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Everything posted by Slush

  1. In California I found $4 per graft for FUT and $8 per graft for FUE to be the standard.
  2. The vellus hair surviving is good for two reasons, which is why I bumped this thread. 1) It's a sort of "ground cover", as Dr. Alexander put it. It may only have a minor, if at all, visible impact to thickness. 2) With current meds and treatments vellus hairs rarely can be moved back into terminal hairs, but that doesn't mean it won't be possible in the future with new medications or treatments. Thus, maintaining vellus hair is in a way, keeping hair follicles on life support. Perhaps one day they'll be productive again. These are both minor in nature compared to the overall HT, but never the less potentially significant in our world of hair.
  3. I am 5.5 weeks from my HT. I am seeing a fair amount of vellus hairs in my recipient region. I had this before due to minoxidil, but from my research it appeared these wouldn't survive the HT. Is it possible these are the existing vellus hairs or first stage of growth for the transplanted follicles?
  4. There will be a scar, some are just more visible than others. If you're concerned a doctor may be dishonest on graft counts or on results, I'd advise not trusting your body to their work. Is it possible graft counts are inflated? Yes, dishonest people exist everywhere. It's difficult deciding to undergo the surgery. It's an overwhelming investment in trust and capital. Potential dishonesty on graft counts is indeed a valid concern, but you aren't buying a used car. The biggest issue is entrusting your ONE body's​ well being, both physical and emotional. If you aren't very confident in your selection, step back and wait until you are. I say "very confident" because some anxiety will naturally exist, but if it's personally deemed illogical you may be on the right path.
  5. Can you send me a pm? The function isn't working for me on my phone or computer. (I've used it before. Odd.)
  6. I wish I had measured the area of my recipient region so I could calculate density. My frontal third was shaved and I was told, "completely transplanted", so that I would be "done forever". I had 2500 grafts, and the Doctor is well known for targeting and achieving a high density. 7000 or even 5000 just sounds incredible. I'm picturing impressive density even with your hair/skin contrast. At some point a certain density is the maximum achievable due to the tools in use with today's procedures. Still learning here!
  7. 7000 grafts for just the frontal third??? Do you have a thread with pics?
  8. Great result. How many grafts was your first procedure?
  9. Krx, I commend you for being thorough and putting together a plan and not just jumping into surgery. When seeing your pictures I had the thought, "I'd just keep it buzzed short than undergo such a lengthy and expensive journey." I'm sure that's easier said from my seat than yours, as I haven't walked in your shoes. I don't know enough about BHT to add to your plan, but I want to wish you luck. With so much area needing coverage, I will echo the advice of caution. More area needing coverage increases risk. Please keep us updated on what you do.
  10. Grafts needed are a factor of planned work and targeted density. Comparing raw graft numbers without knowing each plan is only having part of the equation. Some doctors have also proven to be able to do "more" with less (illusion). FUT is always cheaper. Ask for photographs of their work, do lots of research.
  11. Looks great! Who did the work and will the next procedure be FUE as well?
  12. Wow, Afterparty, you weren't kidding about our similarity! Same doctor 5-days apart, same transplant region, nearly the same graft count, and extremely similar hair color/fineness. It'll be fun to compare our results! Spex, thanks for the pictures! I am a little surprised that Dr. Alexander transplanted around the front patch. He is the expert though and knows best.
  13. Weeks 5 is in the books! I undoubtedly have sprouts forming in the transplant area. The only hair in this region before were white vellus hairs from minoxidil. These definitely have color. The lack of density shows many hairs are still in dormancy. The redness has declined a lot. Today was my first day in public without concealer on the recipient region. I have some acne on the crown transplant area. I am still using "light brown" Dermmatch concealer on the donor region. Pictures are without concealer in bright light. The Dermmatch color is probably not the best match for me. Although my hair looks super blond in the pics, I am certainly a dirty blond/light brown color now. I am sticking with the concealer I have though, I just try a manual blend. I cannot wait until I can go concealer free! I'm not self conscious anymore, it is what it is, but I just want lower maintenance and to look normal. I was back in the gym today for the first time since the surgery. All felt fine when lifting. My active social calendar is going back to normal soon, so hopefully the hair truly looks good. I was hoping to look "normal" by now. My girlfriend says I look better than before, which is attributed to the shaved head IMO. Anyway, enjoy!
  14. Love the original post. I am going to bet you're in STEM, or at least hope. While I have never seen it anywhere on this forum or others, I was going to take ginkgo biloba regularly if/when I take Fin. It has many benefits, but improving (or maintaining) libido is one.
  15. Check out Spex's website and read as much as you can on the forum. That's the best advice I can give. Knowing what to expect is big. Good luck! Keep us updated!
  16. No clue. Ask the barber the chemical be used and do some research.
  17. I had 2500 grafts on my frontal third. My doc states that he aims for 50+ per cm^2, but I didn't ask specifically what he was​ able to achieve for me. He did shave my recipient area and transplanted as if I would I lose all native hair. Since this is baseline, I imagine he was in the area. Dr. Alexander has videos on YouTube addressing importance of density. It's one major reason I selected him for my HT. Density is important and any doc that isn't specific about it should cause concern.
  18. Very nice changes. I am hopeful for a more mobile friendly forum to accompany the website change.
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