 at 7:35 PM, Maa said:

    7 month Update - skinfade!
    The time has really gone fast.

    Free to comment😀








    Amazing transformation at 7 months! That density and how natural it looks, top result. And you still have a couple months to go.

    Thanks for showing your updates! Congratulations!

  3. On 1/27/2021 at 7:52 PM, Flash10 said:

    Month 5

    Huge improvement during month 5; still hoping for lots more growth in the coming months.

    As mentioned before, I am not on minox. Therefore, it makes sense that my timeline is a little delayed relative to results of those who were on minox. Thus, I am optimistic things will continue to improve in the coming months.

    hair month 5.jpg


    Looking really good already! Great change from 4 to 5th month.

    And it´s just starting now. In the next 3 months that would look completely different.

  4. On 2/5/2021 at 11:45 AM, miko said:

    Thank you for resume. It seems you are right in some points. The problem with best spanish clinic (Fuexpert, Clinica DeFreitas) is that they are very busy and they hardly write back. Also on social networks they write back prepared answers f.e.: Please contact us for personal consultations, or we are closed now for consultations, or our price are not fixed and will be set after personal consultations, etc... I  saw many cases of Dr. Couto published by his clinic on social networks and from the description of videos, some comments, and also from my phone call with Fuexpert clinic I noticed this:

    1. They use manual and also micromotor method, but I don´t know on which circumstances it depends.

    2. All steps of surgery are performed by the doctor (this is the sentence which the clinic wrote to me). They didn´t write that doctor is always Dr. Couto. @RManciniwrote that the team consist of Dr. Couto, another doctor and trained nurses. This is the differnce between answear which I got and experience of the patient.

    3. On the clinic they operate 1 or max. 2 patients per day (this is another sentence which the clinic wrote to me). 

    4. When I spoke with the Fuexpert clinic by phone in July, they told me that waiting time is 1,5 - 2 years between consultation and surgery. This may have changed due to the current situation with Covid-19. 

    5. The price. I have read different prices on net, 4,50 Eur per graft and 5,- Eur per graft. Now is here explaination why.

    But I haven´t found the answers to my other questions yet... 


    On 2/3/2021 at 12:18 AM, OliverAtom said:
    Wow, getting some great information from @RMancini about Dr Couto and many questions we all were looking for since while back. 
    So using one of @miko  posts with some questions, I have gathered some of the most important information if one of us would choose Dr Couto at FUExpert Clinic for his/her Hair Transplant:
    1. What is the total PRICE for a graft at FUExpert Clinic? 
    - First HT surgery with Dr Couto €4.5/graft
    - Temples work €5/graft
    - Any repair procedure of a bad result at another clinic €5/graft
    *FUExpert Clinic might offer a discount for those patients who go back to the clinic for another procedure which I understand could be restoring the crown, temples, etc.
    2. Which method do they use for grafts extraction (manual or micromotor)? When both, from which it depends?
    From the info on ➡️ FUExpert Clinic YouTube Channel we can see that they use both manual and micro so it will depend on the patient. However, we do not have details of when and why Dr Couto uses manual or motor. Maybe @RMancini could investigate on this if he has to do any checkup at the clinic.

    3. Who used to exctract and implant follicules at FUExpert Clinic (doctor/staff)?
    - Dr Couto seems to start the extraction process on the first day and then explains to his team what the extraction strategy is going to be and how many units of each type are needed, the team continues.

    4. Is some package included to the price (accomodation/transfers/medical package/PRP/steam cells therapy, etc)?
    - From reading on Youtube comments FUExpert Clinic does not offer packages (included on the price).
    - They offer PRP sessions but they seem to be something extra, this means patients can decide to go for this treatment at a completely independent cost from the HT surgery.
    About PRP´s, it would be interesting to here the costs and details of a one PRP session at FUExpert Clinic from any Couto´s patient 

    5. Is it necessary to shave head or it is possible to do hair transplant also with unshaven head? If yes, is there some difference in price?
    - Maybe Mancini could investigate this on his next visit to the clinic? 
    6. How many patients do they operate at the clinic in one day?
    - It seems like Dr Couto operates on a maximum of 2 patients per day at FUExpert Clinic, one of the patients in the morning and another one in the afternoon.
    *Extra important points:
    - Dr Couto never deals with the 2 patients at the same time.
    - The number of grafts per day never exceeds much more than 1000 grafts so that this allows the team to work without stress.
    - Complete respect of the times of the follicles outside the body.
    Literally words of @RMancinii: "The feeling I had is that they work like a Swiss watch."
    7. How long did you wait for 1st consultation?
    - RMancini has not shared this info.
    - It was 1 year from RMancini´s 1st consultation to the HT surgery.
    *Important fact:
    RMancini points out that the original date for his surgery was Sept. 2021, which would have made the wait to be 23 months. This changed because the Covid is forcing many international patients to cancel their surgeries since they can not fly into Spain.

    8: Who drew your hairline before HT and how (according what)?
    - Dr Couto makes the design drawing the hairline.
    - Dr Couto marks the donor area planning the extraction.
    - Dr Couto cuts the patient's hair.
    I would try to update this whenever we get new details of other important data.
    Many thanks to @RMancini for sharing some precious information about Dr Couto.


    This is some amazing information about Dr Couto and how they do things at FUExpert Clinic.

    We should take advantage of this patient @RMancini now that he would be visiting the clinic.

    Thanks @miko and @OliverAtom for your questions and putting this together 😉

  5. On 2/14/2021 at 7:42 AM, forest said:

    Here you go @plus

    1. how did you style your pre transplant hair? I'm really curious to know this
    I kept long hair. After shampooing + drying, I did a "comb-over" to cover the bald area. 
    The hairstyle did not work with non-shampooed hair. Plus wind or pretty much any jerky motion of the head exposed the bald spot, so I had to be mindful of this. I used a cap outdoors. 
    Attaching a few pictures at the end.

    2. You still have some thinned out hair on top. Do you expect them to survive? Or was the transplant planned assuming they will not survive?
    Most of the hair in the front, mid are super thin and are unlikely to survive. My HT (and in fact most HTs) are done assuming that thin hair would fall out. Some hair at the back might survive with medication. Time will tell.

    3. Do you have to allow them to use your photos in their videos and social media?
    It's your choice. Personally, I won't consent to using my face.

    4. How do you think you will go bald in the coming years? Which norwood scale will you reach? Did you start taking finasteride only after this procedure? Is it oral finasteride?
    Right now this would be a total guess. Note that HTs at my age (30 years) are done assuming that the patient would reach NW6 / 7.
    I was not taking any medicine before the HT. After the procedure, I am taking finasteride 1mg daily, and using minoxydil 5% twice a day. If this stops or slows balding - great! If not, I might need to get another HT down the line.
    Yes, it is oral finasteride.

    5. Why didnt you use beard hair? Euginex is known to use that well. So you could have kept donor hair for future tranplants.
    As per my understanding, the rule of thumb is to prioritise use of scalp hair. If scalp hair is not sufficient to cover your baldness, body hair is used.
    Ex. for 3000 grafts FUE, scalp donar would generally be sufficient.
    For a 4500 grafts FUE, perhaps 3000 grafts from scalp and 1500 from beard. Only because it's not possible (or very difficult) to extract more than a certain number of grafts FUE (typically 3000-4000) from scalp in a single session. Hence beard hair must be used.
    Think of it this way - scalp hair are your best shot for a satisfactory HT. So they should be used first. If a future HT is needed, you may use rest of your scalp donar + beard hair.

    Some pre HT photos from 2019 and 2020 - 








    Your results is gonna be awesome!

    Cant wait to see the final result in a few months so please, keep updating!

    Thanks a lot for sharing your experience!


    • Like 1
  6. On 2/14/2021 at 6:55 PM, Jimmy58 said:

    Hi guys,

    here below the 6 month update!

    I’m generally happy with my progress, hoping to get even more improvement over the next few weeks.

    puctures are under direct light and a bit extreme to judge the result, but this is to better show my hair density.

    What do you guys think about?










    That is getting better. And the photos are really good in real situation.

    For that many grafts I would be expecting a better overall density. Let´s see if at 8-12 months your results improves and you hit a home run!

    Many many thanks for sharing 😉

    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, Classygentleman said:

    Now at 11 weeks
    Growing well, hopefully the start of new growth now! 
    I can feel more and more hairs coming through, still feels a little bit like stubble.
    I can definitely see them better with my naked eye. I wasn’t expecting any real growth until around month 3 or 4 so anything before then is a bonus93476243-421D-4186-A70D-82922F791582.thumb.jpeg.e94df63de519d23329ade8fc5579eefa.jpeg07E15607-7898-4555-8AEA-B4BCB27B2CBD.thumb.jpeg.e87f406a033fd4faa7b900eaf30a6ebd.jpeg




    Look at that!!! Those little ones are starting to show up 😀

    Really interesting and very promising... cant wait to see your 6 months results, gonna be goooood!

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 2/11/2021 at 5:11 PM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    I wonder if he had to wait 2 years. 

    Do Clinics have VIP sessions? I bet they do. If a "person of interest" comes knocking on your door, how could you say no?

    How much more could famous patients be paying compared to us regular patients? If Dr. Konior charges $12/graft, would he charge double on a VIP session? I mean, if I had Tom Bradey´s or David Silva´s "income" I would pay double or triple ...

    Any idea if a Clinic is open about doing this?

  9. On 1/28/2021 at 12:07 AM, Melvin-Moderator said:


    Amazing content! Loved the information and the talks with these amazing doctors.

    Thanks for putting this together and sharing, really appreciate it since it adds so much value and gives new alternatives.

    By the way, with this oral minox + with those 800 from that dence beard, your crown would come back to life for sure 😊

  10. On 1/27/2021 at 12:05 AM, RMancini said:


    Hello everyone! sorry for the delay in updating and answering your questions.
    Now I am just 3 months of the procedure and my garden seems to be flourishing, it is still a very short time but it is already changing. I am very excited and anxious at the same time. At the clinic I have been told to expect growth between the 4th and 5th month, and to try to release my anxiety, which is normal at this time, but all I have to do from now on is enjoy the growth.
    I have passed the worst stage, I had some shock loss of the native hair and in these first months I have looked terrible, but this is already looking much better.
    I have encouraged several Couto patients with whom I have contact to post their case in this forum, most of them do not know this forum, some find it difficult to participate here because it is in English, but I have told them that they would help many people especially to the doctor, for the doubts that some of you still have about your work.
    Now with the Google translator it is no longer a problem.

    Thanks to all who have participated in my thread, thank you also for your interest.

    I attach some photos of the 3 months, I will continue later updating my progress.






    Really nice for ... JUST 3 months!

    Cant wait to see you at 6 months, that hairline is gonna be amazing 😁

    Thanks for sharing and please, please do not stop updating, really want to see this Couto´s case till the end.

  11. 17 hours ago, Raphael84 said:

    Firstly, thank you to the patient for providing the photos and for his permission to use his case and share his experience pictorially.The patient had previous surgeries and wanted to add density and more symmetry to the hairline whilst slightly lowering it.Dr. Bisanga was able to achieve these objectives with 1800 grafts, being able to lower and blend and work back through the previous work.The patient has experienced very fast and impressive growth so far and kindly provided photos at 7.5 months. We will continue to post as the result develops through to the 12 month period.

    Graft/Hair Breakdown:-

    1s = 285 = 285 Hairs
    2s = 479 = 952 Hairs
    3s = 760 = 2280 Hairs
    4s = 276 = 1104 Hairs
    Total - 1800 grafts / 4621 Hairs / 2.5 Average








    3 Months  Quote "Looking great already, gaps are closing and hair line is looking good"



    5 Months  Quote  "DR.B work is really becoming noticeable now, the gaps filling and hair line lowering"



    7 Months  Quote "Assymetry had been put right and the gaps are improving all the time. Excellent work I feel".



    7.5 Months



    Close up wet at 7.5 months "Straight out of the pool"



    Comparison 7.5 Months


    Really love this before-after! Amazing result at 7.5 months... and still room for improvement!

    Congratulations to the clinic and the happy patient 😁

  12. On 1/20/2021 at 11:05 PM, Craig2412 said:

    That’s the one! I reckon there’s a few more we haven’t thought of yet.

    Leigh griffiths is another one and I know a few of the Scottish players have had them done too.

    I’ve always wondered if Beckham has had a small procedure at some point.




    What a change!!! He certainly is a new Person 😁

  13. Totally agree. Being honest and sharing authentic reviews will help all of us to make the right decisions, to choose the best Doctor or Clinic, to avoid those butchers that should be put into jair for playing with our hair, our money and our life. Because hairloss is a BIG thing for us who are suffering alopecia... ☹️

    Please, be authentic for the sake of this community!

    • Like 1
  14. On 12/25/2020 at 5:53 AM, anotherhairlosssufferer said:

    3 weeks

    Some random pics I just did at 3 weeks. I think overall this is going pretty good, let's see how it fares when the hair grows out longer. I think I am yet to start shedding so it'll get much worse before it gets better unfortunately.

    What do yall think?

    Front: there is definitely way more hair now compared to before but the area where I have native hair is clearly way more dense and darker. This is certainly to be expected and what matters is how it'll look once it grows to 2-3 inches.


    Front/Side - hairline has the lowest density but got the most grafts. Perhaps it's just that it has the least native hair?


    Side: I think it's obvious that the first inch in the temporal area where the hair was not extracted is more dense than the rest? I don't think it's noticeable unless you know what to look for, but will it get better eventually? Also makes me wonder what that means in terms of how much hair I have left in my donor.


    Donor and the back of my head: looks like it's more dense in the occipital area.



    Also a funny story: my friend took a picture of me from relatively afar and I sent it to another friend and his first comment was "wait did you do a hair transplant"? I was super shocked as I didn't tell anyone and my first thought was that he noticed something unnatural and obvious in terms of work (I can't tell myself and nobody else said anything) but when I asked him why would he think that he said it just looks way more dense than before. In his defense from afar it does look more dense. We'll see how other people react, so far nobody said anything (but I also still didn't show this to someone close enough to me to not feel bad about making a comment) and I kinda expected to keep this a secret but perhaps I'll have to either admit I did something or come up with a comeback if this happens more. 


    Everything looks really clean. And the donor is impecable.

    Cant wait to see the final result.

    Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  15. On 12/24/2020 at 2:08 AM, OliverAtom said:
    Totally agree with you Melvin. It takes a lot more effort and time to create VIDEO content. It´s a lot easier to take 20-30 photos and then upload them in a few clicks to the clinic website or to a Forum than investing the time and money on creating 3-5 minutes videos which in most cases the clinic might also have to outsource having an extra cost of around $1800-2500/month ... But, what is this for a clinic that operates on 8-12 patients every month. Some clinics can even charge $25000/2000 grafts for just one patient ... Certainly is not about the money. 

    Therefore, videos are the BEST way Doctors can show the world their PASSION for their work, their Art... Videos also help to build trust among users, they connect a lot better and they are a lot more transparent and honest than photos...
    Video content is PRICELESS nowadays. Not even close to see a few photos compared with a before-after VIDEO... 

    A clear example of the impact and trasparency of a video is this tutorial you share with our community... would it be the same if this videos were just presented with a few photos and some written text? Absolutely NOT!!!

    Quarantine Self-Fade Tutorial


    How You Should Approach A Failed Hair Transplant? Dr. Bisanga Answers


    Therefore, I also agree with you that Top clinics should be uploading their patient results weekly if not monthly

    Hopefully in the coming New Year, clinics start showing their passion for their work through video content. I´m sure all of us would love to see that, right?


    Really interesting post Oliver. 

    Wow, and thanks for sharing those two videos from the Hair Restoration Network Youtube channel, both with great contend indeed. This for sure is an example that videos OFFER a lot more than just text along with images. VIDEOS bring the viewer closer to whatever the video is about. 

    I totally agree with you that VIDEOS should already be a must for clinics. It's so much easier to see the final results when watching videos. In my humble opinion, videos really show the complete HONEST result. 

    Thanks for sharing with us your ideas about the use of videos by Hair Transplant clinics. 

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