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Everything posted by voxman

  1. Quite odd. I saw nothing that was so egregious that it would cause an account to be disabled. Waiting for follow up.
  2. Well, well, well...is this actually documented by Guinness for a World Record or is it just another veiled advertisement for this clinic? The only thing this 'milestone' appears to reinforce is how low a clinic will stoop for free advertising. 1st post ever.......who are you and what is your connection to the clinic?
  3. I think about 6 months down the road. I cried the whole time but I got a lollipop afterwards. And a beer.
  4. To get back to the original topic.... See how miserable I am.
  5. I think that the modern hairstyle fashions of the past 20 years have aided the popularity of FUE. Whereas, if we were all sporting 1970's Hair Helmets, no one would really care. Are you a Vanilla Ice or a .38 Special? It all comes down to personal style preference. When long hair is the fashion again, FUT will reign...
  6. Before anyone here can intelligently address your questions, we should probably look at some pictures of your head/hair. When you say you are 'totally bald', that conjures up images of , well...totally bald. Yul Brenner bald. Without pics, answers will be hard to come by or vague.
  7. Well, of course Dr. Mohebi has a yes from me. From consultation to after care, he is top notch! Add to that that he offers service to the most demanding and vain community in America (HOLLYWOOD!) with a servant's heart.
  8. Very fine hair, indeed! The results are certifiably life changing no doubt. Good for him. The hairline should serve him well.
  9. I thought it would be instructive to pass on the tell tale signs of phony or troll posts that are designed to blantantly advertise a surgeon or clinic we have never heard of. First off, it will invariably be the poster's 1st post: HappyHeadHarry Junior Member Posts: 1 The TITLE of the post will be extremely effusive with a minor spelling error. I NEVER THOUGHT MY LIFE WOULD BE SO WIONDERFUL AND FULFILLING!!! Then the introduction ~ they can't help pointing out to you that they are extremely intelligent and note that they always have a friend or mate who turns them on a HT - like they never thought of it on their own. AND they sprinkle in a Celebrity Name. And again, the spelling and odd phrase. Whilst in Graduate school seeking my PHD in Quantum Super Spherical Physics, I noticed that my hair was loosing ad thinning and it was affecting my siocial life. Then at Cheer Club I caught up with my High School mate who had hair like DAVID BECKHAM and I was amazed when he told me that just lays year he too was hair fall! Ah...then he pretends to do research until finding that magical Doctor. I researched exteensively and stopped in for several consultation until I found Dr. Sandahay Kookabura at the Natural Beauty Happy Nail and Freeze Dried Cosmetic Center School. I was so lucky! Then, no description of the procedure, FUE or FUT, graft count, tech info, etc....just a happy experience and done. And growth in record time! And he already forget who the Dr. was. So I got it done adn it was totally painless! And now 6 month later I had thick, luxurious yet manageable hairs and I am already married to a Victoria Secrets Model and drive a Tesla! Check out the photos!! All praise to Dr. Klienstrahooey. And Thank you Beauty Happy Nail and Freeze Dried Cosmetic Center School in Harlokhfy, New Zealand. Next to Kit's Laundry. And then the undisputed proof~ the PICTURES! Invariably lifted from some site somewhere, the last attempt at legitimacy. Maybe the same head, maybe not. Hmmmmmm.... So, the morale is - wherever and whenever there is a phony post, Voxman will shed light and keep the HT world safe. It's what I do
  10. ...and still no return visit. Unless you count his best pal who left one today.
  11. Well, here we go again. Just last week we got the Feels Very Happy with My Density Dr Suja post that we never heard from again , and now this. Everybody has a pal or mate in these idiotic posts. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/189017-feels-very-happy-my-density.html
  12. I stayed engaged at first and asked questions and then I just zoned out and rested.
  13. It is still a very oddly written post. "I was sad, I had some time gap, then I was happy". Nothing about the clinic, the procedure, the graft counts, FUT or FUE, the aftercare, etc...
  14. No, it looks fine to me too.... but can you tell me where he got it done? Small detail overlooked.
  15. A lot of posts are made about 'not caring' how your hair will look at 50 or 60. Take it from me -- you WILL care. Plan accordingly, be conservative if at all possible, and most importantly, be REALISTIC! Grow old with your hair and it will serve you well! I present the case of this 68 year old man. He had a Heart Attack in 2015 and is currently dealing with Kidney Cancer. Yet....He kills it. Above all, having a GOOD ATITUDE is paramount!
  16. Something bad can always happen - the world is a scary place. Just look at North Korea and Syria. And the Fires in California. But not to your head. Unless there was bleeding for a dislodged graft, you're fine.
  17. All my 1st reply said was "Classic". And I stand by that remark.
  18. voxman

    17 WEEKS

    This blog was never updated as I did all my updating in the forum. I've had 2 procedures. The last was surgery report is a post called VOXMAN REPORTS. But since you asked, both of my procedures resulted in about 2400 grafts each.
  19. Before you get all in a twist, please post some before and after pictures, Mr Hemingway. And then simply tell us about the procedure, not just how clean and friendly the environment was. Did you get your 5000 grafts from your 'not the best' donor area? FUE or FUT? Shaved or Unshaven? How many singles and doubles and multiples? Do you have their chart to share? What do the Dr. do and what did the Techs do? Your 1st post had all the earmarks of a shill, so please prove me wrong.
  20. Nice video, Dr. Lindsey. Expectations are key. Being an older guy when I started my HT journey, I never had illusions of a 17 year old hair line but today, at 68 (!) I have more hair that 30 years ago and am very happy. I got hair everywhere now!
  21. Your plan is fine. They just want you with clean hair the day of the procedure.
  22. Offer it an incentive, like, promise it a movie and special meal out occasionally. Or a trip abroad. This is known as behavior modification. But if it still grows slow, don't punish it. It may just be a slow learner. Or *special*.
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