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Everything posted by Guy73

  1. @LonelyGraftDude your such a douchebag, I tried to bow out gracefully. I do know all those answers except for maybe the solution he uses. Your the one who should log off permanently because this stuff really fires you up!! You are the best, and the most knowledgeable! Ok there, I said it! Dude get a life. Your the one sabotaging this guys thread. I already bowed out @Cahustlerwhere did this clown come from?
  2. This guy started it by accusing me of being some inside guy or promoting a doctor. Everyone knows details and process. I was looking outside the box. When someone comes on here and is not happy with results I get it, but I was merely pointing out things that actually do matter with any doctor you go to. You want to look at a few pictures and videos online that’s fine but as @LaserCap points out it takes a certain amount of grafts per zone to achieve what most people want on this forum. Now maybe some can or cannot achieve that by other factors. now I can still play tag with this guy if he want to keep going, but I deleted all my post from his thread and am just responding. If he want the last word then I will end it here and he can also. I don’t care about his hair count that much just trying to help a brother out so he is not disappointed again.
  3. @LaserCap am I missing something? “everyone on here knows the process and details” yet I don’t know how many grafts were placed per sq cm on my head because I never asked or was told?? of coarse every ones hair different, thanks 🕵️‍♂️ Sherlock. Melvin please delete me!! I can’t deal with this nonsense. This guys wants to shoot in the dark and hopes for the best. @Melvin-Moderator please get me out of this site! Just delete me and content so I don’t get baited into responding to these guys. fue-expert and dr cole would laugh at this guy knowing the details.
  4. ****Melvin please delete my account And content****** Dude, obviously people on here don’t want to know process or details. Just results, I get it now. No problem ask Melvin to delete my account and other people as well ask him. I will totally be ok with it. @lasercap (old days)gets it. Because he is one of the few who knows the details and process. So when someone gets a result they are not happy with definitely don’t go to this forum because guys like you will have a sissy fit.
  5. Yeah, no issues not promoting anyone just the process. Good luck! I would delete my account if I could. I just realized something on these sites🤔....and no it’s not you I was pointing out the obvious that possibly if you want and expect density maybe you should ask how many grafts are going into my head per sq cm being on that’s how they come up with density for hair in the first place. Believe what you want. This will be my last post. peace ✌️ this guy below who is a senior member understands. You never will.
  6. @Lennneylooks good! You and I have similar hair type and loss. Like you I had a similar amount of graft placed in front ( I had 2700 grafts in front first pass) I also had crown work but my front ended up similar to you. I was happy but ended up doing 2 more passes in front and ended up with density I could have only dreamed off!
  7. Any shockloss from rolling? Any noticeable results? What would your routine look like?
  8. I could try that. Although I don’t derma roll. It’s hard with longer hair it gets caught in my hair. I use peppermint oil spray diluted with water before I do the Rogaine Foam. nizoral is good a few times a week but you need to let it sit in your hair at least 3-4 minutes before rinse.
  9. Anyone using rogaine foam is kinda forced to wash their hair more often I think. I mean if you wear a hat you could easily do the no shampoo or skip washing. I will say my dad never washed his hair much and still has it at 72.
  10. Yes, he did tell me of the change on my second. He told me he has a good success rate on this system. Although I thought I did good before. On my third we looked on his computer as he had that usb Tool to magnified my density in front. He showed me a area that was never extracted from. The density was almost exact to my natural hair. He said this will be tough to put another 1800 in the front but he was up for the challenge. He also said he would try and get doubles but because this is my third , the singles grafts he would try and place them real close to mimic a double graft. 2550 grafts on my third and the rest after the 1800 in front went to my crown.
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