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Everything posted by Spidey

  1. With all drugs, there are side effects... Even your over the counter advil has a list of side effects that most people don't know about. You do pose a very good question though, however, I believe what most Dr's usually tell their patients are that if sides are experienced, to discontinue, which for most drugs work... FIN is a very interesting one...
  2. You can check their website for pricing. Fue is $8cdn for the first 1000 grafts and $6cdn thereafter. Pretty good for the American neighbours due to the low cdn dollar these days.
  3. I would go with vitamin E... I used/ and am using aloe for my FUE donor area without any issues BUT you need to be careful when buying Aloe.. You need to make sure you are getting 98% or higher aloe.. A LOT of the over the counter stuff are literally chemicals and a bit of aloe.... Some also contain Propylene Glycol which can irritate your scalp. You best bet is to use Vit E/any natural oils, or buy an Aloe plan and use it straight from there... HTH
  4. I think the reason for the various numbers are because no one person heals the same. I would suggest that those who are smokers, don't eat very healthy, drink alcohol, older in age , and/ or had larger number of grafts, be on the conservative side, and wait the ten days. People who are the opposite of the things I listed probaby heal more quickly. At the end of the day you should follow your surgeon's advice whether or not it conflicts with what others say on the forum or even Google.
  5. I know the forum and internet are littered with topics regarding shedding, either from starting or quitting MIN, but my questions is for people who never had the initial MIN shed. I started MIN approx 8 years ago for my hairline, and to maintain my crown. Long story short, I never shed due to starting MIN. I am currently about 4 weeks off of MIN due to a recent FUE procedure to my hairline. I was told to stop MIN one month prior. I have seen an increase of hairs shedding when i run my hands through my hair, however it could be because I have only been able to wash my hair once a day at the most, and not really washing it thoroughly due to avoiding the transplanted grafts on my hairline. Just wondering if the post MIN shed occurs even if I never got the initial MIN shed? Hope someone could chime in. I plan to start up on MIN twice a day like I was prior the the surgery. Thanks
  6. Without meds, those miniaturized hair would have an anagen life span half of the healthy hairs, and potentially could have been killed off by transplanting surrounding. I doubt they make that much of an impact to the overall look.
  7. Harvesting 4000 grafts in only 2 hours seems... I don't want to say impossible, but, extremely quick.... As for the coverage, you can see from your post op pictures that there is a lot of gap between the implanted follicles (ie. low density). Looking at the hairline, however, it looks like more should have grown out though.
  8. That is phenomenal for just under 2500 grafts. Are you on any meds, or topicals?
  9. Just a little something more to add. I kept my hair fairly long, approx 5 inches in length on the top and front, which now I feel I should have just clipped prior to surgery. It is a bit of a nuisance keeping the hair clear of the recipient areas. It would also make washing a lot easier. I kept it longer to see whether I would be able to cover the recipient sites after the first week. If I can't make it look good, I will probably end up buzzing it all down to a 1.5 before I go back to work.
  10. Looks great! I think if he cropped the sides a bit shorter, it would really make the hairline POP! (in a great way).
  11. Fair enough, but personally, I feel more comfortable being in town, even if it means paying more... Not having to go through the airport with wounds on my head, lol. I guess my opinion is slightly different as Hasson and Wong is not only in the city that I live in, but a 10 min walk away
  12. With all medical procedures, the last place you want to go to is the cheapest or "best deal". Of course, if you go overseas you will save money mainly because of their dollar value, but still, you risk any post op complications when you are already at home, and the clinic is an 8 hour flight away.
  13. The post op care pamphlet I received from Dr Hasson stated to avoid sun exposure for 6 months as burns would prevent growth, and to use an SPF of 30 or higher for the first 3 months.. Looks like you just avoided possible issues being at the 6 month mark... Were you not given any post op care instructions by your Dr?
  14. I confirmed with Dr Hasson that I was able to go back to biotin and supplements immediately after the surgery. If you think about it, if a Dr is telling you not to take vitamins etc after, you shouldn't be drinking coffee either, as it contains caffeine. Even alcohol is allowed approx 5 days post op.. If you can drink alcohol 5 day post op, I would assume you are cleared to consume anything at that point... That's just the way I look at it though.
  15. Overview 1036 graft FUE done by Dr HASSON Graft breakdown: 294 singles 668 doubles 74 3-4 hairs. Hey guys/girls, I wanted to create a thread regarding my experiences/updates with respect to the FUE procedure I had with Dr HASSON of HASSON and WONG. I am a 33 year old Asian male, and live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Background: I started to notice the hairs on my temples becoming weaker approximately 10 years ago. I did not think much of it as I attributed them to being the "baby" hairs on my hairline. I noticed it when I decided to buzz my hair to a number 2, and realized that the temple hairs were finer, and did not grow back as strong as the rest of my head. I was still a NW1. Two years later, I realized that the temples were indeed receding a bit. I started to panic, and hit the internet for solutions. I started on MIN 2% liquid and applied it only to the temples, as prescribed. I Immediately noticed tiny vellus hairs, but they never turned terminal. As MIN became more available, I switched to the 5% liquid, then to the 5% foam (which I use to this day). I have been on MIN, and applying it to my entire scalp for the past 8 years (for preventative measures). I do not experience any sides with MIN so I am lucky, however my temples continued to slowly recede and thin out. This year, it has gotten to the point where it was getting hard to conceal my hairline, and the thinness started to show. I also wanted to be able to slick my front up, which I have not been able to do for years due to the recession. I have experimented with Saw Palmetto extract for a couple years at a time, and although I did not obtain regrowth with it, I actually experienced FIN like side effects such as ball ache (which subsided after the first month of use), and anxiety/panic attacks (which started approximately 1 year after continual use). For the last 2 years, up until my hair transplant, my regimen had been S5 cream 2x a day, and MIN foam 5% 2x a day. I had always lurked the different hairloss forums, and posted now and then. I had always been interested in HW as my choice for a HT clinic if I ever decided to bite the bullet. Of course price, and the fact that HW only provided FUT were the drawbacks for me. I have always cut my hair very short on the sides, the longest being a number 2 on the sides and back, so FUT was not an option for me. Also, travelling out of country was NOT an option for me for a HT, or any surgery for that matter. The lack of followup in the case of complications post op, was a big deal for me. Consultation with HW After sending pictures to HW for an online consultation, I received an email from Doug a couple days later advising that I was a good candidate for HT with Dr HASSON. I was invited to come into the clinic for a free in person consultation with the Dr. on June 18th, 2015. On June 18th, I walked over to the clinic (yes I live that darn close!). I remember feeling a bit excited and anxious. When I reached the office, I noticed right away this clinic was top notch; clean, tasteful decor, and extremely friendly/professional staff. I first met with Doug who spoke to me for about 10 minutes, and showed me some pictures of hairline work the clinic had done. Soon after, Dr HASSON came into the office and introduced himself. His calm and confident demeanor was comforting. Dr HASSON examined my hair and stated that he estimated that I would require 800-1000 grafts, and that I was a good candidate for FUE. I peeked over at the chart Dr HASSON had, and confirmed that I was a NW2 at this point (which I have been for a few years now, but a thinning one). I don't remember too much more from the meeting except saying to myself, "I can afford 1000 grafts!!" I spoke more to Doug a bit after regarding HW and FUE. I learnt that HW had officially offered FUE as an option to patients earlier in the year, however, they have had special cases where they would perform FUE in the past. A week later, I decided to schedule my surgery. Took the time off work and confirmed a surgery date of Aug 5th, 2015, at 7am. Day of Surgery I did not get a wink of sleep the night prior, and it wasn't because I was nervous. I worked a grave yard shift, and pretty much got off work, took a shower, had breakfast, and straight to the clinic! I arrived at the clinic at 6:55 am. Completed all the paper work required, and was met by one of the techs. Dr HASSON asked if I had any questions regarding how I wanted my hairline, and if I had thought about what we discussed at the time of the consultation. We decided to have him draw in a hairline, and have me look at it after, which I was very happy with. I did not want a juvenile hairline and wanted to keep the NW2ish look, however I just wanted the symmetry improved and the density increased. Pre Op pictures were taken. Now for the fun stuff. Dr HASSON confirmed that he would require 1000 grafts for my surgery. He shaved the donor area down with clippers, and injected local anesthesia, which IMO was the most painful part of the surgery. It really does suck! Once all numbed up, Dr HASSON passed the procedure on to one of his techs to perform the FUE extraction which was all done manually with a .85mm punch. This information here is probably what most of you wanted to know, whether the Dr did the extractions or the techs. I am not sure if this is the case for every single FUE surgery they perform, but for my case, a tech did it. Although I could not feel a thing, I could tell that the tech was very confident and smooth with her movements with the tool. During the extraction, I had to go to the bathroom a couple of times. Lunch was at about 12pm (which only lasted 15 mins, then right back at it). I am not sure how much more time was spent on extraction after lunch, but it wasn't that long. While the grafts were being extracted, another tech was inspecting and trimming the grafts in the same room. Throughout the extraction, Dr HASSON would enter the room and inspect the donor area, and grafts that were extracted. After the extraction was done, I was finally able to lie on my back. The most uncomfortable part of the extraction was being face down for hours. I watched Back to the Future while Dr HASSON made his world famous lateral slits! Dr HASSON made a couple slits, and got the tech to see whether the size of the slits were appropriate for the grafts. The remainder of the 1000 slits did not take that long. After the slits were made, two techs (one on each side) started to implant the grafts. I am not sure how long this took.. but I remember being done at 6:30pm.. So pretty much 10.5 hours of surgery with minimal breaks in between. Now I know why FUE is more expensive than FUT... It really takes that much more time. Dr HASSON made a comment that the grafts extracted looked very strong, which was encouraging. Even Dave (Garageland) made a special appearance and popped into the room to say hi, while my grafts were being implanted. I was bandaged up, and given post op instructions, and scheduled to come back the following two days for my first and second washes. Pain/immediate post op I was given pain meds and sleeping meds that I decided not to take at all when I got home. As the anesthesia wore off, I started to feel slight throbbing, and soreness in my donor and recipient areas, but I decided to tough it out. I was exhausted and had no problems sleeping. I slept on the couch as I didn't want any issues sleeping on the bed with the wife there. Day 1 Post Op Went in at 12pm for my first wash. Took pictures. Dr HASSON re inspected the work and was very happy with how the donor area, and recipient area looked. He again commented on how happy he was with the grafts and how I had very strong grafts. Again, I was very happy to hear that. Day 2 Post Op Donor and recipient areas starting to itch, showing signs of healing. Went in for a second wash. Going in tomorrow for an optional third wash as well. They offered it, and I decided to take it since I live so close by, and I figure I prefer them doing the washing during the early stages to be on the safe side. I will post pictures once I receive them from the clinic. I also wanted to stress that I could not be any happier with the treatment I received from everyone at HW. I have NEVER dealt with a more friendly, and professional group of people! Every single one of them had a smile on their face, and asked how I was doing numerous times throughout the surgery. Even for my 1 day post op wash, the tech that worked on me, went out of her way, to come and say hi to me and asked me how I was doing when I was getting washed. I was very impressed, and felt very welcomed. So there we have it... My initial experience with HW's FUE. Pictures: Pre Op 1-3 Immediate Post Op 4-6 1 Day Post Op 5,6
  16. Usually the itch feeling after injury to an area is due to the nerves regenerating... A bit odd a year after, but it could just be that....
  17. Right side looks solid.. Left side looks like the grafts either aren't producing hairs yet, or did not take.... By the looks of the post op pictures, it looks like an equal amount was transplanted into both temples.
  18. He probably did not want to get a tattoo on the back of his head to cover his strip scar like Jamie Foxx... Seeing his pics, he likes to cut his hair very short, like many AA males. Makes sense to go FUE.
  19. why do you not consume the marijuana a different way.. ie eating it.. get the THC some other way?
  20. darlinglocks.. you are only what, one month post op? I am sure Dr Bhatti does great work, but aren't you a bit early on in your recovery to be raving about the results?
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