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Everything posted by Etownone

  1. A lot of your questions can be answered based on your preference and a little research. Just the front hairline, probably 2000 dense FUE I would do. But, I'm no doctor. FUT is a great option too. So that's up to you. Look at the pros and cons of each. I wouldn't even touch the crown for now. Start up on some Rogaine/Propecia... And biotin daily. And that will help the crown. Cost... In the USA it's pretty expensive. I hear Dr Vories in NC is great with good prices too. Now if you go to India, Mexico, Canada or Turkey. You'll be getting great service at much cheaper prices then USA. And Dr. Rahul, I read some good reviews on him... Just type in his name on the search bar so you can read them too. Hope this helps.
  2. Here's my question... I had an FUT surgery exactly two weeks ago, and all the grafts from that surgery were placed on the front area of my scalp. Now I want to do another HT as soon as possible, but this time FUE on the crown. Two totally different procedures coming from different donor areas going to different recipient spots on my scalp. so ... here's my question... how soon can i get the FUE procedure done for my crown area since i had my FUT two weeks ago for my front area? I've heard different responses from surgeons... I've heard as soon as i want, to 3, 6, 9 months and a year.
  3. i need to get a procedure done on my crown, and i keep seeing impressive work done by Dr. Vories. you place the grafts nice and tight, and i think that makes a big difference. i sent an email with pics ... just waiting to hear back.
  4. Wow... I didn't not know hair from the beard can be taken out and transplanted. Great To know.
  5. If you just had an FUD surgery and want to cover the donor scar.... I know for the permanent SMP, you would have to wait for the scar to heal, wait time can be up to a year. But what about the temporary SMP?
  6. My plan is to do FUE to get as much coverage as possible. I'm looking into getting 3000 grafts fue put in there. Surely that should make a huge difference. Heres an updated pic I took two days ago.
  7. I just booked my appointment with Dr. Nader for 3000 grafts. Thanks for your review. Very helpful. You should post some pics.
  8. Just thought I'd share these before after pics of Dermmatch. Best concealer out there.
  9. Heres a couple before/after pics with dermmatch. Best thing.... It doesn't drip when you sweat (u gym frequently) doesn't fall off in pool or beach. Just.... Don't let girls run their fingers through your hair. Lol.
  10. That's 3000 grafts? Very very tight job he did.. I'm expecting you to have impressive results.
  11. If you know you have that scar .... why o why are you cutting your hair that short? i have a similar scar .... and no one knows ive had a HT because i get low cut fades so theres a lot of hair around the scar, and then add some dermmatch in the scar area to blend with the hairs.
  12. i had my first procedure in 08, FUT and finally came around and had my 2nd procedure last week. FUT only in the front area and doing a 3rd one in October FUE to cover the crown.
  13. hmmm..... to start it up again or not. decisions decisions... i didnt know i could get it super cheap at target or walmart. i definitely have to look into that. so .. thx. Dr Dorin gave me the prescription.... but to take this for the rest of my life.
  14. Has anyone here done some SMP for that look of density?
  15. You ever try Dermmatch? It's just simply put, amazing. I've been using it for years. And judging from your pic, the difference would be nice and day.
  16. And yes, I stopped Fin too a couple years ago. Just debating to myself if I want to make a lifelong commitment to Fin again. Good luck with the smoking... I enjoyed it plenty knowing it was bad for me too. But, quit when I turned 40 last July.
  17. It lasted me about 5 days. I called the office and they said I should be fine and don't need another bottle to continue applying it every day. But at $150 a bottle.. It's pricey.
  18. Can I ask your advice? I just had my FUT surgery in front area last week in NYC. I emailed Dr Nader and he said to wait 2 or 3 month and he can do the crown area 1500-2000 grafts. I'm ready to do it. The sooner the better. Or... Am I being hasty, and should wait longer.
  19. After like 14 years, I gave up minoxidil a couple years ago, and paid the price. Definitely lost a lot in my crown area. Just the hassle especially with applying dermmatch was just too much. I do regret it now but not going back on it either. I was also on finasteride for same amount of time, 14 years, but my insurance stopped covering the cost so I gave that up too. I can tell the difference, not only have I lost hair in my crown Area, but hair now is just thin and not healthy anymore. Just had another FUD last week and Thinking about starting finasteride again. Just damn.... That's a life long commitment. And I'm 40 now. Surely side effects and prolonged use as you get older have to play a role for health concerns. Finasteride.... Yes or no. ?
  20. The procedure I done recently was only on my frontal area and it was a FUT procedure. I'm looking to get my crown done now FUE. ANY doctor will tell you that you don't have to wait a year because I'm not working on the donor/recipient site itself.
  21. Thanks... After some thorough research just using this site, Dr Vories seems like a great choice. But, I think Dr Nader, even though, based in Mexico (borderline if Texas) is a really really good choice too based on reviews/testimonies I found here and YouTube.. He emailed me back with the packages he offers, and his prices are extremely reasonable.
  22. Looks like a great job. I sent him an email with pics yesterday, hoping to hear back from him soon.
  23. Had my FUT done done about 4 days ago at Tru and Dorin. He sold me (convinced me) to buy their ATP spray to reduce crusting. I know it's probably just sole water and saline in here, but it cost me $150 for this little spray bottle. Anyone know what it is? I'm running out, and want to apply my own solution or recommendations to keep scalp moist.
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