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Everything posted by BUSA

  1. how exactly does one have too many grafts? even the most dense HT's out there don't even come close to wat someone wud have if they never lost any hair so a 1000 grafts too many makes no sense at all.
  2. yea I agree that is a lot total grafts. I hear ya tho there r other things in life that are important too but imo if I got a HT and was still bald on top it wud completely defeat the purpose of getting a HT in the first place and wud just continue to shave my head but thats jus me I guess....:cool: ur so close to havn a full head of hair. I wud jus bite the bullet and do the other 2000 grafts and fill in ur crown. 5-10 years is a LONG time... why the hell wud u opt for FUT wen u just had FUE done?
  3. first off why have you decided on FUT? I wud be scared too of the huge tell-tale scar it cud leave on the back of my head. sure, some have a great healing scar but others don't. ur physiology cannot be tested before you have a HT so u really have little clue as to how ur scar is gonna heal. you will have NONE of those concerns with FUE. FUE outside the US will not only be better then FUT it will be far less cheaper. if deciding FUT here in the states with these doctors will rip u off with their outrageous prices. and steer clear of Cohen in Connecticut. he's just awful imo. why he is recommended for FUE is a completely mystery. look to fly to Turkey or Belgium if you want it done right at a reasonable price. and second, meeting one person that has had a HT with a particular HT surgeon will tell you absolutely nothing!
  4. nice dense packing! great hairline design. one of the best I've seen in a while.
  5. u cud easily stand for a 1000 grafts. I wud def choose erdogan over bhatti. especially since u need so few grafts. one is average. one is world class.
  6. dude, widen ur horizons..... if ur just gonna look in LA county only ur gonna be very disappointed and broke!
  7. cudnt agree more! seems like many HT docs these days spend more time planning patient HT's then performing them. I thought doctors hired ppl to do that while they actually performed HT's....:rolleyes: there is no doubt that some techs do great work but which ones considering none went to medical school? there are rare gems in every field that just have incredible talent but considering the patient doesn't discuss his concerns with techs how wud a tech know wat ur concerns are? maybe the doctor can relay ur concerns to the tech.....:rolleyes: or even a better idea, maybe the doctor himself can perform the HT. now theres a crazy idea!
  8. I think the real problem isn't techs assisting. the issue is without regulation techs can essentially run an entire practice. I'm sure there r techs that do great work but without close scrutiny that cud be a slippery slope..... its such a joke tho. this is a billion dollar business yearly. ud think the US doctors wud learn to charge more appropriate rates. I mean how much money does a doctor really need to make weekly? $25k isn't enough? smh....:rolleyes:
  9. hope u brought a lot of money cause an NW6 via FUE will cost you about $40,000 in the US to cover an area that large with outrageous US prices.
  10. thats one really LONG run-on sentence... got dizzy trying to read that. paragraphs bro!
  11. id like to see more examples of higher number of graft patients. any average HT surgeon these days can pull off 2000 grafts. the real skill seems to be wen they can consistently perform 5000+ FUE grafts.
  12. not too bad. u need another 2500-3000 grafts tho. why did u opt for so few grafts being a NW5-6?
  13. looks great. is he goin back for a more work? seems like he cud use another 1000-1500 grafts or so for density. but he's only 12 months out so i guess he realistically cud grow more grafts.
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